Following in the Footsteps of Chuck Smith’s Vision

Photos by Josh Larson unless otherwise noted

As the Calvary Chapel Association (CCA) leaders—“spiritual sons” of the late Pastor Chuck—begin to retire, they carefully consider who will carry out Chuck’s vision. Their adherence to Calvary Chapel core values has given rise to the next generation of CCA pastors who are answering God’s call to shepherd His flock.

Among the new generation is Brenen Beeler, pastor of Regenerate Church in Huntington Beach, CA. He was raised up in Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa under Pastor Chuck, and was called into ministry after high school while serving at CC Green Valley Camp in San Bernardino, CA. Yet, he began college with a goal to be an orthopedic surgeon, while still trying to fit God’s call on his life with occasional medical missionary work.

Pastor Brenen Beeler teaches at his fellowship, Regenerate Church in Huntington Beach, CA. He is one of many younger Calvary Chapel pastors leading their congregations with biblical truth and CC distinctives—as God does a new work through them. Brenen was raised up in CC Costa Mesa, CA, under founding Pastor Chuck Smith. Photo courtesy Regenerate Church

At the Crossroads

God reminded Brenen of his purpose when the young man faced a crossroads during college. “That broke me. I began to weep before the Lord,” he confessed. “I told the Lord [that] from now on, I would pursue whatever it is He would have me do.” He sought counsel from Pastor Chuck, who placed him on staff at CC Costa Mesa, where he served for nearly four years.

Under Pastor Raul Ries at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, CA, Brenen served 2½ years and was asked to start a Bible study. In 2011, Brenen took that leap of faith in obedience to God’s call. Less than a year later, the handful of people who gathered for that Bible study generated a church. Eleven years and four cities later, Regenerate Church now meets at Golden West College. “We are still doing portable church, but the Lord is still accomplishing what only He can do,” Brenen affirmed.

Brenen (left) enjoys interacting with church members of all ages. Regenerate Church was formed out of a Bible study Brenen started and led in 2011. The church now meets at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. “We are still doing portable church, but the Lord is still accomplishing what only He can do,” Brenen affirmed.

Entrusted with Timeless Truths

Brenen, 38, does not see himself as a younger pastor. “Although I’m of a later generation, I feel like a first-generation guy because I was under Chuck and sent out by him,” Brenen said, affirming that he wants to carry on the Calvary Chapel distinctives and teaching of God’s Word verse by verse. “These principles remain timeless, pointing people to Jesus.”

“For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.” Acts 20:27

As many churches stray from teaching the Bible, Brenen correlates a trend of disinterest in the Word. He asked: “If we aren’t teaching the Word of God, what do we have left to give them? Are we just a community center facilitating community? Where is the power of the Holy Spirit working?” He added, “Like Paul, I will not fail to teach the whole counsel of God’s Word. It is Christ and Him crucified where the power is, and so we are seeing a renewed hunger of people wanting to learn and grow.”

Volunteers use their spiritual gifts to support the mission and vision of the church. Brenen points out, “I don’t call Regenerate Church my church; it’s really the Lord’s church, but He has called all of us to steward it.”

Technology Pros & Pitfalls

Brenen admits that online services are an option for those with health issues, but not good for people who choose to stay home. “The definition [of] the Church, the Ecclesia, is a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place,” he said. “Online church is oxymoronic because church means assembling together as the saints. We need to resist these cultural shifts; instead inspire people in a biblical model. If the early Church gathered illegally in Roman catacombs, risking their lives, being fed to lions in the Colosseum, perhaps they knew something this modern era of church doesn’t realize—the importance of gathering and learning God’s Word together.”

Pastor Brenen converses with a young man after Sunday morning service. He has emphasized the importance of churches meeting in person to learn God’s Word together whenever possible. “Church means assembling together as the saints. We need to resist these cultural shifts; instead inspire people in a biblical model,” he explained.

Expanding the Reach

However, Brenen embraces the opportunity to use technology to spread the Gospel, offering help and hope around the world. While teaching at a conference several years ago, a friend of the eminent family psychologist, Dr. James Dobson, was in the audience. This man later shared with Brenen a vision of what the Lord could do through the ministry at Regenerate.

Brenen prays over the congregation at Calvary Chapel Chino Valley, CA, after his message as a guest speaker. While teaching at a conference several years ago, a friend of eminent family psychologist Dr. James Dobson was in the audience; he later shared with Brenen an opportunity for the Lord to work powerfully by collaborating with the James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI). Photo by David Barrios

Brenen explained, “It was what God had put on my heart originally, but year after year when you don’t see that happen, you start to question. [The man’s vision] ministered to me so much, reassuring me that God was going to do it.” A few weeks later, Dr. Dobson called Brenen with an offer to work together, because he had heard about Brenen’s zeal.

“When Dr. Dobson called, he was very excited,” Brenen remembered. “He asked my wife, Morgan, and I to fly to Colorado to get to know us. After building a relationship for a couple of years, they asked us to partner with them—uniting their message with ours—to help young families, dating and married couples, and young parents with children.”

Brenen and his wife, Morgan, film an episode of “Marriage and Parenting with Pastor Brenen and Morgan Beeler” for the JDFI. They have filmed three seasons to date. “We weren’t looking for anything like this. It was just a ‘God thing’ and only He gets the glory and credit because it is not my might or abilities—it is simply a work of God’s Spirit.” Photo courtesy of Dan Lawrence and Joe Prangley

Brenen observed, “The Lord opened that door, and now we are writing and filming content for the James Dobson Family Institute. We weren’t looking for anything like this. It was just a ‘God thing’ and only He gets the glory and credit because it is not my might or abilities—it is simply a work of God’s Spirit.” Married for 13 years and in ministry service since high school, Brenen and Morgan admit they were still unprepared for the onslaught of spiritual warfare. “As we prepared these messages, our marriage had never been attacked so hard,” Brenen shared. “That’s when we knew God was going to use it in a powerful way. It definitely brought us closer together and challenged us because we want to practice what we are preaching.”

Brenen and Morgan have been married for 13 years. After experiencing unexpected spiritual warfare as they prepared messages for the JDFI filming, Brenen realized that God was going to use it in a powerful way. “It definitely brought us closer and challenged us because we want to practice what we are teaching.” Photo courtesy Regenerate Church

A New Thing

Brenen explains that he is only one of many younger pastors. “God is doing a great work in a lot of young men in the CC movement across the country and the world. These young people, who I am excited to be running with, meet together to pray and encourage each other. They are leading, being faithful to the truths of the Bible and the values and distinctives of Calvary Chapel, and reaching new people in new ways for the new time in which we live. That’s one thing Pastor Chuck taught—God will do a new work in a new way, so don’t put Him in a box.”

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

Pastor David Rosales (left) of CC Chino Valley, CA, shares with Brenen at Kay Smith’s memorial service. Over the years, David has been a friend and mentor to Brenen. David said of him, “I have great confidence that he is one of the young men who will have a great role in continuing the spiritual legacy of Calvary Chapel.” Photo by Tom Price

Fulfilling the Ministry: Thoughts from Pastor David Rosales, CC Chino Valley, CA

As Pastor Chuck Smith was preparing to go to heaven, he wanted to leave his ministry in the hands of those he felt owned his vision and readily held fast to the things he taught. The Calvary Chapel Association (CCA) board is made up of men who love Jesus and honor the legacy of our pastor, Chuck. Though none of us have lost our zeal and love for serving Jesus and Calvary Chapel churches, it is obvious we are growing older; we’re well aware that we need to look for future CC leaders, should Jesus tarry.

Brenen Beeler and his brother Garid Beeler, pastor of VISION City Church in Irvine, CA, are good guys who truly desire to carry the Calvary Chapel ministry philosophy into the future. Brenen has been especially interested in gleaning ministry philosophy from me and has been humbly open to counsel with a hunger to do ministry in the proper spirit.

On many occasions, he has told me how much he loved Chuck and desires to honor his legacy. He knows that as a young man, he still has much to experience and learn; yet at the same time, he has led his church in the direction the Spirit inspired him to go.

Brenen is hungry to grow in his understanding of ministry and Calvary Chapel. … I believe he is very loyal to what he’s been taught, and, as the apostle Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2, Brenen is one of those faithful men who are to be given the Word of God because they are able to teach others also. I have great confidence that he is one of the young men who will have a great role in continuing the spiritual legacy of Calvary Chapel.

Brenen preaches his message, “The Little Things,” encouraging the congregation that God uses seemingly insignificant things to prepare us for His purposes. He continues the wisdom he learned under Pastor Chuck Smith to teach God’s Word verse by verse. Pastor David Rosales observed, “He has told me how much he loved Chuck and desires to honor Chuck’s legacy.”

Learn more about Regenerate Church

This story first appeared in Spring 2023, print Issue 95 of Calvary Chapel Magazine.

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