Stand for Righteousness—Don’t Be One of the Millions of Christians Who Don’t Vote
Calvary Chapel Leaders Travel to the Nation’s Capital to Pray for the Country
Photos courtesy of United States Prayer Force
Longtime Calvary Chapel Pastors Mike MacIntosh and John Milhouse stand under the statue of Billy Graham at the U.S. Capitol. Mike organized a group of Calvary Chapel leaders to journey to Washington, D.C., to pray for our country at a time such as this.
In the week before the U.S. election on Tuesday, Calvary Chapel pastors and believers gathered in Washington, D.C., to pray for our divided country.
Organizers of DC 24, where Calvary Chapel pastors journeyed to our nation’s capital to pray for the future of our country, ask the Lord Jesus for representatives with biblical values to be elected.
“Every one of us were not only excited to be part of this special time of prayer for our nation before this critical election, but the Holy Spirit also refreshed our hearts through the experience,” exclaimed Pastor George Small. George and his team of six drove eight hours to the nation’s capital from Horizon Fitchburg, MA.
The event, titled DC 24, was spearheaded by longtime CC Pastor Mike MacIntosh through his ministry, the United States Prayer Force. For over two years, Mike has been crisscrossing America. “In that time, I spoke with 2,000 pastors, gave out 40,000 prayer booklets, and saw how the Church is in need of revival.”
Mike MacIntosh took the group to meet friends serving as missionaries in Washington. “When I asked the host, ‘How bad are things?’, the response without missing a beat was, ‘32 million Christians are not going to vote,’” he emphasized. A study by the Barna Group in mid-October determined that 32 million Christians—regular churchgoers—were likely to sit out this election.
The teams met every morning for a Bible teaching before heading out in small groups to the different historical sites.
George recounted, “Mike MacIntosh gave encouragement and much inspiration during our morning and evening meetings each day, and God spoke through the various pastors who also shared daily devotions.” George was among five pastors and 45 people who showed up for the event, in addition to 30 in addiction recovery from U-Turn for Christ programs in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Gerry Brown, founder of U-Turn and senior pastor of CC Romoland, CA, also attended. “Our nation is desperately in need of prayer,” he urged.
This group prays at the Lincoln Memorial against the background of the reflecting pool and the Washington Monument.
Participants pray at the Supreme Court, asking that God grant wisdom for the judges in cases relating to the upcoming election that may come before them.
Calvary Chapel pastors pray over Pastor Mike MacIntosh and his wife Sandy (center), who organized the event.
Gerry was asked by Mike to lead one of the groups. He related, “The time in Washington, D.C., was a time of being led by the Holy Spirit as we were able to pray for the nation and the election, but more importantly we were able to pray with the people that were in the city. We prayed for hotel employees, Uber drivers, restaurant waiters, employees of the city, and Capitol interns. One of the interns couldn’t thank us enough for praying for him and his family.” Gerry was reminded that all revivals began with prayer.
Peggy, wife of Gerry Brown, commented that prayer changes everything and loved the opportunity to share the connection we have in prayer. She was asked to talk about the power of prayer. She was reminded of the apostle Paul’s exhortation to “Pray without ceasing” in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and the Lord’s invitation in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
Tammy Tuccinardi, wife of pastor Joe Tuccinardi of U-Turn for Christ in Payson, AZ, explained, “We joined together as sisters and brothers in Christ, to stand boldly in prayer at our national monuments and random places wherever the Holy Spirit prompted or led us to pray over our nation, our elections, and our leaders.”
The group divided into teams each morning and afternoon and prayed at specified locations around the Washington Mall, George said. “Our hearts were stirred by the profound words of Abraham Lincoln engraved in the walls of his memorial, and his bold declaration of God's truth. Praying at the war memorials further laid on our hearts the great responsibility and sacrifice that comes with our liberty and freedom.”
Pastor Gerry and Peggy Brown pray at the Vietnam Memorial for our country to have godly leaders, thanking God for those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.
George noted the importance of this time in history. “I was especially stirred that we are alive at such a critical and key moment in not only our nation's—but also the world's—history. We prayed for revival to come to His Church and once more a Great Awakening in America. Jesus is coming soon!”
The group prays at the Vietnam Memorial amidst the beautiful fall colors.
A private tour of the U.S. Capitol building was a highlight for the group. “A highlight for me was to pray in the great hall where Congress and the President will address the nation in January. While there, I had my photo taken next to the statue of Billy Graham in the rotunda. John 3:16 was inscribed on the pedestal as Mr. Graham posed with his Bible open,” Pastor Mike recalled.
Pastor Gerry Brown of Calvary Chapel Romoland, and founder of U-Turn for Christ, a faith-based drug and alcohol rehab program, is moved as he examines the Christian history in our nation’s capital.
“Standing in the Capitol and seeing the Billy Graham statue brought the importance of evangelism and discipleship at this time in our country’s history back to all our minds and hearts. All revivals started with prayer, and it was a blessing to be invited by Pastor Mike to be a part of this time,” Pastor Gerry proclaimed. “In God We Trust is all over the stones and buildings of our capital, and we were reminded to pray that it would be written on the hearts of the people!”
George declared, “Taking the private tour of the Capitol building impacted each one in how we are so privileged to have a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. We must not take our freedoms for granted, and may the Lord stir His Church to be faithful to vote at this hour.”
Calvary Chapel leaders unite in prayer for our nation.
Tammy Tuccinardi described the artwork, sculptures, and placards relaying Scriptures and stories throughout the building. “It’s quite impressive to learn how much of our Capitol building has In God We Trust throughout the most sacred rooms. God is still there, in big, bold letters above huge entryways and above the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House’s seating area in the House of Representatives chambers.” They prayed for the country’s leaders serving there. “But even more moving was praying inside the chapel where the Holy Spirit was surely felt by more than just me. It was quite emotional and moving that we were even allowed to pray in the Capitol as a collective group.”
One of the participants shares the importance of the upcoming election with tourists.
Tammy continued, “We prayed that Jesus Christ would hear our prayers regarding the state of our country and how evil the days have become—but also to pray for mercy over our nation, repentance over our country, and revival in hearts across America.”
They also prayed at the Lincoln Monument, passers-by curious about them, Tammy said. “We stood admiring the writings on the wall, humbled to see how Scripture was weaved within them.”
Gerry Brown revealed, “At the Vietnam memorial, there was a man in a wheelchair, John, and we were able to pray with him about his time there and the horror of PTSD that he deals with. He was an elderly man who was so thankful, with tears in his eyes, after our time of prayer.”
Pastor Joe Aldrete of Calvary Chapel Fellowship of Foley, AL, prays in a private room at the U.S. Capitol.
Learn more about the United States Prayer Force at
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SPONSOR MESSAGE: Wake Up America is asking for 1,000,000 people to pray for an outpouring of God’s love in these last days. Click here to learn more and enlist today.
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