Cuppa Kyiv: A Coffee Fundraiser for War Victims in Ukraine

Photo courtesy of Sharon Markey

Missionaries George and Sharon Markey continue to minister to Ukrainian refugees after evacuating Kyiv, Ukraine, in February 2022 and then relocating to Budapest, Hungary. Since then, the Markeys have coordinated evacuations, helped resettle displaced people from war-torn areas, transported aid, organized events for refugees, and delivered food and goods to families now living in Hungary.

During a team meeting, George Markey (left) and his wife Sharon enjoy a cup of freshly roasted Arabica coffee from a Christian roaster in Kyiv, Ukraine. To help aid Ukrainian refugees who have relocated to Hungary, the Markeys offer a unique opportunity that supports their efforts while providing a fragrant, flavorsome product.

“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” Matthew 25:40

As part of their ongoing effort, they initiated BridgeUA to connect “the resources of our friends and partners in the West with the greatest needs of Ukrainians, both in Ukraine and across Europe.” Their ultimate goal is that every Ukrainian would have an opportunity to be part of a community of believers who love and follow Jesus, seeking to provide that through offering aid, support, and community.

Though they offer ways individuals can help through their website, Bridge UA has created a unique opportunity for churches and individuals to come alongside in support through a coffee-bean fundraiser. Offering freshly roasted beans from a Christian businessman in Kyiv, they endeavor to provide a quality product in a way that has both immediate and eternal effects.

Use this link BridgeUA Coffee to order your coffee beans. Within 24 hours, you will receive an email with directions for how to make your donation. And soon you will be enjoying your freshly roasted coffee, helping hundreds of Ukrainian refugees.


Sharon Markey, missionary, wife, and full-time mother of six boys, shares her heart with stories of her family’s journey in Ukraine, living through the Russian invasion, and relocating to Budapest, Hungary, at MommyJoys blog.

SPONSOR MESSAGE: Calvary Bible Institute is a one-year program designed to equip those who are called to serve the Lord in full-time ministry. Visit CBI's website to learn more about their programs at

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