A Portrait Of Grace, Part 6
When our actions are opposed to our faith in Jesus Christ, what are we as believers to do? We can’t live there, according to Pastor Chuck Smith, and must listen to the Holy Spirit, who helps us to stand again. Learn more in our continuing series based on Chuck’s book, Why Grace Changes Everything.
Get the Picture?
Our actions [aren’t] always going to be perfect. As children of God who believe in Jesus Christ, we are engaged in spiritual warfare. Though our spirits are renewed in Christ Jesus, we are still living in these old corrupt houses, our bodies. My corrupted house makes strong demands upon me. I find at times that I am battling my flesh so that I do not do the things I really want to do. Sometimes my activities and actions are opposed to my faith in Jesus Christ.
But I can't live in that condition. I may stumble and fall, as does everyone, but I don't lay there. The Spirit won't let me; He prompts me and helps me to stand up again. When I stumble or fall, God doesn't get out the eraser and blot out my name from the Book of Life. When you are trying to teach your son or daughter to walk, their struggling doesn't prompt you to shout, “Get out of here, you brat. You are not my child, falling like that! I disown you.” No, you pick up your child and say, “You're all right. Try it again. Come to daddy, now. Come on! Come on!” You encourage your child to try again and again.
You are God's child. He is trying to help you to develop a walk with Him. It is comforting to know that when we stumble and fall, He doesn't kick us out. He doesn't disown us. He doesn't say, “You are not My child anymore because you have stumbled!” Instead, He picks us up and dusts us off. He says, “All right now, try again.”
Anyone who is born of God cannot live in sin. We cannot be practicing a life of sin. If we are, we are proving that we do not believe what we say we do. Abraham believed God and his actions followed his belief.
Of course, that doesn't mean that once Abraham committed his life to God in faith that he never wavered in belief again. Far from it! Sandwiched around the Bible's declaration of Abraham's faith in Genesis 15:6 are two incidents that describe great lapses in his faith. Chapters 12 and 20 of Genesis describe how Abraham concocted lies designed to save his own skin rather than relying on God to keep him safe. Abraham could be an ice-tapper, too—but that wasn't the dominant characteristic of his life. He suffered occasional lapses, as we all do, but he didn't live in those lapses. He lived out his faith to such an extent that the Bible calls him a man of faith. Abraham's faith led him to act out his faith.
And yet it was not his actions by which God determined his righteousness; his righteousness was determined by his believing. It is the same with us. Our faith must necessarily lead to a life of obedience and right actions, but it is not those right actions or our obedience that earn us right standing before God. The righteousness of Jesus Christ is imparted to us by faith.
By virtue of the fact that I believe in God and am trusting in Jesus Christ, I become a son of Abraham. I become a descendant, and thus the promises and covenant blessings that God gave to Abraham are mine as well.
This gospel of grace was preached long ago in Abraham. His life is a glorious picture of what grace is and does. It is far more beautiful than any painting hanging in the Louvre, or in the Prado, or in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is a stunning portrait of God's love for a sinner who places his complete trust in Him—and the best thing of all about the picture is that we're right there in the background, with the word Blessed emblazoned on our foreheads.
Follow the series “A Portrait of Grace” at Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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