‘Jesus in July’ Draws New Lives to a Midwest Calvary Chapel
When God changed the format of Parkland Chapel’s first ever “Jesus in July” event, the planned night of entertainment was transformed into an electric night of spontaneous worship at the Farmington, MO, Calvary Chapel.
Medical Mission in the Middle East
Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, NJ, collaborates with Jordanian church offering medical and spiritual healing to Iraqi and Syrian refugees.
The Look of Faith: Full Obedience
Abram was accounted righteous by believing the promise God made to him. How do we lay hold of God’s promises to receive the blessing He intends toward us? Find out in Pastor Chuck’s lesson today.
The Look of Faith: Faith Grows a Step at a Time
Do you find yourself in a spiritually barren place or are you walking with the Lord to where He has called you? Explore Pastor Chuck’s step-by-step faith lesson here.
Yielding a Harvest: Serving God at Work & Church
Bi-vocational pastors have numerous opportunities to minister to the world, sharing the Gospel. Steve Freeman, pastor of Calvary Chapel Living Hope in West Des Moines, IA, shares godly wisdom on serving the Lord where He has called.
High Time to Wake Up, Jesus is Coming!
Jesus said His followers would know the signs of His coming. Pastor Chuck tells us the importance of being alert, taking up our armor of light as we watch for the Lord’s soon return.
Forgiving the Unforgivable: Son Pardons His Father’s Murderer
Jared Younger of Calvary Chapel South Pittsburgh testifies of the truth and love of Jesus at the sentencing of his Jewish father’s murderer.
Teaching God’s Word in the United Kingdom
Hunger for the Word of God is growing in the United Kingdom. Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, CA, joined pastors from the UK in June to strengthen relationships and further the Gospel.
How Much Faith Does It Take to Be Saved?
Jesus said that if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed or a child, God will count you as righteous. But is “believing” the same as having faith? What exactly is saving faith? Pastor Chuck Teaches.
Florida Calvary Chapels Prepare to Assist Hurricane Victims
Even as Calvary Chapel Crystal River, FL, is being flooded, plans are already underway to help those who have lost everything in the storm surge.
Your Exceedingly Great Reward
Good works do not make you righteous before God. Faith such as Abram’s, however, brings rewards beyond your wildest imaginations. Read how Pastor Chuck explains that simply believing God’s promise pleases Him.
From Boys to Godly Men
Two Calvary Chapel-based rehabilitation programs are successful by focusing not merely on chemical addiction but on seeing the whole person transformed by God’s Word and the love of Christ.
Does Your Faith Please God?
Pleasing God is the very purpose of our existence—and the Bible says we delight His heart through faith. Using biblical examples, Pastor Chuck Smith urges us to put our full confidence in God’s promises.
Unlikely Brethren: CC Tbilisi Ministers to Russians & Ukrainians
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has forced mass movements of people throughout Eastern Europe—some seeking safety and some fleeing in dissent. Read how the Lord is moving on the hearts of refugees flocking to CC Tbilisi, Georgia.
Learning to Embrace Jesus in Kenya
Abide In Truth, a Calvary Chapel-based ministry, has established strong biblical discipleship, a growing church, and a U-Turn for Christ program in rural Kebabe, Kenya.
Walking by Faith, Not by Sight
How quickly do we forget that God reigns, even in times of trouble? We need not despair, for the Scriptures assure us that He is our hope.
Calvary Chapels Respond to Devastation in Maui
As the death toll rises in western Maui after a wildfire razed 80% of Lahaina, HI, many are in shock, homeless, and stranded. Shining their lights amidst the ashes and ruin, Maui Calvary Chapels offer hope to islanders.
Pastor Jack Hibbs Launches Real Life Network to Combat Censorship
A new streaming platform countering censorship and attacks on First Amendment rights is now available to viewers at no cost. It is a proactive effort from Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.
The Spirit of the Lord at Freedom Fest 2023
Calvary Chapel Downey, CA, revives Freedom Celebration; the response was overwhelming as many accepted Jesus as Lord or rededicated their lives to Him.
The Man God Uses is Willing & Submitted
Those who pick up trash around the church as janitors are serving the Lord as much as pastors. However, oftentimes they do not remain janitors. How can this be?