Taking Ground in the Granite State
Growing fruit in rocky, thorny ground is futile until the land is prepared. Read how the fertile soil God created is producing a harvest at Great Bay Calvary, Dover, NH.
Yielding a Harvest: Rubbing Elbows with the World
Pastors working secular jobs find many opportunities to share the Gospel, but the dual roles may cause one or the other to be neglected. Read how God strengthened this bi-vocational pastor as he reprioritized his responsibilities.
God Uses the Faithful Steward
How do we manage what God has entrusted to us? Pastor Chuck Smith reminds us that today, as in the past, God uses men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, to serve in His Church.
Inner-City Calvary Finds Home after Three Years Wandering
Hope deferred: God recently answered the prayers of Hope Central Watts in South-Central Los Angeles, miraculously providing financial provision for a permanent church home.
Men’s Conference Sees Scores of Decisions for Christ
The Resolve Conference in Idaho Falls, ID, encourages 300 men to dedicate themselves to pursue dignity, integrity, and fidelity in their lives.
God Uses the Obedient, No Matter the Cost
How do we respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit? Pastor Chuck Smith compares the reaction of joyful obedience from Jesus’ disciples to the hardened hearts of the religious leaders who persecuted these faithful messengers.
A Pastor’s Legacy of Faithful Christian Service
Calvary Church Assistant Pastor Avant Ramsey, who passed away in June, was remembered for his love for the Lord, gentleness, and prayer, interceding for many.
God Honors Uncompromising Faith
Jesus’ apostles refused to compromise when ordered to stop preaching the Gospel. Like them, are you compelled to honor God rather than man?
Yielding a Harvest: A Lighthouse in the Darkness
Serving Christ in spiritually dark areas is daunting, and when combined with human infirmities and weaknesses, nearly impossible. Read how God’s light shines through this pastor’s faithful ministry to his church and family.
God Works Through the Bold and Spirit-filled
Claiming there is only one way to God may seem intolerant to many people; how do we boldly proclaim that message as a transformed follower of Christ?
The Planted Pillar of Calvary Chapel Montebelluna, Italy
Pastor Craig Quam did not let cancer slow his service in the Lord to others. Instead, he kept his foot on the gas pedal, determining to finish his race well. Read about his testimony here.
Yielding a Harvest: Today’s Tentmaker
God’s grace is sufficient for this tri-vocational pastor who works and ministers in New York City. Learn how he experiences God’s power, presence, and provision as he serves the multitude.
Suffering Persecution, Even to Death
The natural man tends to avoid persecution, but a man yielded to God rejoices in sufferings that come with following the Savior. How will you respond when faced with trials and opposition?
Yielding a Harvest: From Farrier to Shepherd
God used a farrier, commonly known as a horseshoer, turned pastor to reap a harvest of souls through the power of God's word.
God Uses Those Who Know & Trust His Word
Calvary Chapel emphasizes verse-by-verse teaching of God's Word over dramatic spiritual experiences, distinguishing it from mainstream denominational churches. Why is this so important?
Far Reaching Ministries Supports Persecuted Believers in Middle East
Ghost Operations, an arm of Far Reaching Ministries, supports missionaries serving in dangerous countries. A recent conference encouraging those under intense persecution revealed 'faith under fire' testimonies of how God is working in closed countries around the world.
Transforming Youth at Calvary La Habra
Through many avenues, Calvary La Habra leaders intentionally and creatively build into the lives of their youth, training a generation of faith-filled teens.
The Artist & His Instrument: Pointing Praise Towards God
Although it is exciting to be used as an instrument of God, it can also be risky, as humans often exalt the person by whom God works rather than God Himself. How can we point our praise toward God?
What is the Key to an Effective Prayer Life?
In this second teaching of a 10-part series, "The Man God Uses", Pastor Chuck Smith uses biblical examples to describe the role of faith in strengthening our prayers.
A Photograph: A Stone of Remembrance
A personal reflection on how a long-lost photograph served as a pillar of inspiration both as a touchstone from where God brought Pastor Mike Stengel and where He led him.