Florida Calvary Chapels Prepare to Assist Hurricane Victims

Calvary Chapels in Florida are standing by to assist victims of Hurricane Idalia as soon as waters recede.

The coastal city of Crystal River, FL, is almost entirely flooded after Idalia landed, submerging homes along Kings Bay in seven feet of water—leaving the entire area without power and blocked off. More flooding is expected into the evening with the incoming high tide.

Volunteers at Calvary Chapel Crystal River, FL, situated just blocks from the downtown area, placed sandbags at the entrances of the church to reduce floodwater damage to the building. Just hours later, the water inside the church was measured at two feet and rising. Photo courtesy of Jason Shelton.

Cory Saul, associate pastor of Calvary Chapel Crystal River pointed out, “We were already expecting an abnormally high tide because it’s a full moon, and, on top of that, a super moon, so the water level even without the storm surge was going to be about two-and-a-half feet higher than normal.”

CC Crystal River, just blocks from downtown, measured about two feet of water this morning. Levels were rising at a rate of about six inches every 30 minutes as high tide approached. Thankfully, no loss of life has been noted, but several families in the congregation, along with thousands of other residents, have lost everything they owned.

CC Crystal River's flooded parking lot will soon be used to host relief efforts as nearby Calvary Chapels team up to provide disaster relief and the love of Jesus Christ to those in the community. Photo courtesy of Jason Shelton.

“Calvary Chapels in the area have reached out offering teams ready to bring supplies beginning next week,” Cory announced. Once the waters recede and they are allowed back in, Cory and a number of volunteers will prepare the church for use as a hub for housing outreach teams coming to minister to those in the community. Additionally, a specific fund to assist with purchasing needed supplies is being set up through the church’s website.

CC Crystal River’s 4,000 square foot future outreach location shows three feet of floodwaters at the time of this photo. “The “No Name Storm” of 1993, on record as the worst flooding in this location, peaked at three feet. This storm will have doubled by the time it recedes,” predicted Cory Saul, associate pastor of CC Crystal River, FL. Photo courtesy of Adem Sulleyman.

The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood, and the Lord sits as King forever. Psalm 29:10

Despite the devastation, Cory knows the Lord will use them to be a light in the community, showing the love of Christ to their neighbors. “Psalm 29:10 says the Lord sat enthroned at the Flood, and sits enthroned forever.” Continuing, he reassured, “At the most tumultuous times in history, God is still in control, even in a situation like this.”

More information is available at calvarycrystalriver.com

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