The Calvary Chapel Family Mourns the Loss of Pastor and Prayer Warrior Jim Stewart, CC Kansas City, KS

Photos by: Tom Price

Pastor Jim Stewart, (left) CC Kansas City, KS, ministers in Japan in 2002 at the request of one of his best friends, Pastor Lance Cook, CC La Habra.

The Calvary Chapel Family Mourns the Loss of Pastor Jim Stewart, Calvary Chapel Kansas City, and a Calvary Chapel Association Heartland Regional Oversight team leader for many years.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8

We mourn the loss of beloved Calvary Chapel Kansas City, KS, Head Pastor Jim Stewart, who entered into eternity Tuesday, July 2, 2024, surrounded by his wife, Lo, of 43 years, his children, and siblings.

After being diagnosed with bladder cancer in December, Jim had been undergoing chemotherapy. Several months later, the cancer metastasized into his lungs. Last week, he transitioned to hospice care filled with peace and confidence in His Savior’s plan.

Jim completed pastor’s school in Southern California under Pastor Raul Ries in 1989. Following in the footsteps of his great-grandfather, an itinerant preacher in America’s heartland, Jim and his family then moved to Southwest Missouri, to faithfully proclaim the Good News of Jesus for the next 36 years of his life. He had been the longtime pastor of Calvary Chapel Kansas City in Overland Park, KS, since 2001.

Hundreds of comments, prayers, and memories from those impacted by Jim’s life of faith came pouring in over social media—a testimony to the life a man who fought the good fight and ran his race well.

Pastor Lance Cook of Calvary La Habra, CA, Jim’s best friend, shared, “As we sat on the tailgate of his pickup truck after a Bible school class, little did we know that God was beginning to forge a lifelong friendship that would grow and develop in the trenches of ministry around the world. Today, our friend and co-laborer finished his race, his battle with cancer, and was ushered into the presence of Jesus. Our incredible loss is offset by the legacy of his faithful marriage to Lo; three sons with families that all walk with Jesus; a loving, thriving congregation in Kansas City; and countless people around the world that have been impacted by Jim's love for them and His love for Jesus. Well done, Jimmy!”

A celebration of life service is being planned for Pastor Jim in the coming weeks. His family and congregation are thankful for all the prayers and support during his battle with cancer, and give thanks knowing with full confidence that he is rejoicing in the presence of Jesus.


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