All That God Has Done
Photos by Billy Rutledge
Bill James, pastor of Calvary Chapel Ishunga, Uganda, and director of Uganda Kids Project (UKP), and his wife, Danyal, are tearful over the death of their adopted son, Nickson. “I know we will see him again. He was saved, and God was working in his life,” Bill shared.
Looking up the hill in Ishunga, a remote area in southwest Uganda, Bill and Danyal James wondered how they would ever accomplish the work they were called to—it seemed too outrageous. The next morning, with doubt creeping in, they began to laugh at the enormity of the task ahead. The Jameses prayed, trusting that God would perform another miracle in their lives.
Arriving to set up tents on their newly acquired hillside, Bill and Danyal encountered a man on the road with a grading machine—he was there to help excavate the land. “It was a five-hour miracle!” exclaimed Bill. “In five hours, he pushed a driveway and leveled the whole top of the hill flat. The next day, we were building the foundation. That’s how amazing God is.”
The facilities of the UKP started with Bill, Danyal, and their children living in tents and shacks, until their living quarters were finished.
The Ishunga Missionary Outreach Center was a miracle the Jameses watched God orchestrate. “We had nothing but a small SUV, two shovels, two Walmart tents, and a dream from God to start this children’s project while living in the bush where no Westerner ever lived,” Bill marveled. Ten years later, on that hill where cows once grazed, sits a large Christ-centered mission with two schools, a gymnasium, boarding dorms, a medical clinic, gardens, missionary housing, a kitchen, and Calvary Chapel Ishunga where Bill serves as lead pastor.
The UKP Garden High School complex houses 100 full-time boarding students who are given a Christian education and taught valuable life skills.
Agents for Christ
After Bill’s radical conversion to Christ in 2004 while working as an undercover narcotics detective, he turned in his gun and badge to serve Jesus. “A Mexican cartel guy put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. It didn’t fire. That’s when I decided to become an agent for Jesus Christ instead of the government.” A few years later, Bill and his brother-in-law, Dave Chaffee, started Agents for Christ. Both families sold everything, purchased two RVs and traveled throughout the U.S., evangelizing and encouraging believers along the way.
Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31b
Ugandan locals in colorful native garb worship at Calvary Chapel Ishunga.
Led to take the ministry internationally, the Jameses moved to Uganda in 2012 to work with local orphanages. They served for 18 months, gleaning skills that would prove invaluable in helping impoverished families residing outside the walls of the village community.
Adopted into God’s Family
Through heartaches and joys, Bill and Danyal’s love for those they serve stirred them to adopt several Ugandan children in desperate need.
Isaac, born crippled with twisted, useless legs and no hands, was almost drowned by his parents, believing he was cursed. He was saved by his grandmother whom he lived with for six years until she passed. Realizing Isaac had no one to care for him, the Jameses adopted him.
Longtime missionary Robert Totten displays love by teaching young Ugandans woodworking skills.
Now, 18-year-old Isaac has prosthetic legs and even without hands, he is able to keep up with any student. When completing primary school, he was given an extra 45 minutes to finish his science test. Bill chuckled, “Isaac told them he didn’t need any extra time and completed the test faster than anyone to prove he is not really handicapped.” Although Isaac is doing well physically, Danyal is aware of his struggle with why God allowed him to be born the way he is. “But assuredly, God is working in him, and He who began the good work in Isaac will be faithful to complete it!” she declared.
Students eagerly assemble in the food line at UKP.
Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world … having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. Ephesians 1:4a-5
Nickson was born with a rare form of epilepsy, causing him to have three types of seizures. Danyal and Bill adopted him, suffering from neglect and abuse from an alcoholic father, when he was 8 years old. Danyal shared, “He loved Jesus and came to know and trust Him as his Savior.” Sadly, after suffering a massive seizure in his sleep, Nickson died at the age of 16. Bill and Danyal are tearful over the recent death of their adopted son. “I know we will see him again. He was saved, and God was working in his life,” Bill shared.
Elijah from Tenth Hour Project (THP), a discipleship program of Agents for Christ, helps a young girl. Students from THP serve three months in Peru or Uganda as part of the program.
Danyal added, “God ‘allowed’ this. He truly perfects that which concerns us as it says in Psalm 138:8. He showed me that Nickson is His child, perfectly healed in His presence.”
Danyal (right) listens intently while Agatha, a UKP student, seeks counsel.
After undergoing surgery, Isaac is now able to walk more easily on his prosthetic legs.
Born with twisted lower limbs, double clubbed feet, double knee in one leg, bent arms, and only one finger on each hand, Isaac’s biological parents believed he was cursed and intended to drown him.
With cell phone tucked in the nook of his arm, Isaac gets a lift from his friend and fellow UKP student, Obed. Isaac learned to adeptly use his upper arms.
Miracles on the Hill
The James’ passion to equip children with Christian principles led to the Uganda Kids Project (UKP) primary school, starting with 17 students. The following year, they raised money to build an elementary school, expanding the school through Grade 7. The Ugandan Primary Leaving Examination is a rigorous test seventh graders must pass to advance to the next grade. The first UKP primary students who took the test in 2021 all achieved high scores, ranking their school 32nd in the country. This year, they scored first out of 8,800 primary schools, drawing national attention and praises from Uganda’s first lady.
Front row, left to right: UKP students Daphine, Glodean, Annex, Danella, and Lucky, carrying Willy, walk to Calvary Chapel Ishunga.
In 2022, a high school was added, giving students the opportunity to complete their education. Now, 389 children attend the primary school, 192 of whom are boarders; the 72 high school pupils all live on campus.
As a child, Evans suffered a dislocated left hip that was untreated, and the joint fused abnormally. He later developed a bone infection in his right leg resulting in a deformity. After the Jameses adopted him, he underwent surgeries to straighten his leg. Now, at age 18, he will have a hip replacement, restoring him to full health.
All For Jesus!
The first two Scriptures the kids at UKP learn are Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me; and Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Bill explained, “We tell them to put Jesus first in everything. From that, we developed our motto, ‘All for Jesus.’ We teach kids to live it, not just say it.”
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