Articles, story Sharon T. Markey Articles, story Sharon T. Markey

Ternopil: A Way Station

Heading out into the chilly morning air an hour before curfew is lifted, George Markey Jr., says goodbye to the family dog, Jack, and walks to the subway station in Kyiv. With just the clothes on his back, he begins the exhausting 14-hour journey to Ternopil.

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Articles, story Sharon T. Markey Articles, story Sharon T. Markey

The Journey to Hungary

As Sharon Markey and her six boys travel towards Poland in a crowded van, a last-minute decision to escape to Hungary instead requires them to walk across the border. Rejoicing as they approach safety, Sharon’s thoughts are on her husband, George Markey, Jr., still in Kyiv.

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Articles, story Calvary Chapel Magazine Articles, story Calvary Chapel Magazine

Please Pray For Israel

Pray unto our Creator God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and for the Holy Spirit to descend upon the situation in the Holy Land. Lift up Israel for godly wisdom in its response to the unprecedented recent attack from Iran.

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Articles, story Sharon T. Markey Articles, story Sharon T. Markey

The Invasion Begins

While George Markey, Jr., is in Kyiv, now under martial law and curfew after the Russians invade, his wife Sharon and their boys spend the night in a bomb shelter as air raid sirens ring out in Ternopil. Exhausted, Sharon reaches her breaking point.

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Articles, story Sharon T. Markey Articles, story Sharon T. Markey

Alone in a Country at War

Following the advice of an Ukrainian army chaplain, Sharon and her sons evacuate Kyiv, where the Russian invasion was anticipated to begin, for a place she thought was safe—Ternopil, a city in western Ukraine near the Polish border.

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Articles, story Sharon T. Markey Articles, story Sharon T. Markey

The Looming Reality of War 

February 25 marks the two-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In remembrance, Calvary Chapel Magazine debuts Part 1 of a 9-part series written by Sharon Markey, a missionary in Ukraine with her husband, George Markey, Jr. Although accustomed to years of Russian aggression, they never expected they would have to flee. Read their story here.

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Articles, story Kathy Symborski Articles, story Kathy Symborski

Family and Congregation Mourn Loss of Beloved Florida Calvary Chapel Pastor

Known as a man of heartfelt prayer and worship, Pastor Daryl Nelson, founder of Calvary Chapel of Palm Beach, FL, entered into the presence of his Savior after 40 years of Spirit-filled service. While his family and friends are profoundly grieving, they celebrate the completion of his victorious race, knowing he is with the One he loved so much.

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Articles, story Kathy Symborski Articles, story Kathy Symborski

Pastor Jeff Johnson, 1948-2024

Jeff Johnson, founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Downey, CA, passed away into Heaven on February 13, 2024, after a battle with cancer. He is remembered for faithfully teaching God’s Word and ably shepherding his growing church.

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Articles, story Christmas Beeler Articles, story Christmas Beeler

Music of the Jesus Movement, Part 1

As hippies fell in love with Jesus during the early days of the Jesus Movement, they began to create their own music style, sparking a new genre of Christian music. LoveSong was one of the first, its members drawn to Pastor Chuck Smith’s Calvary Chapel as they faced the desperation in their lives.

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