Mike MacIntosh: “Wake Up America” Tour Focuses on Prayer in the Last Days 

Story and Photos by Christmas Beeler

Radically saved in the Jesus Movement and ordained by Pastor Chuck Smith, Pastor Mike MacIntosh has been in full-time ministry for 53 years. On his ongoing “Wake Up America” tour, he calls the Church to rally to unified, corporate, targeted prayer.

Since January, Pastor Mike MacIntosh has been touring Calvary Chapel churches across the U.S. on a “Wake Up America” tour, aimed at building a “prayer force”—a united army of prayer warriors to pray for “a fallen America” in these last days. He’s traveled from Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Michigan, Ohio, Alabama, and Central California. Recently, he spoke in Alabama to a group of Calvary pastors and attendees from three states. The first night was a general wake-up call and invitation to receive Christ, while the next morning was devoted to encouraging church leaders and their wives, with Mike’s wife Sandy addressing the women. 

Calvary Chapel pastors, wives, and church leaders from a dozen churches across three states joined hands in prayer at Calvary Chapel Foley, AL, to pray for each other, their churches, the United States, and Israel.

“America is in trouble,” Pastor Mike soberly told the mixed group at Calvary Chapel Foley, AL. “I don’t know how much longer we are going to be able to meet like this.”

Overcoming the Enemy

Warning that persecution against Christians may likely increase, he read, “And they overcame him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death” (Revelation 12:11b). Pastor Mike noted, “The sacrifice we each make in ministry is different. We cannot love our lives; we can’t be selfish.” 

As an example, Mike recalled his role as a key chaplain in New York after 9/11. “I can still smell the smoke and the burning flesh of Ground Zero,” he said. Yet in the midst of the pain and suffering, ministering there was a great privilege, as so many were broken and hungry for hope.

From left: Tyler Warner of CC Trussville, AL; Lorraine and Pastor Joe Aldrete of CC Foley, AL; and Lori and Alan Mader listen as Pastor Mike speaks at CC Foley in October. Pastor Joe started the church in the Mader’s living room in September of 2009.

Reading the next verse, he shared,“Woe to the inhabitants of the earth . … For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time” (Revelation 12:11b). With such a vicious enemy, Mike reminded, prayer is the believer’s weapon. “Satan is a short-timer. He is on his way to eternal torment for all of the people he has hurt and tempted,” Mike explained. The enemy is constantly seeking “to turn your eyes, your mind, your attention away from Jesus and the truth. His entire focus is on [attacking] you.” The time is short, he urged, and we must not waste it. “We are consumed, wasting time—social media, raunchy television shows. The enemy knows his time is short, and he’s doing all he can to distract us.”

In a special time of waiting on the Lord, Tyler Warner (left) and Pastor Joe Aldrete pray for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit for the pastors, wives, and leaders assembled at the gathering in October. Believers gathered in small groups to pray together.

Urgency for the Gospel

Mike exhorted believers to waste no time in sharing the Gospel with a lost and dying world. “There is so much deception in the world,” he noted. Predatory groups are profiling children on social media. The drug crisis is no stranger to the MacIntosh family who recently lost a dear young family member to a fentanyl overdose. The lethal drug, which is mixed with other street drugs, is pouring into the country. He noted, “In one California drug bust, they seized enough fentanyl to kill every single American.” Times are desperate to share the hope of Jesus Christ, he said. And to pray.

Pastor Mike (right) enjoys talking about the things of the Lord with Pastor Trent Allen of CC Jackson, MS, who attended the gathering. Mike spoke with many over the two-day event in Foley, desiring to encourage them in serving the Lord.

 Pastor Mike shared a vision about the power and importance of God’s people praying in unity for specific requests. Just before going in for a recent surgery, he had a vision of demonic figures swarming around the hospital. Then thousands of little white squares came together to form a giant, powerful beam of white light which made the dark ones flee. “I knew that there were at least 33,000 people praying for me,” Mike noted, “and I realized that the light in the vision was their prayers.”

Tyler Warner (left) encourages the group while Stephanie and Mike McTigue (second from left) of Foley wait to pray with people. Pastor Joe Aldrete (center right) hugs and prays for Abraham, a graduate from the CC Bible College in Mexico, who now attends CC Foley and is praying about serving in ministry.

Pastors Called to Holiness

Citing Ezekiel 8:6-18, the Lord reveals that the spiritual leaders of the House of Israel were committing abominations against the Lord in their minds, especially jealousy and spiritual idolatry—and it impacted the entire nation.

“Is it a trivial thing to the house of Judah to commit the abominations which they commit here? For they have filled the land with violence; then they have returned to provoke Me to anger.” Ezekiel 8:17b

“Later, in Ezekiel 10, we see that the glory of God departed from the temple. If our country is going to escape God’s judgement, it needs to start with us—because we [believers] are the Church, the house of the Lord.”

Sandy MacIntosh, wife of Pastor Mike, encouraged pastors’ wives and women’s ministry leaders to keep their eyes on Jesus lest they should grow disheartened while serving the Lord. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. Hebrews 12:3. She also reminded women that Jesus constantly considers them: How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! (Psalm 139:17). Pastors’ wives prayed for each other’s burdens afterward.

Sandy MacIntosh

Pastor Joe Aldrete of Calvary Chapel Foley noted, “His message was timely and encouraging. It gave us all a sense of urgency to step out in faith with Jesus, don’t give up, stay the course, and trust Him completely. The Lord is faithful and ‘is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think’ (Ephesians 3:20b).

“Pastor Mike poured into us, and his wife Sandy encouraged the pastors’ wives and women who serve alongside their husbands,” Joe added. In separate breakout sessions, Mike answered the men’s questions while Sandy instructed the women, who prayed for and comforted each other. “God showed up and poured out His Spirit on us. The pastors and their leadership teams were encouraged and refreshed to press on, continue in the faith, keep teaching the Word and finish well—just as Pastor Chuck taught us.”

Ladies from CC Foley follow along in the Scriptures as Sandy McIntosh encourages the women.

Pastor Mike also urged pastors and leaders that the genuine love of the Lord is vital in ministry. “Never stop loving the people you shepherd. If you do, you need to step down.”

Tyler Warner, pastor of Calvary Chapel Trussville, AL, was encouraged in how to lead his congregation in the spiritual gifts. “We have seen healings and miracles at our church,” Tyler said. “I wasn’t there during the Jesus Revolution; I didn’t know Pastor Chuck personally. Coming here and hearing from Pastor Mike was very helpful for me as a pastor.”

From Calvary Chapel Gulf Coast in Biloxi, MS, Ben Howell prays for his wife Ellen (right) while Missy Holaday agrees in prayer. Leaders and believers took a special time to intercede for each other, as Pastor Mike exhorted that revival in America would begin in the Church. Mike encouraged leaders to pray, to stay faithful, and to “keep planting” the Word of God in people’s hearts.

An Army of Prayer Warriors

Anyone who wants to get involved with this team of worldwide prayer warriors is welcome, Pastor Mike emphasizes on his Facebook page and website.

“Will you join our team of prayer warriors?” Pastor Mike asked. “I’ve asked the Lord for one million prayer warriors that will go to war in prayer. To pray for an outpouring of God’s love in these last days.” He urged the group to imagine what such a team of prayer warriors could do through their targeted, united intercession. To that end, he created a free booklet called “Targeted Prayer” with a short encouragement and blank pages to fill in for their specific requests, churches, and state leaders. To learn more, sign up at mikemacintosh.com

Pastor Mike MacIntosh posts regular updates on his Facebook page, where he recently urged followers: But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers (1 Peter 4:7). Those who wish to join his Prayer Force may visit mikemacintosh.com for more information.


SPONSOR MESSAGE: Wake Up America is asking for 1,000,000 people to pray for an outpouring of God’s love in these last days.  Click here to learn more and enlist today.

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