Calvary Chapel Waco Responds to God’s Miraculous Provision
Story by Kathy Symborski
Photos courtesy of Calvary Chapel Waco, TX
When Pastor Albert Fuentes of Calvary Chapel Waco held the grand opening of their new location in 2015, he was presented a “welcome-to-the-neighborhood" check from nearby Antioch Community Church. “That’s what we’re talking about!’ he exclaimed in his Texan drawl. “Most people just say, ‘Well, there’s another church around the corner,’ but down here people help people. That was the start of a great relationship with this megachurch.”

God’s Amazing Provision
Since that time, Albert has seen God provide in ways that he could never have imagined. CC Waco had been holding services in a rented non-profit community center for a while when the owner offered the million-dollar property to them—as a gift. Along with that, he added a huge donation for them to renovate the building that now houses their church body.
“He just liked what I was doing and couldn’t sell it for profit,” he explained. “We ended up giving away a huge some to different charities and organizations. Pastor Chuck [Smith] used to say, ‘Where God guides, He provides.’ God has blessed us just like he did Pastor Chuck.”
During the COVID-19 pandemic, CC Waco maintained a Facebook presence. Through that venue, Antioch Community Church learned about CC Waco’s toilet paper drives. Albert explained, “People were scared to go to stores. They needed toilet paper, so we started these drives taking it to them. Antioch saw what we were doing, and the next thing you know, they sent us another check!”

I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy her poor with bread. Psalm 132:15
Like other churches, they began live streaming during that time, and people watched as they expanded from toilet paper drop-offs to food delivery. “We were just grass rooting it, and the next thing you know, Antioch is dropping off another check. Now we have a full-fledged pantry distributing boxes of food,” Albert said. God continued to bless them through the COVID crisis, raising support and the church began to grow dramatically.

Discovering a Gift in Disaster
Albert began running disaster relief missions when Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005. After several years performing cleanup missions in disaster-struck states, he discovered the gift God had given him. “We started taking brisket and fajitas, feeding anywhere from 100 to 1,000 people. In disaster situations, people can’t always access their money, and they feel desperate. They just want a hot meal. That’s when I saw a great opportunity.”
What happened next confirmed Albert’s vision: Someone bought him a food trailer and a dually truck to pull it. “I turned into a barbeque king, and God blessed me to feed thousands—in Kentucky, Uvalde, TX, and Florida,” he acknowledged. “We are truly living in the days where we are seeing the supernatural work in the natural.”

The Blessing of Family
Children’s children are the crown of old men. Proverbs 17:6a
Although Pastor Albert testifies to the many miraculous provisions God has provided throughout the years, he is most grateful for the miracle of family. He is passionate about the sanctity of life, having three children of his own.
While some have walked down difficult and heartbreaking paths, he has seen God working in them. One son now serves full-time at CC Waco; his daughter, a Baylor graduate, and her husband are expecting a baby boy next April. Overwhelmed with emotion, he shared, “All these other things are good and fun to talk about, but children’s children, being a grandpa, those are the blessings my wife and I are most thankful for.”

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