Refiner's Fire

U-Turn for Christ helps those caught in the bondage of drugs, alcohol, and other life-controlling issues by offering the source of true freedom—Jesus.

Pastor Gerry Brown, founder and director of U-Turn for Christ ranch in Perris, CA, knelt beside Jim Williams’ lower bunk bed. “Pastor, please come pray for me; I am afraid,” Jim said in anguish. A new participant in U-Turn for Christ’s discipleship program, Jim was experiencing withdrawals from a drug addiction. Gerry quietly assured him, “I know what you are going through is terrible right now. We will cry out to Jesus together; put all your trust in Him. God’s Word says He will never leave us or forsake us.” (Hebrews 13:5) Gerry took Jim’s hand and began to pray. Tears flowed down Jim’s face, and his body began to relax from the torment. Afterward, Gerry assured Jim he would feel better soon and that the ranch staff would be with him as he endured this season. Gerry added as he left the room, “Maybe someday you’ll be the one kneeling beside someone going through withdrawals, and God will help you encourage him!”
U-Turn for Christ is a two-phase discipleship program meant to replace addiction to drugs, alcohol, or other bondage with new life in Jesus. Begun in 1993 in Perris by Gerry and his wife, Peggy, the family of ranches has since grown to a total of 13 in the U.S. and seven internationally. Plans are underway for two more in Indonesia and Guatemala. Most are only for men, while some have men’s and women’s sides. The ranches are centered on biblical teachings that direct strugglers to do more than combat addiction, but to seek to know and follow God. “The Lord’s call is to imitate Him,” explained Gerry. “We want to help those who come to us grab hold of and understand that goal: Christlikeness.”

God in Christ forgave you. Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. Ephesians 4:32b-5:1

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