Transforming Hearts & Minds in the Heartland—Part 2
Story by Margot Bass
Photos by Josh Larson
As students learn and serve at the Calvary Chapel Bible College of Horizon University in Indianapolis, IN, they develop relationships that become springboards for future ministry.
This is Part 2 of a two-part story. Click to read Part 1, which describes the programs of study offered by the university.

Springboard to Ministry
In his late 30s, Aaron Moon came to the Bible College with his wife and four children, feeling God calling them into ministry. Leaving his successful business behind, he moved his family into the college’s affordable family housing. Bible College Director Paul Lange explained, “He used the two years to dive deeply into the Word. And he met a key member of our church who was involved in regular trips with an organization to Myanmar (formerly Burma). As Aaron was nearing graduation, he met others with contacts in Myanmar.” That led to two short-term mission trips, opening the door for Aaron and his family to become full-time missionaries there. Political turmoil forced them to leave Myanmar, and now they are missionaries in Thailand.
“That’s exactly the kind of thing we hope to be able to do: to see people come in, especially those who have a heart for ministry, to search out what God has for them, then walk out in that vision,” Paul declared.

Paul's daughter and former student Sierra Lange eventually discovered her ministry as a respiratory therapist, bringing to the job what she learned at the Bible College. One day at the hospital, she worked with a patient who was depressed and couldn’t talk because she was on a ventilator. She recounted, “It was a ministry of presence with her. I was able to pray with her and encourage her. It was one of the most exciting things, realizing that sure, I wasn’t in missions, or overseas, or even in a distinct ministry—but the Lord showed me that the ministry He had for me was at the hospital, whether with the patients or the people I work with. It was like the Lord said, Hey, I got you here. Now it’s up to you to be bold, to represent Me, to pray for the people around you, and to share about Me when the time is right.”
“Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14b

Out of the Bubble, into Ministry
With just 18 on-campus students, opportunities abound to form close spiritual relationships with fellow students and the staffs of both the college and the church. Paul said, “It’s not just the Bible college bubble experience—we allow students to be directly engaged in church ministries.” Former student Corban Kaikkonen noted, “A servant’s heart, a heart that’s open to helping people, is cultivated here.”

The church staff is deeply involved in the students’ education. Paul reflected, “Our goal is to plug them in and even offer mentoring opportunities in specific ministries so they can grow in them. Right now, one of our students wants to come alongside Pastor Jordan McGaughey. So we have a two-credit class where he’s learning ministry principles. He does weekly one-on-one discipleship with Jordan, who gives him assignments and books to read. He assists Jordan in his ministry throughout the week. The students can even learn principles of accounting if they want to. Our accountant would love to have them learn basic bookkeeping and office management.”

All Things to Help Some
President Randall Dodge described the many ways Horizon University can serve all ages. “We want the adult student who is working full time and can only take one class at a time as well as the recent high school grad who wants to be immersed in full-time study and discipleship. We’ve got a retiree who’s just finished his Biblical Studies certificate one class at a time over the last eight years. We have full-time pastors who want to continue to grow in their knowledge of God, and we want to help someone who’s never really read the Bible before but wants to understand what it is all about.”
This story was first published in the Fall 2022 print issue (93) of Calvary Chapel Magazine. Since that time, President Randall Dodge reported that enrollment in the Bible College has increased for the current school year. He added that the school sent a team of students in early November to provide relief to victims of Hurricane Ian at Calvary Chapel Punta Gordo, FL.
Click to read Part 1, which describes the programs of study offered by the university.
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