From Fertilization to Birth: Creation Museum Showcases a Baby’s Stunning Journey

Photos by Tom Price

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:14

Walking through the winding corridor of the Creation Museum’s newly expanded, permanent pro-life display, Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, has left many in awe of the intricacy and handiwork of God’s crowning creation—humankind.

In the "Fearfully & Wonderfully Made" exhibit, lifelike baby models span the wall in a dramatic depiction of life from fertilization to full-term pregnancy. “Pepper’s Ghost” technology simulates the miracle of human development.

Twelve lifelike baby models visually display the journey of a child in-utero as improved “Pepper’s Ghost” technology simulates the miracle of development. Advanced animation techniques reveal the fascinating process of human egg fertilization, how the digestive system works in an 18-week-old unborn child, and even gives one the ability to see the in-utero skeletal system. The Creation Museum’s most technologically advanced exhibit, Fearfully & Wonderfully Made is believed to be the most profound and powerful pro-life exhibit in the entire world.

“The Fearfully & Wonderfully Made exhibit is the best representation of the stages of life in the womb and brings it to life,” declared Robert Shank, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Mid Valley in Van Nuys, CA. “The visual representation will leave a lasting impression that will truly leave its audience choosing life over abortion. Truly the exhibit brings to life the womb in every stage of growth in the greatest type of visual perspective.”

A model animates the process of a baby receiving sustenance through the placenta. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made is a new exhibit at the Creation Museum in Kentucky, close to Cincinnati, OH. The baby model is four times the size of an average newborn.

The Reality and Sanctity of Life

Even with the victory of overturning Roe v. Wade in June, the war against abortion is far from over—some states with abortion bans are neighbors to states who allow or even encourage abortion. While the battle surrounding the sanctity of life pervades the culture, the Fearfully & Wonderfully Made exhibit opened October 9, 2022.

Tucked into the fetal position and readying for birth, the 38-week model depicts the moments before Mother will meet her child for the first time outside of the womb.

Burt Salisbury, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Living Water in Toms River, NJ, visited the opening and said, “I think that such an exhibit is crucial to the understanding of people that a person begins at fertilization. We can stomp our feet and talk until we are blue in the face, but we need to change minds and change hearts—and that can only occur when people are unequivocally faced with the truth through the ministry of the Holy Spirit at places like the Creation Museum.”

Additionally, with Gospel tie-ins and real-life healing testimonies, the exhibit offers a tender-hearted illustration of the powerful work of forgiveness and redemption found in Jesus Christ.

Answers in Genesis founder and CEO Ken Ham (left) gives a construction tour of the new exhibit to film writer Stephen Kendrick and CC Old Bridge, NJ, Senior Pastor Lloyd Pulley (right). 

Lloyd Pulley, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, NJ, took a team from Bridge Women’s Center, the church’s pro-life ministry that has a mobile medical unit. “Four out of five women choose life when they see their baby on the ultrasound aboard our unit,” Lloyd reported. “This exhibit only further proves the reality of life at fertilization. I stood in awe over the state-of-the-art display and the way the technology captured the intricacies of fertilization and in-utero growth. Magnificently jaw-dropping!” he exclaimed.

At 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high, the Ark Encounter is a full-size model of Noah’s Ark. Built according to the specifications found in the Bible, the Ark is a favorite trip for many CC pastors.

Biblical Foundations

Answers in Genesis is the apologetics ministry of Ken Ham, founder of both the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY, and the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY, near the Cincinnati metro area. Providing answers from the Book of Genesis for many cultural issues of our day, the ministry seeks to equip Christians to defend their faith and stand on a firm biblical foundation.

Visitors inside the Ark read placards describing what life might have been like aboard Noah’s Ark over 4,000 years ago.

“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.” Matthew 7:24-25

The Creation Museum allows visitors an educational journey through biblical history, while the Ark Encounter animates the account of the flood with a life-sized display of Noah’s Ark. “We’ve been here [in Kentucky] three times,” shared Terry Hlebo, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Rialto in Rialto, CA. “Last year, we took 50 people, and then this year we took 100. It’s fantastic.” 

Pastor Terry Hlebo, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Rialto, CA, takes a stroll aboard the Ark, while enjoying reading about how it was constructed. Terry and his wife, Sylvia, led a team of 100 people from their church to both exhibits in Kentucky this past fall. Terry ranks the trip second only to touring the Holy Land.

Terry ranks the trip second only to Israel. “I tell our people, ‘If you can’t go to Israel, go to Kentucky.’ The nice thing about the Ark [Encounter] and Creation [Museum] is [that] it is all laid out for you. In Israel, you have a guide and visit different sites, but in Kentucky it’s all here.” Terry also shared how both sides of an issue are clearly presented. “They present the evolutionary position and then they give the biblical position,” Terry revealed. “You don’t have to worry about getting a wrong perspective. They’re putting both views there and then you make your decision. It’s right there in front of you, and it is phenomenal. Their goal is to not only present the biblical account, but also equip people to defend their faith.”

Lifelike replicas throughout the Ark present stunning visuals of life during the flood. Some of the exhibits have recordings that can be pushed so the lifelike mannequins answer your questions.

An Inspiring Sight

“And this is how you shall make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.” Genesis 6:15

“We loved it,” Burt Salisbury shared about visiting the 510-foot-long building. “We had never been there before and pulling into the parking lot [of the Ark Encounter] was actually overwhelming. We were surprised at how big the Ark actually was! You study it and consider it, but to actually see it was quite the experience. I would recommend it for everyone.”

Left, Pastor Robert Shank of CC Mid Valley, CA, enjoys time with the wallabies in The Ark Encounter’s zoo. Right, 7-year-old Joseph Shank encounters Ruby, a boa constrictor at the “Remarkable Reptile” experience at The Ark. Joseph is the son of Pastor Robert.

Robert Shank added, “Both encounters were solidly biblically-based, very well designed, and interactive.” 

“You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit.” Job 10:12

A camel at The Ark Encounter’s zoo stands in view of the life-sized Ark, as if waiting to board it when the flood comes. Burt Salisbury, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Living Water in Toms River, NJ, shared after seeing the massive Ark: “We were surprised at how big [it] actually was! You study it and consider it, but to actually see it was quite the experience. I would recommend it for everyone.”

To learn more visit:, Creation Museum and

This story first ran in print Issue 95 of Calvary Chapel Magazine.

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