Calvary Chapels Continue to Respond to Changing SoCal Needs
Writing Contributor Joy Southerland
Photos by Francis Faurot
Calvary Chapel teams minister to many exhausted firefighters who have been on the lines for weeks, praying for their safety and their families back home. U-Turn for Christ and Calvary Disaster Relief have partnered with many nearby Calvary Chapel teams in bringing food, water, prayer and spiritual guidance. U Turn for Christ 951-943-7097 / Calvary Disaster Relief - 714-801-0068
Ministry to fire-ravaged Los Angeles County is beginning to change focus as firefighters are gaining more control over the wildfires and residents are being allowed to return to their homes—standing or not.
Angel Baez, assisting pastor and missions pastor at Calvary Chapel Monrovia, CA, is also a Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department chaplain, gaining him entrance behind the Altadena barricades.
With its large warehouse and proximity to the fires, CC Monrovia has been the hub of the outreach to both hurting residents and first responders since the fires began. Food and supplies are still being sent to all in need as well as the ministries assisting them, but residents are now facing a new challenge—seeing their destroyed homes for the first time.
For many, Angel said, “The only thing that’s standing is their chimney. It’s eerie. In neighborhoods, all you see is chimney after chimney after chimney—everything else is gone. We’re up there now trying to help them begin to face the reality that their home is gone. There’s nothing to rummage through except ashes. It’s very heartbreaking.”
Even those who did not lose their homes experience devastation as well, Angel added. “You can imagine 10 days without power, food going bad in the refrigerator, wind damage, dust, and ashes. We are beginning to help them.” During the fires, CC teams have developed relationships with those who stayed behind to protect their homes and are now asking if any of their neighbors need assistance.
Tom Martin of Calvary Disaster Relief’s leadership team confirmed, “We will continue to support the ministry in Altadena through CC Monrovia as we transition from what we were doing to helping the folks returning to their homes, which are not there. We intend to pray for them and lead them to Jesus as they dig through the ashes.” They are also supporting the food ministry of Pastor Gerry Brown of CC Romoland and U-Turn for Christ.
Richard Schork, senior lead pastor of CC Monrovia, recognized that the area’s needs will continue for months and even years—and the church is trying to discern its next steps. “But as the needs change, it doesn’t mean the ministry opportunities are gone,” he assured.
Gerry Brown encourages a police officer on the lines. Gerry, founder of U-Turn for Christ and pastor of Calvary Chapel Romoland (right), has been instrumental through his chaplain's role in allowing the teams to set up behind the lines to minister to first responders and residents who opted to stay in their homes, wary of looters.
An Unexpected Encounter with Christ
Pastor Angel shared a “God incident” that occurred recently at the Monrovia warehouse. After the teams had gone out to deliver supplies, the only people left were volunteers who were sifting through the large boxes of donations. He noticed two women from the community, Spanish speakers, eating and resting in the area set aside for prayer and devotions.
“Before I knew it,” he exclaimed, “I presented the Gospel to them in Spanish. They had questions and had come from a Catholic background. I told them, ‘You’re responsible now; you’ve heard the truth. Will you respond to it?’ One of the women immediately said, ‘I will’ as the other said she needed more time.” After praying with the woman who through tears had accepted Christ as Savior, the other woman responded as well: “I’m ready to accept Jesus now.” Angel marveled, Lord, I did not see this on the radar.
Not expecting to see them again, Angel kept seeing them again at the church for the rest of the week. Then on Monday, January 20, they told him, “Pastor, we just want to thank you. It’s just incredible what God has been doing in our lives—that we would accept the Lord, and that God would immediately just begin to use us.”
A U-Turn for Christ volunteer gives a new sleeping bag to someone in need after the devastating fires had rampaged through Altadena in the Los Angeles area.
Ministry in Glendale, CA
Amidst the devastation in Los Angeles County, the Calvary Chapel church body from that area—and beyond—has been actively ministering in Glendale, CA. Volunteers have been feeding hundreds of people, often three meals a day for the past two weeks. The fruit of their labor has been evident with the Gospel being shared to many of those affected by the fire.
Calvary Chapel teams have been praying with and taking food to weary first responders during their breaks. Pastor Andre Bribiesca of Calvary Chapel Vessel Arcadia commented, “To see the fruit of firemen getting saved, National Guardsmen getting saved, locals getting saved—it was beautiful.” Andre added, “Just last night three locals gave their life to Christ, including a couple who had been dating and now want to get married, and her little brother.”
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:6
After the unexpected fires in LA erupted, the first responders and locals who had been evacuated needed food. “I am so grateful for the opportunity,” said Pastor Andre. “We are there to serve.” For the previous two weeks, teams from Pastor Gerry Brown’s U-Turn for Christ and other Calvary Chapels have been spending 17-hour days preparing food, feeding, and praying for first responders, the National Guard, and citizens.
Testimonies from residents without electricity and in need of food have continued to fuel the ministry. “Being evacuated, they had no electricity, water, or gas, and so we became their food kitchen... What started out as simple grill and three ice chests turned into canopies and lunch trucks for a community of people.”
Andre explained that they started small, but the Lord provided food and workers through many Calvary Chapels that began to hear about the mission. “We didn’t know we would be their lifeline for food. We are a kitchen that prays and gives food.” As of right now, Andre thinks they will stay in Glendale for an extended two weeks. “The Lord is showing us that we are there for that season.”
“But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” Genesis 50:20
Continuing Danger
The Hughes Fire, which ignited late on the morning of January 22, rapidly expanded to 10,000 acres, but calmer Santa Ana winds allowed firefighting aircraft to drop fire retardant ahead of its path, slowing its spread. Approximately 54,000 people have either been evacuated or are under evacuation orders. Meanwhile, the Palisades Fire is now 72% contained, and some evacuation zones have been lifted, though the LA County Sheriff's Department is maintaining strict access controls. The Eaton Fire, at 95% containment, is also seeing evacuation orders gradually lifted as firefighting efforts near completion.
Please continue to pray for the Calvary Chapel teams providing food, water, and the hope of Christ to those impacted by the fire.
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