Calvary Chapel Aid Goes to East Ukraine

Urgent Prayer Needed as Aid Operation Moves into East Ukraine

Be in prayer for Calvary Chapel pastors who are currently heading into Ukraine to deliver aid to those suffering in hard-hit Eastern Ukraine as the Russian bombardment continues. A network of Ukrainian pastors is crossing the border, working to get life-saving supplies and vehicles to that area, despite the danger.

George Markey, pastor of Calvary Chapel Kyiv, who has served many years in Ukraine, reported from the command center for this operation in Hungary. “I just got some important contacts … and realize right now that what we need to be focusing on is the east. There are these cities that are running out of food, [people] starving and cold, without water, without electricity. We realize that we’ve really got to focus on that,” he emphasized. “In the west, there are needs, of course, but … there’s a bunch of aid [already there] … but [it’s needed] as quickly as possible [in] the east.”

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A network of Calvary Chapel pastors is delivering aid—food, water, and vehicles—to Eastern Ukraine, which has been hard-hit by Russian bombardment. In this photo, Pastor Caleb Beller (left) of CC Fullerton, CA, and Pastor George Markey of CC Kyiv, Ukraine, film a video on the initiative from the command center in Hungary. They are asking for continued and urgent prayer.

Pastor Caleb Beller of Calvary Chapel Fullerton, CA, who lived in Eastern Europe and Hungary for 10 years, stood by George’s side. He added, “It’s amazing, but what’s on that map [in the command center] is a network of Calvary guys and churches that are all Ukrainian—stories of heroism and courage, guys that are putting themselves in very difficult spots to get aid to the frontlines and the people. The needs are urgent, the needs are real, but this infrastructure of the Kingdom that God is giving you is radical.


( Bridge for Life 2022 is a 2-day conference focused on equipping the church to play an active role in the fight against abortion. Discover how your church can be a Bridge for Life and learn how to launch a mobile ultrasound ministry in your community. CBILettersLogoHorizontalWhite

“Besides getting as far east as we can to get these resources—food and water—the biggest need that we’re hearing about today … is transportation. There are people on the ground, brave Ukrainians. We’re talking [about] chaplains, guys that are serving on the frontlines. But what they don’t have is transportation.”

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People line up to get water at a well in the outskirts of Mariupol, Ukraine, Wednesday, March 9. A Russian attack has severely damaged a maternity hospital in that besieged port city, Ukrainian officials say. CC pastors are uniting to help those on the frontlines and residents in cities under siege and attack from Russian forces. AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka

George explained, “We need to give them the wheels. We’re already sending the funds for one [vehicle], but we need more than that.” He acknowledged the danger of the operation. “One city is really locked up at the moment. But [the team] also wants to be in place for when/if they open up. So, we’re getting aid in, … down to the Ukrainians to do that [work].”

Prayer right now is essential, Caleb urged. “Once we get our vehicles across the border, we are establishing this network, this pipeline, that will go active real quickly into some very difficult areas. They’re going to be making their way through very difficult roads, icy conditions—let alone that they’re going into hot spots.”

Caleb shared that they’ve received reports of [hundreds] of people hiding in shelters, seeking to get evacuated. “These are the real-time things that are happening on the ground. It’s heartbreaking because we’re wanting to do everything we can to get to them, and things move slowly. But the Kingdom [of God] can get to them.”

The danger is real, according to Paul Billings, who has been assisting refugees in Ukraine. He is a Calvary Chapel pastor and brother-in-law to George Markey. He reported on March 9, “There’ve been people who have arranged buses, large buses, to take people out. I know several days ago some buses made it to Romania. … Also, people have been afraid because some of those buses have been destroyed; they’ve been bombed as they’re leaving, so people are afraid to leave, to stay. We tried to get a family out today that is stuck in the red zone, and it failed because of the Russian buildup … trying to take Kyiv in the next couple days. They are a foster family with nine kids, so that was discouraging. Please pray for them.”

Caleb concluded, “We want to thank you [for prayers and support], we want to praise God for the miracles that He’s doing and ask for specific prayer … as the biggest part of this operation gets underway.”

To support this urgent, long-term operation:
• Donate through Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia at
• To give to the Ukrainian Refugee Fund with Shepherd's Staff, click here



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All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

© 2022 Calvary Chapel Magazine (CCM). All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.


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