Good Morning, Brazil!
Photos by Jonathan Erdman
It was 7:00 a.m. at Hotel Fazenda, which lies about an hour northwest of the metropolis of São Paulo, Brazil, in the small town of Jacareí. The guests were just beginning to stir when a loud shout of BOM DIA! (Portuguese for “Good morning!”) could be heard across the cool, mist-covered grounds. The announcement was loud and jubilant, and served as a clear wake-up call for not just the guests, but seemingly all of Brazil.
South American pastors and leaders and their families enjoy a warm reunion as a church family last June—their first conference since the onset of COVID in 2020.
This was not a typical “hotel”. It was more like what Americans would call a Christian conference and retreat center; guests stayed in rustic cabins or lodges. In keeping with true Brazilian tradition, a soccer field served as the centerpiece of the facility grounds. Parrots and other wildlife resumed their chaotic morning calls as the hotel guests made their way to the dining hall.
The mountainous farm-like retreat just outside São Paulo, Brazil, was a welcoming venue for the conference attendees, making it feel much “like a family reunion for many of us,” said Pastor Celso Nascimento of Calvary Chapel São Vicente, Brazil.
“This is a very special gathering,” emphasized Pastor Celso Nascimento as he joined the rest of the guests in the breakfast line. “This is the first gathering we have had as a church family since before COVID.” His face reflected the warmth and joy he felt at the thought of the church in Brazil finally coming back together again. Celso pastors Calvary Chapel São Vicente just to the east of São Paulo, where the church is currently in the process of establishing the first Calvary Bible Institute (CBI) in Brazil. “This conference is like a family reunion for many of us,” he reflected as others filed in and greeted one another with big smiles and warm hugs.
You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11
Celso (center) prays with two men who were celebrating birthdays during the week of the conference. Leaders throughout the event encouraged their fellow servants that they are not alone in the Christian race.

[Gallery] Moments of warm and joyous fellowship permeated the weeklong conference.
The Brazilian pastors and leaders were joined by their families as well as other Calvary Chapel pastors from across the U.S. and South America, including Wade O’Neill of CC Golden Springs, CA; Cory Kilgus of CC Trujillo, Peru; Ramon “Ray” Holmes of CC Philadelphia, PA; Ronny Breen of Horizon Christian Fellowship of Harrisonburg, VA; and well-known CC leader David Guzik. David was also joined by his wife Inga-Lill, who held multiple dental clinics throughout the week.
Accompanying her husband David Guzik to the conference, Inga-Lill, a surgical dental assistant, held dental clinics throughout the conference as a ministry to the families. Inga-Lill often takes teams of dental professionals on mission trips to countries where people do not have easy access to dental care.
A Fresh Work
“There’s a very real sense among the pastors here that God is doing something fresh, something new,” David Guzik emphasized. “It’s sort of like a new page is being turned, and they’re excited about it.” David and Pastor Celso have been good friends for over 20 years. He plans on being part of the teaching team at the new CBI Brazil starting in March 2024.
David Guzik (left) and a young Brazilian pastor engage in lively banter during breakfast. David will be part of the teaching team when Calvary Bible Institute (CBI) Brazil opens in March 2024.
Cory Kilgus, pastor of CC Trujillo, spoke in a group session and helped facilitate an open panel discussion with the Brazilian pastors. He described his excitement for CBI Brazil: “As I looked at the building, the vision became clear. There was such a peace about the whole thing.” The goal for the school will be to train pastors, missionaries, and church planters to be sent to all of Brazil—and even the world.
Cory Kilgus, pastor of CC Trujillo, Peru, delivers an inspirited message to the group. Serving as a missionary to South America since 2013, Cory planted CC Trujillo in 2017 and started CBI Peru the following year where he currently serves as director.
Wade O’Neill echoed Cory’s sentiment, adding, “There’s an excitement in the hearts of pastors in Latin America to reach the world; meetings like this go a long way, especially when leaders come from the U.S. and other countries to show support.” Wade is the associate pastor at CC Golden Springs and serves on a team overseeing the work in Latin America. “This is a really special thing that is taking place.”
As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And for their sakes, I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth. John 17:18-19

[Gallery] The weeklong conference was filled with teaching sessions, a Q&A panel, and many opportunities for prayer.
Running the Race
Wade joined Celso, Cory, David Guzik, and other CC leaders in an afternoon panel discussion reserved for just the pastors at the conference. This session was a time for the Brazilian pastors to ask leaders honest questions regarding difficulties they face in ministry and hear details about the future work of Calvary Chapel churches.
Wade O’Neill (right), associate pastor of CC Golden Springs, CA, listens intently to a Brazilian pastor’s question as part of the open panel discussion. “Meetings like this go a long way, especially when leaders come from the U.S. and other countries to show support,” Wade remarked.
Pastor Celso recalled his favorite portion of that session when he asked each member of the panel to encourage the Brazilian pastors with any advice they may have about "running the race" of ministry leadership. "Every single leader had the same encouraging message—keep your eyes on Jesus," he shared.
As part of the open panel, (left to right) David, Cory, and Assistant Pastor Ray Holmes of CC Philadelphia, PA, respond to pastors’ and leaders’ concerns about their ministries and the ongoing work of Calvary Chapels around the world.
The pastors were admonished to remember to remain true to teaching the Word of God, remaining steadfast in prayer, and to always encourage one another. Whether the pastors were serving in the Amazon jungles, or big cities like Rio de Janeiro, this session reminded them that they are never alone in the race.
I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they may also be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. John 17:20-21
Senior Pastor Ronny Breen of Horizon Christian Fellowship in Harrisonburg, VA, pauses his message while Pastor Alexandre Vaz of CC Rio de Janeiro translates. “The church is alive and well in South America,” exclaimed Ronny.
“The church is alive and well in South America,” exclaimed Ronny Breen senior pastor of Horizon Christian Fellowship. Through opportunities to sit with several pastors and other leaders to hear their testimonies, he was encouraged to hear how the Lord was working. “There will be lots of opportunities for people to serve in South America, and especially right here in Brazil. It’s exciting.”

[Gallery] Worship, baptisms, and activities for children and families were vibrant elements of the retreat.
The spirit of joy and unity carried through the entire week. Babies were dedicated, a baptism was held, and the group shared communion together. The leaders also took advantage of the retreat to enjoy a bit of leisure as they swam in the swimming pool and went on hikes to catch the sunset over the Brazilian landscape.
Observing the evident hunger for God’s Word through all of Latin America, Ray encourages Calvary Chapel congregations all over to continue praying for the church in Brazil and to have a heart for missions. “That is God’s heart, and it should be our heart as well.”
“There is a lot of unity here in the Calvary Chapel churches in Brazil,” explained CC Philadelphia Assistant Pastor Ray Holmes. What makes them stand out in Latin America, according to Ray, is the sound, expository teaching which the Holy Spirit uses. All over Latin America, and especially in Brazil, people are hungry for the truth from the Word of God. Ray encouraged churches in North America and other regions to pray for the church in Brazil, and to continue to have a heart for missions. “That is God’s heart, and it should be our heart as well.”
At the end of an evening hike, overlooking the mountains around the retreat, Andre Luiz of CC Rio de Janeiro gives praise to the Lord.
From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord’s name is to be praised. The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens. Psalm 113:3-4
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