CCA Pastors’ & Leaders’ Conference 2021

Bill Goodrich Teaches at CCA International Pastors' & Leaders' Conference 2021

Story by Katie Bass
Photos by Tom Price and Josh Larson

This week, follow along with Calvary Chapel Magazine as we publish summaries of the teachings at the CCA 2021 Calvary Chapel International Pastors' & Leaders' Conference at CC Golden Springs, CA.

In this installment, Pastor Bill Goodrich of Horizon Christian Fellowship of Indianapolis, IN, shares encouragement from Acts Chapter 2.

Watch this teaching in its entirety at Day 2 / Bill Goodrich

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Conference attendees praise the Lord during a time of worship on Tuesday.

In a teaching full of humor and important reminders, Pastor Bill Goodrich began the second session of the CCA International Pastors' & Leaders' Conference by reading from Acts 2:36-47.

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2:42

In his presentation “And They Continued Steadfastly”, Bill described how to fulfill Acts 2:42, breaking his teaching into five main points: 1) The present situation, 2) The Wonderful Beginning, 3) The Challenge, 4) The Vehicle, and 5) The Fruit.


The Present Situation

The present situation in Acts 2 was that the early church was living among a perverse generation (Acts 2:40). Bill quoted some definitions of perverse generation: “It means ‘a corrupt, crooked, evil, and unjust generation, … a generation that’s bent out of shape.’ Does that describe what’s going on [now] in any way?” After reading 2 Timothy 3:1-5 to further describe this generation, he completed the point by saying that we live in “a generation in great need.” But he quickly added, “We are the answer. We are the light unto this world and the salt unto this earth.” 


The Wonderful Beginning

Then those who gladly received his word were baptized. Acts 2:41a

Bill emphasized the vitality of a church that is centered on—and joyfully receiving—God’s Word. He defined what this looks like for a fellowship: “A vibrant body of believers does not just hear and listen to the Word of God. They are not just present to join the crowd and see what is going on; they do not sit with wandering and closed minds. A vibrant church receives God’s Word. ... They welcome it, … believe in it, take it in, practice it, experience it, hold on to it, hunger for it, rejoice in it, and share it.”


The Challenge: Remaining Steadfast

Admitting how hard the last year and a half has been for most, Bill described the individual who remains steadfast. “They persevered …, endured, stuck it out, persisted. This is a person who ultimately does not quit, back off, fade away, or slip back but continues on for the glory of God through the up and down aspects of life.”

He offered several examples to emulate: King Josiah in 2 Kings 22:2, Peter and John in Acts 4:18-20, Jesus Christ going to the cross in Luke 9:51, Winston Churchill, and finally Pastor Chuck Smith and other leaders in the Calvary Chapel movement. 


The Vehicle: How to Remain Steadfast

Bill told humorous stories about serving as a young believer, stressing the importance of remaining steadfast by joyfully serving His Church, which enables the Word of God to go forth.

Bill then broke down verse 42, sharing first of the power of God’s Word (the apostles’ doctrine) and the necessity of it going forth for teaching and instruction (Psalm 19:7-11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17). As the verse continues, he rounded out the roadmap with the need to carry on in fellowship (1 John 1:3), the breaking of bread together, and finally prayer and intercession.


The Fruit: The Results of Remaining Steadfast

The beautiful fruit mentioned in Acts 2:43-47 will come only when we remain faithful to do what is shared in verse 42: continuing steadfastly.

He concluded with a simple encouragement: “Just persevere.” He added, “Look! You’re here. You’re persevering. This world is changing before our very eyes. Challenges are coming our way, but the excitement about that is, there is a hunger growing for Jesus Christ right in our midst. We’re going to see an outpouring of God’s Spirit.”

Reminding them that Pastor Chuck’s greatest concern before he died was that pastors and leaders would not remain steadfast, Bill exhorted all to follow Paul’s example in Acts 20:24: But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.


Watch this teaching in its entirety at Day 2 / Bill Goodrich

View CCA International Pastors' & Leaders' Conference Schedule

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Visit the website of Pastor Bill Goodrich's church at:

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Pastor Steve Vickery from a Calvary Chapel in Wales leans on his wife as they pray together during the conference.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

© 2021 Calvary Chapel Magazine (CCM). All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.


CCA Pastors’ & Leaders’ Conference 2021


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