Calvary Chapel Pastors React to Reversal of Roe v. Wade – 2022 Top Stories
Story by Margot Bass
Calvary Chapel pastors and directors of Christian pro-life pregnancy centers reacted today with joy and caution to the U.S. Supreme Court announcement reversing the 1973 Roe v. Wade and 1992 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey abortion decisions. Today’s landmark decision, expected since it had been leaked weeks earlier, returns to individual states the right to regulate abortion after 50 years.

Pastor Ken Graves
“The Supreme Court did the right thing today! They corrected a 50-year-old wrong that has cost millions of human lives,” responded Ken Graves, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Bangor, ME. “The legal fight is one we must engage in, but it certainly is not the solution. Human life is no longer valued, and fatherhood is still not restored.”
He continued, “Only a true spiritual revival can bring those things about. Only a return to biblical thinking nationally can restore the value of human lives created in the image of God. Only seeing manhood and fatherhood from the perspective of our Father in heaven will end the awful plague of fatherlessness.”
Violence against pro-life clinics has increased since the draft opinion of the court was leaked. Pastor Ken cautioned, “Now we'll see how the wicked react. What violence will this decision justify in their eyes?” But more than that, he exhorted, “Now we will see how the righteous respond. Will the church engage in the rescue of the unwanted babies? We need a massive movement in adoption!”

Pastor Jack Hibbs
Statement from Pastor Jack Hibbs, founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills on today’s SCOTUS ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization:
"Today the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional right to life in its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. There has never been a Constitutional right to abortion.
By overturning Roe v. Wade, we are ending nearly 50 years of mass murder, and the Supreme Court rightly returned the decision to legislate abortion back to the states and the vote of the people. As Christians, life is a sacred gift from God. Countless lives will be saved moving forward.
However, the fight for life is not over. In California, Governor Gavin Newsom and the Democrat legislators are currently in the process of advancing SCA (State Constitutional Amendment) 10. If SCA 10 passes the Assembly by June 30th, this amendment will be on the ballot in November, and the voters will decide if abortion will be a part of the California Constitution.
This constitutional amendment will prevent future lawmakers from placing reasonable limits on abortion. Under this constitutional amendment, the legislature wouldn't be able to prohibit partial-birth abortions. California Christians must rise up and speak for the unborn at the ballot box. Just as Jesus Christ came to give us eternal life, we need to defend life at all costs."

Pastor Lloyd Pulley
Pastor Lloyd Pulley of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, NJ, stated, “This horrific suppression of truth that has been promoted by this bad law, Roe v. Wade, is now overturned. This now pushes everything back to the influence that believers have in their own respective states to bring an end to this American holocaust, the sacrifice of babies to Molech, the god of pleasure and convenience.”
CC Old Bridge has been one of the leaders in providing compassionate pro-life alternatives to abortion. Lloyd continued, “God in His infinite wisdom created every soul precious, with purpose and eternality, and this is the beginning of a brand-new future for many who will be saved from the clutches of the evil, satanic darkness of abortion. We rejoice for the battle victory as we continue to strategize for the war.”
Bridge Women’s Center and CC Old Bridge have worked closely with Save the Storks, which provides mobile medical units offering free ultrasounds to abortion-minded women. CC Old Bridge has purchased two of these units.
Save the Storks CEO Diane Ferraro applauded the decision. “We believe life begins at conception and abortion ends a human life. The impact of those affected by abortion are harmful, long-lasting, and oftentimes, unacknowledged. This ruling is an answer to prayer, and it is our hope that this will lead more women and men to open their hearts and minds to the reality of abortion and instead choose life for their baby. We hope it will help many who find themselves in a situation of an unplanned pregnancy to seek out additional resources and support,” she said.

Pastor Ken Merrihew
“While we rejoice in this answered prayer, we remember this ruling is just another step (albeit a huge one) in the battle for the unborn. This will mark the ban of abortion in many states, and we rejoice in the many lives that will be saved. But in many other states, it will have no bearing,” offered Ken Merrihew, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Oklahoma City, OK.
He warned, “We also need to remember that this ruling will amp up the resistance from the pro-abortion side, and we must be prepared to give ready, yet loving, answers. We must be ready to meet the issues that will come, not only in defending life but also in meeting the challenges that increased unwed pregnancies that may be the result.”
CC Oklahoma City supports two pro-life Crossroads Clinics in Oklahoma. Crossroads is directed by Tonya Schuster, a long-time member of Calvary Chapel churches. While applauding the decision, she soberly analyzed the challenges ahead.
“We have long prayed for and thank God for this day. Many babies will be able to live the lives God planned for them,” she observed. “In Oklahoma, abortion has been outlawed for several weeks. At Crossroads, we know this didn’t stop unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. We still have abortion-seeking moms contacting us daily. We are able to get them in quickly for pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and education on their options. We will continue to be here for moms needing real answers and resources in their time of need.”
A great challenge remains, she added. “Abortion providers are now promoting abortion pills from other states and even other countries. The pills are coming into Oklahoma mailboxes without regulation. This is extremely dangerous because these young women don’t have an ultrasound prior to obtaining the illegal pills. This is dangerous because they could have an undetected, life-threatening ectopic pregnancy. The symptoms of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and a pill abortion are very similar. These women could bleed to death, thinking their symptoms are normal.”

Pastor Scott Gallatin
“Obviously, the SCOTUS decision on the Dobbs case is fantastic! It’s rather surreal, but then, again, we serve Jesus, and there isn’t anything too hard for Him,” reflected Scott Gallatin, pastor of Calvary Chapel Finger Lakes in Farmington, NY.
“The Church has been promoting the supremacy of human life. The greatest dignity and highest honor attached to a human being is not just that they are human—it’s that they bear God’s image. Human exceptionalism should be championed against a growing movement against personhood, from assisted suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, genetic manipulation, cloning, radical environmentalism, and human trafficking. Exodus 23:7 says, “Do not kill the innocent.”
He continued, “I’m encouraged because it seems the Holy Spirit is moving in this direction. As an example, there are about 720 abortion facilities in the U.S; and 36 of those closed in 2019, 45 in 2020, and 27 in 2021. Of course, here in New York, Albany has the most sickening laws, but New York, of all states, had the most clinics (11) closed last year! Going forward, the Church needs to continue making disciples, support Care Net pregnancy centers, and pray! Praise Jesus!”

Pastor Derald Skinner
Derald Skinner is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor, HI, a church active in the pro-life movement. He exclaimed, "Today is a day of victory! Victory for the life of the unborn! Victory for the pro-life movement! Victory for our nation and Constitution! Victory against evil, darkness, death, and the devil!”
He urged, however, “This is a victory in a Supreme Court battle, yet the war for life and souls continues to rage state by state as we must not rest in the pro-life and soul-winning labor of love. This victory must inspire us to support and pray for pro-life centers and churches across the USA! We must fight the good fight of faith by changing our culture of death to a culture of love and life. Please pray for our Supreme Court Justices and all who love life. All praise, honor, and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ and special thanks to all who are engaged in bringing life to all.

A celebration outside the Supreme Court on Friday, June 24, in Washington, D.C. Calvary Chapel pastors and directors of Christian pro-life pregnancy centers reacted today with joy and caution to the U.S. Supreme Court announcement reversing the 1973 Roe v. Wade and 1992 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey abortion decisions. Today’s landmark decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, expected since it had been leaked weeks earlier, returns to individual states the right to regulate abortion after 50 years. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.
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