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A New & Better Take on the News

What’s the Scoop: A New & Better Take on the News

Story by Trinity Grau
Photos and video courtesy of Jeremey Wilson

“What does it look like when you give kids their own news show?”

“We wanted to bring you the news of all news, the best of the best! … We’re bringing you the good news—the news of the Gospel… It will knock your socks off!”

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Jeremey Wilson, a videographer and the children’s ministry director of Calvary Chapel Sunrise in Murietta, CA, started a children’s news show with his young family in 2020, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. They creatively teach God’s truths and His Word for a young audience—and their parents. Ten episodes of What’s the Scoop! Kids Bible News are now available on their website and YouTube channel.

After this energetic, fun, and fast-paced introduction by three young children, you’ll be hooked on the news—What’s the Scoop! Kids Bible News—brought to you on YouTube by the family of Pastor Jeremey Wilson, who is the children’s ministry director at Calvary Chapel Sunrise in Murietta, CA.

“Join us each episode as we look at a different biblical truth,” the children declared against a background of colorful graphics—the titles Pride & Humility, Fear, Joy & Contentment, Life Interrupted, Let Your Light Shine, and New Life in Christ. They continued: “The world right now is hurting, and people are trying to find a solution. Jesus says He is the light of the world.”

Watch the trailer here and see what happens when you give kids their very own news show!

Spiritually feeding those who are to inherit God’s Word can be the most fulfilling mission of all. For Pastor Jeremey, the Lord’s calling to use his gifts to evangelize the youngest of his local community was compelling. What’s the Scoop! is a YouTube channel geared to positively and entertainingly share with families the Lord and His truths.


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Redeeming the Time

Jeremey recounted, “We were inspired to make the show simply because during the beginning of COVID-19 our whole family was home a lot more. As a pastor (now doing everything from home) and a videographer, we wanted to put our time to good use as a family and bring some joy and godly hope into a very confused and chaotic world. It started off as a one-time thing, but people really enjoyed it and encouraged us to keep making episodes.”

The family has now made 10 episodes that can be found on their website and YouTube channel. The family also posts content on their Instagram page whatsthescoopkbn to show off some of their silly behind-the-scenes exploits as well as the thoughtful process that goes into making each episode.

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The Wilson family is headed by Jeremey and his wife Brynn, who is holding baby McKay. Front row, left to right, are Laiken, 6; River, 8; and Tatum, 11. Their matching shirts display the original name of the show—The Wilson Weekly. The family members combine their unique talents to produce the popular, entertaining, and biblically based episodes.

A Joyful Collaboration

The show features the efforts of the entire Wilson family: Jeremey, his wife Brynn, Tatum, River, Laiken, and even baby McKay. God has used their collaborative work to showcase the talents of each family member.

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McKay Wilson is the baby of the family. Born during the COVID-19 pandemic, she makes a very cute addition to the show. Viewers will see more of her in future episodes.

Tatum, who is now 11, said, “I like the show because it’s different from any other shows I’ve seen, and I love that my parents really enjoy doing it with us.” Her favorite episode remains the pilot because all the kids were younger. River, age 8, and Laiken, age 6, both enjoy the artistic aspects. “My favorite part about the show is when I get to do my special segments,” Laiken confided.

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River Wilson is 8 years old. The lone boy, he has a natural ability to memorize lines. He is a gifted artist and has drawn many of the characters and other artistic elements of the show.

River especially loves getting to share his love of art with his dad. “My favorite episode is Episode 7, the Christmas one,” he shared. Their youngest, McKay, is only a year old and stars in the show as well. It’s not just the kids who actively participate, either. Brynn writes scripts to complement her husband’s videography skills.

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Tatum Wilson is 11 years old. She is the lead anchor and does most of the singing on the show. In addition, she helps come up with ideas for the episodes.

Production can be time-consuming. According to Jeremey, filming can take more than four hours, especially when music is involved in a particular episode. The editing is the longest part of the process, with some episodes taking several months to complete due to the busyness of their lives. “It’s always rewarding, though,” Jeremey confirmed. There are plenty of outtakes on any given shoot day, some that made it into Episode 8, which tackled the issues of pride and humility. He added that making important biblical lessons fun—and having fun while doing so—is key to what makes the show so rewarding for the whole family.

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Laiken Wilson is 6 years old. She provides comedic relief, naturally, on the show. Laiken is full of energy and has a charismatic personality.

A Positive Light in a Gloomy World

The episodes started airing in April 2020, receiving an overwhelmingly warm response. Many parents felt that the show was a positive light in the increasingly dark and gloomy world that their children were now encountering. Some said that it was the best distraction for their kids while also being educational. Adult viewers generously noted that even for them the show has become a favorite. Many California churchgoers have fallen in love with the show, but the reach hasn’t stopped there. God has used the show to reach as far as New York, Tennessee, and even Italy. “It’s hard finding a show we approve of and with good morals. This teaches them about Jesus while watching their peers,” explained Eileen from New York.

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Jeremey gives instructions and works to arrange his three oldest children against the green screen before filming.

Future Prospects

Jeremey is hopeful that they can continue the project by making songs, albums, and picture books to further educate and shepherd children’s hearts to Jesus. Although there is no current pastoral aid from the larger church, the couple feel that God has led them to share in the same way they do with their children.

Jeremey concluded, “Knowing that social media has become so corrupt and limited when it comes to anything good or godly, we wanted to step out and make a difference, even if it’s just in this small way. Our ultimate hope is to inspire kids to grow in their walk with the Lord and to stir up parents to take up the mantle in leading their kids as well.”

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After the children are placed in their right places against the green screen, filming is ready to begin.


Visit What’s The Scoop’s website at…

View all episodes on the website at Episodes and on What's The Scoop's YouTube channel

Browse What’s The Scoop’s Instagram page for behind-the-scenes exploits as well as the thoughtful process that goes into making each episode at whatsthescoopkbn


(To learn more about Calvary School of Missions, visit their website)

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All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

© 2022 Calvary Chapel Magazine (CCM). All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.