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Update from Far Reaching Ministries

Update from Far Reaching Ministries: Ongoing Aid to a World in Crisis

Update compiled by Kathy Symborski
Photos courtesy of Far Reaching Ministries

Calvary Chapel Pastor Wes Bentley, founder and CEO of Far Reaching Ministries, updates Calvary Chapel Magazine readers of recent ongoing aid to a world in crisis. He also shares ways to help them do the work.

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“The bread lines were almost a half-mile long for people just coming to get a loaf of bread. We are going into the homes of people who couldn’t get out,” explained Calvary Chapel Pastor Wes Bentley, founder and CEO of Far Reaching Ministries (FRM), headquartered in Murrieta, CA. In cooperation with 250 chaplains and local farmers, FRM has fed 15,000 individuals over the past three months.

Far Reaching Ministries (FRM) is involved in five countries that are currently at war, and support is needed now more than ever. We have never been in a time where there is so much need and so many to rescue. In the last year, our ministry doubled—and so did the need. We have dispatched men and funds into Ukraine, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Burma.

Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me. Matthew 25:40b

In Nigeria we have taken on 100 new missionaries who are going north to the radical Islamic tribes that are killing [many]. These radicals recently went into a village and killed over 400 men, leaving 400 widows [behind].

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Wes Bentley and his special operations team explore escape routes out of Afghanistan. This group of Christian men includes Green Berets, Special Ops Marines, and local missionaries. “All U.S. agencies have pulled out of Afghanistan—all foreign governments, all humanitarian groups. We are the only ones left,” Wes emphasized.

We are now the only organization left in Afghanistan rescuing those trapped there [following the withdrawal of U.S. troops]. In March, we scheduled three aircraft to fly out 910 Afghans, but those flights were canceled after learning Afghanistan agreed no planes could leave their air space to fly to an EU (European Union) or NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) country after the war in Ukraine began. We continue to move these people into bordering countries. So far, we have rescued 884 people; but 3,500 people remain, asking for help getting them out.

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Stranded and hiding in Afghanistan for months, this Christian family was finally rescued by the FRM team. Wes said, “So far, we have rescued 884 people; but 3,500 people remain, asking for help getting them out.”

We have sent over $500,000 to Burma for food aid and medical needs and have dispatched an advanced team of former Special Forces to determine how we can protect and save lives. What we need now is funding for food and medical treatments.

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A baby injured in bombings in Burma receives medical aid. Wes reflected, “I am always aware that we cannot save them all, but we will save as many as we can.” FRM has sent an advanced team of former Special Forces into Burma in an effort to protect lives while continuing to deliver food aid, money for emergencies, and Bibles.

South Sudan
South Sudan has been a great blessing in that the chaplains have taken the war for the Gospel to South Sudan with great zeal, having dramatic [results] for the kingdom. I [recently] returned from South Sudan, where 370 chaplains had to come in from the front lines. Seventy of my staff have been killed over there, so the war is still very active. We just [held] a successful Pastors’ Conference in Uganda—over 900 pastors attended.

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Wes (left) works with some of the South Sudanese chaplains who are risking their lives to protect their people—physically and spiritually. “The chaplains have taken the war for the Gospel to South Sudan with great zeal, having dramatic [results] for the kingdom,” he remarked. FRM has been training chaplains in South Sudan for many years; these brave men are imbedded into military units, where the high quality of their training stands out.


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We are still on the ground in Ukraine. Currently, we have committed to feeding about 15,000 people a day for three months with food sourced from local farmers. This helps keep the farmers’ heads above water while feeding the hungry. Food is being distributed by 250 chaplains.

The Lord recently put it on my heart for churches to rescue and possibly adopt children whose parents were killed in Ukraine. Many refugees are returning but have no way to rebuild, so we are looking at the possibility of sending teams in to rebuild homes.

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Ukrainian soldiers gratefully receive much-needed bulletproof vests and Bibles from FRM; both are life-saving assets for serving on the front lines. Wes stated, “Normally that [body armor] runs several thousand dollars, but FRM has a contact in Poland who makes them for about $250.” Believers can donate to help FRM continue to supply them to the soldiers.

Interestingly, many men are returning after fleeing as well, and they want to get into the battle. Now there are too many soldiers and not enough supplies to arm them. We are looking at how we can help them with training and some spec ops-type education as well. We have also been able to supply quite a bit of body armor. Normally that runs several thousand dollars, but FRM has a contact in Poland who makes them for about $250. So we need financial resources to support this.

As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17

Calvary Chapel Support
Pastor Joe Focht of Calvary Chapel Philadelphia, PA, has been my pastor since Pastor Ray Bentley at Maranatha Chapel passed away. Don McClure [of Calvary Way Ministries and a leader in the Calvary Chapel Association] has been a tremendous help to FRM. These two men have been great counselors to me, and I value the years they have in seeking the Lord. Being in war zones, I deal with a lot of things pastors don’t deal with, so I talk with them weekly to make sure I am staying on the straight and narrow.

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A Ukrainian New Testament and the Book of Psalms fits neatly in the pouch of this soldier’s bulletproof vest.

Far Reaching Ministries and Far Reaching Ministries Aviation are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charities. All financial donations can be made through:

• the website at (there are links to various ongoing ministries)
• or by calling the office at 1 (951) 677-4474
• or mailing a check to FRM 38615 Calistoga Drive, Suite 100, Murrieta, CA 92563


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All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

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