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A Thanksgiving Meal—A Refuge in a Storm

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Photos courtesy of The Rock Ministries

A volunteer from The Rock Ministries Calvary Chapel of Kensington listens intently to a guest as they talk about the life-giving message of Jesus. Performing in the background is Santos of Santos Ministries, offering the Gospel through Christian Doo-Wop songs.

Located in the northeast corner of Philadelphia, PA, Kensington is one of the poorest and most notorious drug and crime-ridden neighborhoods in the city. Homelessness and hopelessness emanate from streets scattered with prostitutes, addicts, and gangs. It causes one to wonder how this city can live up to its nickname—the City of Brotherly Love.

Jim and Diana Hinton (blue shirts) oversee the Kids’ Activity Corner throughout the meal, sharing the Good News while engaging in hands-on crafts.

Right in the middle of the impoverished district lays Rock Ministries Calvary Chapel of Kensington, where they have been sharing the love of Christ since 2003. “One of our ministry highlights is being able to host a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner for folks who are literally living on the street. Anyone is welcome to come to The Rock and enjoy a meal with all the trimmings, served by volunteers offering them the love of Jesus,” stated Senior Pastor Buddy Osborn.

“But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14:13-14

A Thanksgiving Refuge

Guests enjoy the Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings—and dessert—served by volunteer “waiters”.  Senior Pastor Buddy Osborn stated, “Anyone is welcome to come to The Rock and enjoy a meal with all the trimmings, served by volunteers offering them the love of Jesus.”

And come they do—and are immediately escorted to a table by a volunteer, just as if they were at a restaurant. “We want them to come in, be able to rest and relax at a table, to escape for a while and just breathe; and then just get the best meal they’ll probably have all year,” exclaimed The Rock’s Assistant Pastor Craig Cerrito. He added, “The volunteers serve waiter style, taking their order. This is the day for them to be served.”

Rock servant Renee Beachy prepares the plated meals that will be served, sit-down style, to guests. “This is the best meal they’ll probably have all year,” exclaimed Assistant Pastor Craig Cerrito.

Not only are they served a Thanksgiving meal, but individuals are also given free clothing, gifts, and food, offered prayer and, most importantly, the Gospel is shared.

Keeping the event lively, Santos croons out “Born-Again Doo-Wop” songs—he has added Christian lyrics to 1950s and 1960s songs.

“He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.” Matthew 10:40-42

“This verse explains Thanksgiving—giving to those who are needy,” Craig summarized.

Preparation and Invitation

Being in the heart of the neighborhood, volunteers from The Rock have only to step right outside their doors to extend the invitation to Thanksgiving dinner. In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, a group of about 50 people preach God’s Word in the street and go door-to-door informing the community about the event.

Energetic volunteers truly enjoy serving the community. Every year, The Rock congregation responds overwhelmingly to the event, filling the sign-up positions almost immediately.

The response to serve is so tremendous that sign-up spots fill almost immediately. “Two hundred volunteers come and surrender Thanksgiving with their families to do the Lord’s work in the lives of those who do not know Jesus,” Craig pointed out. Many believers in the church return every year, and comments like: “We want to volunteer consistently. We can’t believe what we are seeing! We can’t believe this is real!” are often heard from those serving for the first time. They are excited to see the Lord working in such a dark place.

Serving Others Like Jesus

Using a cell phone, a table volunteer shows a local youth, Sean, a passage from an online Bible. Many electronic devices can download a Bible app of a user’s choosing, allowing easy access to God’s Word through familiar technology.

A volunteer from the church is assigned to each table where they connect with those seated, sharing in the conversation and explaining the Gospel message. For those seeking more one-on-one prayer, private rooms give believers an opportunity to minister to the person’s needs in a more secure setting. And many offered up their culinary skills, cooking 800 pounds of turkey that was served that day. Keeping things lively, Santos of Santos Ministries was on site singing Christian Doo-Wop songs throughout the event.

In one of the darkest communities in America, Rock Ministries Calvary Chapel Kensington has been a safe place, a sanctuary, for those living in the turmoil. Describing the difference this ministry makes in the neighborhood, Craig offered, “When you walk outside the doors of the building, you are in one of the craziest environments in America. But inside the church, it is peaceful, loving, and secure.”

“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” John 13:14-15

Guests enjoying the meal also receive free clothing, gifts, food, and prayer but, most importantly, the salvation message is shared with each. “We want them to know where they can go and when, especially when everything hits bottom,” urged Craig.

The Rock’s supporting influence in the neighborhood continually provides services to those considered outcasts of society who are often overlooked or written off. He urged, “We are [part] of that environment with a most important ministry. We need to maintain our outreach—constantly. We want them know where they can go and when, especially when everything hits bottom.”

To learn more about Rock Ministries Calvary Chapel Kensington, click here:

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