Calvary Chapel Magazine

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Calvary Chapel: Cuba

Pray for Cuba

By Pastor Bob Kopeny

From Pastor Bob Kopeny of Calvary Chapel East Anaheim, CA, in response to the current protests against the communist government in Cuba:

Our Christian brothers and sisters in Cuba are asking for prayer for their nation as well as for their safety. We have just been informed that the government there is rounding up young men and forcing them to join the military in order to suppress the current social unrest in the streets.

(This article sponsored by Pritchard Websites and Calvary Web. Click here to read more.)

There are reports of people being arrested who have participated in the protests who are now missing. In addition, the government is encouraging those who support the communist regime to aggressively oppose those taking part in any protests.

Men standing on beach reading Bible

Pastor Bob Kopeny (right) of Calvary Chapel East Anaheim, CA, shares the Gospel with young Cuban men in Havana, Cuba, several years ago.

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Cuba that the Lord would protect them and direct them as they seek to witness for Christ in the midst of the turbulent times they suddenly find themselves in. Pray that many are drawn to the answers to their spiritual need—not only to economic and political ones.

To read Calvary Chapel Magazine's article on Pastor Bob and CC East Anaheim's 2018 visit to Cuba, click here.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

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