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Passing the Torch at CC Moreno Valley

Passing the Torch: Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley Celebrates a New Pastor

Story by Trinity Grau
Photos by Tom Price

Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley, CA, a thriving epicenter of ministry work and dedication to the Lord, had prepared for this moment for more than five years. On May 29, 2022, the church witnessed a new shepherd take the place of Senior Pastor John Milhouse: John’s son, Joel Milhouse.

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Robin and Pastor John Milhouse laugh as they enjoy the festivities after the senior pastor’s mantle was passed over to their son, Joel, at Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley, CA, in May.

As Joel looked around at the excited congregation, eyes filled with grateful tears, he declared, “Those five years seemed like a long time. But now that we’re here, it’s come so fast. Little did I know that in that moment when God called me into ministry, that He would call me here. I didn’t think I’d be here today.”

So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6 

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John (front, center) asked the pastors and leaders to join their family onstage to pray for Joel and his wife, Ashley. John then stepped back from the pulpit as he asked the congregants to welcome their new senior pastor.

Passing the Torch
The change of leadership was placed on Pastor John’s heart years ago following the death of Calvary Chapel’s founder Chuck Smith: “I thought, I’m 66. What if something happens to me? I want this church to thrive.” John went home, prayed, and then shared with his board of pastors and elders that he would be stepping out of the senior pastorate in seven years. He recommended his son, Joel, for the position. Though he was confident God had a plan for the church’s next steps, the board was hesitant—John had been senior pastor for three decades. He asked them to pray about it. 

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Joel (right) is greeted by many folks, some of whom he has known his entire life. The day was a celebration since this transition had been in process for over five years.

Fourteen months later, Joel said he felt that the Lord was calling him to step into the role of senior pastor. The leadership continued to pray for another 10 months. In May 2017, the CC Moreno Valley congregation learned that Joel would take over as senior pastor. John wanted to ensure a smooth process and that he would not be missed by the time his son fully stepped into the role.

John said of the transition: “I believe many Calvary Chapel pastors have arrived at this place in life. We want to be well prepared so that if the Lord were to take us home tomorrow, our churches would be ready. I want the church to be healthy when I leave—not in confusion, division, or disarray. I want to see the flock continue to grow and mature.”

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Robin (left) accepts good wishes and words of kindness from many dear friends.

Becoming a Pastor/Teacher
Joel grew up in the church. From his earliest days, he remembers a vivid feeling of not wanting to be left out of anything. He said, “I just wanted to be there.” His desire to help at church never went away. Even though his parents offered to assist him in other fields and careers, he felt that God wanted him in ministry. After graduating high school, Joel attended Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murietta, CA. He wasn’t quite sure where the Lord was leading him, but he knew he wanted to be in ministry. While he studied, he spent time working in the janitorial and youth ministries at CC Moreno Valley. Joel knew that he would be content to be a janitor for the rest of his life—if he got to spend that time serving the Lord. Nevertheless, doors opened to Joel, who had a heart for the lost. When the opportunity arose, Joel served as high school pastor for nine years. He said he loved seeing what the Lord did in the kids’ lives.

Joel emphasized he did not assume that he would take the role as senior pastor.

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Ashley Milhouse and her 4-year-old daughter, Braylee, enjoy chatting afterwards.

“I loved our fellowship, but I knew being the senior pastor wasn’t an easy undertaking. I never wanted to do it unless the Lord called me,” Joel acknowledged. He said he was content where God put him. Though many asked him if he planned to take over from his father, Joel assured them that he would only do so if the Lord called him.

Joel recalled attending a conference on prayer led by CC Bible teacher David Guzik. David stepped out from behind the podium and declared, “I don’t normally do this, but I sense the Lord giving me a message for someone here: You know what I have called you to do. Step out and do it.” Joel remembered feeling knocked back in his chair in that moment and telling his wife, “That was for me.” 


(Sponsor message: Learn how you can receive a top-tier educational degree from a totally biblical perspective at the fully accredited Calvary Chapel University, which is 100% online). 

Many, including his mother, warned Joel of the pressure and responsibilities of the role. Joel understood that he and his wife would need to lean heavily on the Lord for this new season and challenge. They continued to wait and pray until they were sure that this was the proper next step for them.

He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24

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Now officially senior pastor, Joel Milhouse is overcome with grateful tears as he thanks the congregation for their love, grace, and prayers. He knows he will be surrounded by those who have walked the path of ministry for many years.

Humble Beginnings
CC Moreno Valley got its start in 1981 as a home Bible study, in Sunnymead, CA, serving as an outreach of CC Riverside, CA (now Harvest Christian Fellowship). Though the study was small when John began teaching—only four families—Moreno Valley was one of the fastest growing cities in California. Pastor John shared, “The Lord laid it on our hearts to become a church. In every step He gave us courage.” In the summer of 1982, Pastor Chuck Smith embraced the plan for the home Bible study to become a Calvary Chapel.

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Pastor John enjoys the company of his three sons (left to right): Joel, Eric, and Tim.

“We started with about 50 adults, 25-30 kids [so, the congregation was] very small, but we were excited to see what God was up to,” John explained. They met in school gyms and rented auditoriums. After the school district decided to raise rents, “we knew that the time had come to build our own facility.” Pastor John and the church elders prayed over every step of the process; as they drew up plans, they asked for counsel from Pastor Chuck and other pastors. The sanctuary was completed in July 1992 and was shortly followed by the educational building in 1995. Today, 1,300 people regularly attend CC Moreno Valley. 

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

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John’s grandchildren and Joel’s oldest kids, Kaedin (left) and Finlee, enjoy the festivities of the special day that their father became the senior pastor of the church he grew up in, first serving as a janitor and then as youth pastor.

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John is able to have a nice moment with grandson Kaedin, who that day became a senior pastor’s kid.

Accepting the Mantle
The transition was celebrated in both Sunday morning services. Pastor John opened by reading 2 Timothy 4:1-6 and addressing his son. He advised him to faithfully serve, just as Paul had advised his disciple Timothy to serve. Before ending his last service as senior pastor, John invited the elders of the church onstage to pray. 

John then welcomed his wife Robin, Pastor Joel’s wife Ashley, and their children onto the stage. Joel and Ashley’s 4-year-old daughter was excited to witness this moment; John humorously referred to her desire to take the microphone and sing. Then John invited the congregation to join him in a few moments of prayer over the new senior pastor of the church. Robin prayed over Joel’s family: “Lord, protect them and give them strength. So much goes on behind the scenes that no one sees—but You see it, Father.” Following her prayer, John and the elders prayed over his son’s leadership.

I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, … Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and teaching. 2 Timothy 4:1-2

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Mark Rendle (left), the only person still attending from the first day of the church 40 years ago, enjoys congratulating Joel.

Joel then addressed the congregation. “I am glad knowing that my parents are not going away but are simply taking a step back,” he declared. “From them, I have learned to rejoice with those who rejoice, to mourn with those who mourn. My parents have paved the way, and this place is where I’ve spent most of my life—it is my home. I know that we have come a long way, but God will use this next season to take us to newer heights.” 

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Joel (right) receives congratulations and endures good-natured teasing, some of it from those he grew up with in the congregation.

Joel continued with grateful tears in his eyes as he thanked the congregation for their love, grace, and prayers. He said he is thankful that he will be surrounded by the guidance of those who are wiser, who have walked the path of ministry for many years. “When thinking of the foundation that has been laid, it makes me excited to look forward to the next 40 years.” 

Many came forward later to thank both men for their service and to lay hands on and pray over them. Throughout the entire transition process, Pastor John explained, he has thoughtfully considered iconic duos in the Bible: David and Solomon, Paul and Timothy, Eli and Samuel. John affirmed, “What I would want other pastors to know the most is that there is a time to move on. Though it can be uncomfortable to think of letting go of a flock, it’s important to keep the future in mind. That’s what I care most about—that our churches continue beyond us and are healthy.”

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Pastors Don McClure (left) and Jerel Hagerman and his wife, Merrily, visit before the evening ceremony celebrating John’s 40 years of ministry. John had set this leadership change in motion five years ago. During this time, the congregation became familiar with Joel’s leadership and was happy about the transition.


(To learn more about Calvary Chapel University, visit their website or read our past coverage on the school)

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All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

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