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The Power of a Prayerful Mother: Testimony of Chuck Smith's Mother

Story by Debra Smith
Photos courtesy of CC Costa Mesa, CA

As many enjoy the popular Jesus Revolution movie, we invite you to learn more about the founder of Calvary Chapel movement, Pastor Chuck Smith.

Pastor Chuck Smith was born in 1927 in Ventura, CA, to Charles and Maude Smith, the second of four children. As a child, his mother read her children Bible stories and encouraged them to memorize Scripture.

Two months before Chuck was born in 1927 in Southern California, his 3-year-old sister Virginia contracted spinal meningitis. As the girl went into a seizure and then disconcertingly stilled, her mother scooped Virginia into her arms and darted down the street to the parsonage. As the pastor began to pray, Virginia’s father entered the room. Chuck later tearfully recounted: “When he came in and saw her lifeless body, he fell on his knees and started crying, realizing she was gone. Then she opened her eyes—and she was healed. So that made a dramatic change on the family.” Chuck’s mother was already a devoted believer, but his father then became one as well. And unbeknownst to Chuck, his own life was also radically impacted.

After Chuck was saved and called to ministry, and before he pastored Calvary Chapel, he and his brother Paul were evangelists.

As a toddler, Chuck was taught by his mom how to memorize Scripture. She prompted him to recite Bible verses aloud while they did chores and grocery shopped, and she read Bible stories to him and Virginia every night. He regarded biblical characters as heroes and even friends: “I ran with David” mentally, Chuck later said.

Pastor Chuck preaches in his younger days. After being saved, he didn’t feel an immediate call to be a pastor. During a summer youth camp at age 16, he began to yield his original dream of becoming a surgeon—guaranteeing him success and affluence—to one of leading God’s people.

But despite his mom’s faithful discipleship, the young man’s priorities were athletics and academics. Then two years after yielding to Christ as Lord and Savior at age 14, he attended a summer youth camp. He wasn’t initially interested in going—he had made plans to surf. But his pastor urged him to utilize the scholarship a lady in the church had donated. While there, Chuck was challenged to live his life in light of eternity. His dream heretofore had been to become a surgeon, which he felt would guarantee him success and affluence. But meditating on the preacher’s words, Chuck was drawn to the pastorate.

Chuck leads a group in one of many pilgrimages to Israel during his lifetime. It was not until his mother was nearing death that he learned she had devoted Chuck to God’s service in vocational ministry before he was born.

Arriving home, 16-year-old Chuck timidly approached his parents. He feared his announcement would deeply disappoint his mother, whom he loved intensely. After conveying that he intended to spend his life leading God’s people rather than practicing medicine, Chuck was surprised at his mother’s simple smile. Not until years later did he learn the full story: On the day of Virginia’s healing, his mom had silently devoted herself and the life of her unborn child—Chuck—to God’s service in vocational ministry. However, Chuck clarified, “I didn’t know that until she was on her deathbed. She didn’t want that to influence me; she wanted it to be the Lord” directing his life’s course.


Coming next … Chuck's response to his vocational call to ministry—Bible College, his early pastorates, and introduction to expositional Bible teaching.


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