Calvary Chapel Magazine

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Calvary Chapel Downey Outreach

Calvary Chapel Believers Share the Gospel in Kentucky Communities

Story by Angela Banuelos and Josh Larson
Photos by Josh Larson

After more than 30 years of fruitful outreaches all over the country, Pastor Roger Stahlhut of Calvary Chapel Downey, CA, is currently leading yet another Revive America trip. Approximately 70 children, youth, and adults are sharing their faith in Northern Kentucky. After talking to people at a parade and celebration in the small town of La Grange, KY, the team is now in the area of Florence, partnering with the body of Calvary Chapel North Kentucky. Please keep this team in your prayers as they are witnessing to people on the streets, on doorsteps, and at public events.

Women talking to man

Evelyn Perkis (left) and Sara Kang (center) share the Gospel with Trae. After praying with Evelyn and Sara to become born again, Trae expressed interest in getting baptized at Calvary Chapel Northern Kentucky this weekend. Evelyn and Sara are part of the Revive America team now proclaiming Jesus’ love in Northern Kentucky communities.

As residents of La Grange, KY, enjoyed their local summer celebration of Oldham County Days, God used believers from Calvary Chapels to shine the light of Jesus into their lives. The Revive America team hit the streets, sharing the Lord with the community and distributing door hangers containing Christian material.

(This article sponsored by Pritchard Websites and Calvary Web. Click here to read more.)

One of the young girls on the team bent down to share a “Gospel bracelet” with three little girls, daughters of one of the parade vendors. As the father inquired about what was going on, Angela Banuelos, a mom on the team, used that opportunity to begin a conversation with him about faith in Jesus.

Men pray

Zach Kohl, Edgar Sactic, and Joey Goulding (left to right) pray for revival during the church service at Calvary Chapel Northern Kentucky.

Then as Angela turned around, a young lady named Cheryl was passing by. Angela offered her a door hanger and found that Cheryl was very receptive to the message of Jesus. Cheryl, 29 years old, had been looking for a church. She revealed that she had grown up in a Christian home but had not found a church where she felt comfortable. Angela took this opportunity to invite her to the local Calvary Chapel. After Cheryl expressed her excitement about visiting the church, Angela and her husband, George Banuelos, were able to pray over her and exhort her to deepen her faith through God’s Word and fellowship.

To read part 2, click here.

Women hug

Angela Banuelos (right) hugs Cheryl, a young mother who had grown up in a Christian home but was encouraged through the Revive America outreach to grow in her faith and seek out Christian fellowship. The team is led by Calvary Chapel Downey, CA, Pastor Roger Stahlhut.


Women walking

Ruby Ruiz, Leilani Lemos, Rachelle Bishay, and Rebecca Bishay (from left to right) sing worship songs in a gazebo near the La Grange, KY, town square as hundreds of citizens pass by.


Men pray

Pastor Roger Stahlhut (left), founder and leader of Revive America, leads Ross in the sinner’s prayer. Roger had been prompted by the Holy Spirit to initiate a conversation with Ross as he walked by. After hearing the Gospel, Ross made the decision to ask the Lord into his heart.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

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