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Karen Pulley: The Great Moves of God Part 1

Personal Revival: A Historical Account of Great Moves of God, Part 1

Teaching by Karen Pulley

Karen PulleyThis teaching is Part 1 of a series, originally written as a booklet for Calvary Chapel pastors’ wives retreats by Karen Pulley, and is published in Calvary Chapel Magazine with permission. It is based on Karen’s study of spiritual revival, including the works of J. Edwin Orr, a well-respected historian of revivals. Karen, married to Lloyd Pulley, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, NJ, is a favorite speaker at many Calvary Chapel women's events. For her teachings on wisdom for women, visit her YouTube channel Looking to Jesus with Karen Pulley.

Wilt though not revive us again …” (Psalm 85:6a, KJV)

… Revive they work in the midst of the years… (Habakkuk 3:2, KJV)

“I just love the Lord Jesus with all my heart,” said a young girl with such heartfelt emotion that her words sparked revival and triggered the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon all who were gathered. All were deluged to tears. It was the beginning of a visible move of the Spirit that would in turn touch thousands of souls for Christ.

There are many such accounts of ordinary men and women with such soul wrenching burdens for the lost that they have confessed things such as:

“I shall die unless God sends a revival.”

“Give me Scotland lest I die!”

How Does Revival Start?

Christian author Jessie Penn-Lewis asked, “Why does revival not come, Lord?” She wrote: The Lord replied, “I am ready, but my children are not. Before it comes, they must preach the word of the cross—the message of Calvary.”

Revival starts with believers who are dissatisfied with their own Christian experience and distressed with the condition of their churches. As Charles Finney put it, “Christians are more to blame for not being revived than sinners are for not being converted!”

God said, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14, KJV).

Revival starts with you and me getting right with God! Revival starts with God moving in His people!

Personal revival is something only God can do in your life. Perhaps you feel the need for that today? Perhaps, like this young girl whose heartfelt words triggered such an outpouring of God’s Spirit, your own heartfelt words could also spark a mighty move of God that would touch thousands of souls for Christ in our day. This booklet was prepared to give you a glimpse of what happens when the Spirit of God moves through His people in such a powerful way that lives are changed, saints are revived, and sinners are redeemed.

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is loyal to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9, NKJV

The Welsh Revival, New Quay, 1904

The presence of the Spirit in the meetings was like a “wind” moving upon the people. All they did—the singing, the times of prayer, the testimonies, and the exhortations—was full of vital breath. Meetings would end, only to start up again two or three times as those gathered would cry for mercy or break out in joyful thanksgiving. Strong men and women—broken by the Spirit of God—were known to weep under the power of a young girl’s prayer. The love among the believers was intense—the tenderness of prayer for others was irresistible! Many were baptized in the Spirit.

A pastor once closed in prayer with these simple words: “Bend us, O Lord.” (Bend in Welsh means entire submission to God.) Evan Roberts, who was present at the time, was so moved by these words that he cried out, “Bend me, Oh God; bend me, Oh God, and bend us!” Later when asked what bent him, he said, “I saw for the first time, Jesus died for ME. He bent me with His love.”

Indescribable scenes took place during this time of revival. Sometimes a torrent of prayer followed by a song would sweep over the audience, and hundreds of souls would rise to declare their surrender to God.

There were many accounts of people’s lives being transformed:

A grocer returned money that he had found in his shop and kept (even though he knew who dropped it).

Long-standing debts were paid.

Stolen goods were returned.

Prizefighters, gamblers, pub managers, bookies, and others who never went to church were confessing Christ.

Judges had no cases. Crime was down so much that policemen had nothing to do, so they formed a singing quartet. What a thought!

The mines slowed down. In one of the strangest documented accounts of the Welsh revival, it was reported that there was less production due to the fact that the mules did not understand the new commands they were being given. “Come on Bessie, you can do it, girl.” It seemed the “language of Canaan—the praises of heaven” which were now being spoken were foreign to the mules that were used to curses!

Entire populations were transformed into praying multitudes! Under the constraint of an unseen power, the chapels were filled.

Years later, Evan Roberts drew four concise points in which revival may come and victories are won:

1. The past must be made clean by sin being confessed to God, and any doubtful things put away.
2. Right any known wrong done to man.
3. Obey the Spirit promptly.
4. Publicly confess Christ.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

© 2020 Calvary Chapel Magazine. All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.