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Jack Hibbs Responds to Capitol Hill Unrest

Capitol Hill Unrest—Jack Hibbs Provides Christian Response

Compiled by Margot Bass and Sean Labar

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Just hours after the tumultuous events that unfolded at the United States Capitol on Wednesday, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Pastor Jack Hibbs delivered a response for Christians from Washington D.C.

Below are excerpts from Pastor Jack’s midweek sermon on Wednesday, January 6, 2021:

On feeling hopeless after witnessing the events at the U.S. Capitol:

Jack Hibbs: Today, there are a lot of people weeping, sensing and feeling hopelessness. Wait a minute, church family. As the body of Christ, we’re to never be hopeless. To be hopeless is to be faithless. The great thing is that our faith is not in our government. It’s not even in our glorious Constitution. Our faith is in the Lord who gave us such freedom. Let’s be honest, we have enjoyed the benefits and the labors of those who have gone before us. And God’s mercy, grace, and kindness has extended to us a good life. But just because things could get ugly doesn’t mean God has abandoned us. We saw ugly tonight. We’re seeing ugly still. What’s happening right now is a reality that has not transcended the throne or wisdom of God. His Word will guide us through this. Jesus could come back tonight. We all would say Amen to that. But we must resist the temptation to pull the sheets up over our heads and hide out until what? Until there’s a re-election … no, no, no. Listen to Isaiah 51:7. “Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, you people in whose heart is My law: do not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their insults.”

On Wednesday’s events leading to attacks on Christianity from news sources and social media:

Jack Hibbs: Already, CNN is out attacking the Christian worldview, mocking those by name. This attack is going to escalate. Don’t be shocked by it. Jesus said, If you love Me and follow Me, the world’s going to hate you. It’s as though evil has been let loose. You can be encouraged in this manner. The line has been drawn, there’s no gray area anymore, and God says, “Listen to Me.” You’re going to listen to the voices of media or you’re going to listen to Twitter or FB, and you’re not going to do well. Don’t pay attention to cancel culture and all that they’re saying. We plead with you tonight. We’ve got to be strong in the Lord.

On questioning our Christian decision-making in after witnessing turmoil:

Jack Hibbs: You say, “Pastor Jack, we stood for righteousness. Why didn’t this turn out better?” Of course, and we’re still going to stand for righteousness. We stand for righteousness unwaveringly. Church, yours sins and mine were judged at the cross. National sins have to be dealt with. We could very well be coping right now with God’s hand against a nation that has forgotten God. God has been saying to us as a nation, “Listen to Me.” Our nation has chosen not to listen. You pursued righteousness, but our national leaders have not pursued righteousness in a long time. Keep that in mind. God has not abandoned us. As a believer, God will never abandon you. As a nation, we owe God quite a bit. We are called to seek the Lord in all things. We are to pursue Him. As believers, we have done that and we’re doing that. The church did not sit this last election out. The church voted like it’s never voted before. Fantastic. We did the right thing, and I believe that God is going to be honoring all those who do the right thing. But we have to be careful about this—we don’t define what the right thing is. Let the God of righteousness define what the right thing is.

What do we do with our families, our faith and our church in times of turmoil like these in the days ahead?

Jack Hibbs: What do we do with our families, our faith, with church? Am I grieved tonight? Absolutely. Do I feel like our republic has received a horrible wound? Absolutely. I’m going to work through that with this: my eyes are on Jesus. This is the ultimate authority. His will is settled in heaven. The beautiful thing about following the Lord, about being biblically accurate, is if you obey the Bible, you’re never going to be wrong. If we obey the Word of God, we will always be right. It won’t be popular. Stand strong, don’t give up. God’s Word is true and will get you through. This is the hour of decision. What’s happening here in America is not greater than what we’ve seen recorded in Scripture. There was no hope for Jehoshaphat, for Hezekiah, David, and Joshua. We love these incredible moments of deliverance. God will never abandon us. He may not abandon America if America turns to Him. But as for us, we’re going to stay walking with Jesus. You need to make sure that you make that resolute determination regarding your life tonight.

For the full sermon, please visit Pastor Jack Hibbs’ website at

For a previous article about Jack Hibbs baptizing 1,000 believers, click here.

For the Lord God will help Me; therefore I will not be disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed. Isaiah 50:7


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

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