Calvary Chapel Magazine

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New U.S. House Speaker Takes Interest in Calvary Chapel Shreveport, LA, Believer’s Ministry

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“Loss of a Child” article helps garner support in Congress for legislation on stillbirth prevention and support for grieving parents.

Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana (right)—newly elected Speaker of the House this October—holds his copy of Calvary Chapel Magazine’s “Loss of a Child, Part 1” article while connecting with Lisa Rowell (left) at the Louisiana Walk for Life this January.

The story chronicles how Lisa overcame personal tragedy with Christ’s help and established Julianna Grace Ministry (JGM), named after her stillborn daughter. Now an official ministry of Lisa’s home church, Calvary Chapel Shreveport, LA, JGM sends gift baskets around the nation—and even the world—to comfort families grieving the loss of an infant. To read the story and learn more about Lisa’s ministry, click here

Lisa has long been active in political advocacy, helping multiple bills pass the Louisiana legislature which give greater protections and provisions to parents after an infant loss. More recently, she has been advocating for two federal bills, the SHINE for Autumn Act and the Maternal and Child Health Prevention Act, both aim to reduce preventable stillbirths in the U.S.

During multiple trips to DC this year, sponsored by CC Shreveport, Lisa handed out copies of the article to many of the congressmen she met with, helping them see the personal stories behind the statistics. Interwoven with that story are Lisa’s declarations of God’s guidance and unfailing love, which hopefully made their own impact.

After Lisa gave Representative Johnson the article in January, she has had multiple opportunities to speak with his staff about the legislation, and on occasion exceeding the usual time allotment. “Normally you get 12-20 minutes,” Lisa explained. “At one meeting at our church, his staff gave me an entire hour. This is unheard of!” This September, when Lisa bumped into Rep. Johnson on her plane to DC, he immediately noticed her and remembered all the statistics she had shared with his staff.

In reference to his new appointment as speaker, Lisa declared, “Mike Johnson is an honorable family man. He is pro-life and just the right person for the job.”

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