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Exhibit at Creation Museum, KY

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made: Creation Museum Exhibit Visually Explores the World of the Unborn Child

Story by Kate Larsen
Photos by Tom Price

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret. Psalm 139:14-15a

Answers in Genesis, the apologetics ministry of Ken Ham, is preparing to open its long-anticipated Fearfully & Wonderfully Made exhibit this Sunday, October 9. Calvary Chapel Magazine was given an early and quick look at the creative masterpiece of the design team at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY. A look inside the mother’s womb, the exhibit was the vision of the late resident anatomist of the museum, Dr. David Menton, among others. 

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Artists and designers work around the clock to put every piece of the Fearfully & Wonderfully Made exhibit in final place as filmmaker and producer Stephen Kendrick (back left) and CC Old Bridge, NJ, Senior Pastor Lloyd Pulley (back right) look on. The exhibit is set to open Sunday, October 9, at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY.

A powerful depiction of the formation of a child in-utero, these models dynamically illustrate development at each stage, uncovering the stark atrocity of abortion. As one sees the digestive system working through the display in an 18-week-old unborn child by the advanced technology of “Pepper’s Ghost Illusion” (a special lighting effect), the intricacies and wonder of life become amazingly visual. Seeing that, one cannot easily deny life begins at conception as it reveals the sanctity of all human life.

“I stood in awe over this state-of-the-art display! The way this advanced technology captured the intricacies of conception and in-utero growth is jaw dropping!” shared Lloyd Pulley, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, NJ.

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CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis Ken Ham (left) explains the vision of ministry to Lloyd Pulley (right) as they stand in Palm Plaza, right outside the new Fearfully & Wonderfully Made exhibit.

Amid heavy construction and a frenzy of workers, American filmmaker and producer Stephen Kendrick, along with CC Old Bridge Senior Pastor Lloyd Pulley, were walked through the team of artists and designers on a tour with Answers in Genesis CEO Ken Ham. With excitement and great expectancy, Ken described each component of the exhibit that will be the largest informative pro-life exhibit not only in the nation, but in the world.

While the deception surrounding the issue of the sanctity of life pervades the culture, the Fearfully & Wonderfully Made exhibit boldly and visually proclaims the truth without speaking a word.

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Ken Ham (left), the Creation Museum’s founder, points to a lit illustration depicting the complex system of a woman’s reproductive system, explaining the goal of the work to Stephen Kendrick (center) and Lloyd Pulley (right). The exhibit shows the sanctity of life to all who will pass through its winding corridors.

The exhibit is an expansion to a permanent display of the previous smaller version. Molecular geneticist Dr. Georgia Purdom, vice president of Educational Content at Answers in Genesis, stated, “We really wanted to show even more in-depth how a baby develops in the womb, bringing in the reality of this being a living human being. With the use of some new technologies, we want to really help people see that and to bring that point home. One of the things that is different from the earlier display is that we wanted to share people’s stories as well as relating to adoption and abortion—making them more approachable and personal, finding the hope that is in the Gospel.”

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Pointing to a directional sign within the Creation Museum, Ken Ham takes Stephen Kendrick (center) and Lloyd Pulley (right) on a journey through biblical creation, finally ending at the under-construction pro-life exhibit opening on Sunday.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

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