Calvary Chapel Magazine

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Honoring 50 Years of Leadership & Lifting Up a New Pastor

Story by Kathy Symborski
Photos by Keith Durflinger

The day before Thanksgiving, the congregation of Calvary Chapel Downey, CA, honored Senior Pastor Jeff Johnson and his wife, Karyn, celebrating 50 years of ministry in a transition of leadership service—as he passed the baton to the next generation, Pastor Art Reyes. The evening’s theme of thanksgiving, under the banner of “To God be the glory, great things He has done,” permeated video and in-person messages from Calvary Chapel pastors around the world. Many spoke words of encouragement and blessings over Jeff and Karyn as they pursue the next chapter of their lives.

Jeff Johnson embraces now Senior Pastor Art Reyes after conferring to him leadership of CC Downey. Art had previously served as the teaching pastor.

Pastor Mike MacIntosh of Calvary Chapel Association (CCA) noted the five decades of enthusiasm Jeff and Karyn have maintained for the Word of God and their congregation. Mike closed with Proverbs 18:24b, “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, and that’s who Jeff is to me. He is such a friend to all of us. He has found a place in our hearts from his great teachings of the great God who loves you so very much.”

Mike MacIntosh of Calvary Chapel Association (CCA) opens the evening with lighthearted stories sprinkled with profound commentary including, “He [Jeff] loved teaching the Word and loving people, because he found it through our pastor, Chuck Smith.”

David Guzik of Enduring Word recounted Jeff’s obedience to Paul’s instruction in 2 Timothy 2:15 to be diligent in rightly dividing God’s Word. “What an amazing thing it is to look back over a life that has done this! Pastor Jeff, you have been diligent; you’ve presented yourself approved to God. You’ve been a worker who does not need to be ashamed, and you have rightly divided the Word of truth.” He exhorted Pastor Art to follow this example, “so decades from now, you can look back with the same sense of appropriate satisfaction that Pastor Jeff has, and say, ‘Thank You, Lord, You worked in me to fulfill this.’”

Commending Jeff and Karyn for staying the course, Don McClure of CCA also encouraged Art to not be ashamed to build on another man’s work. “What a foundation, … as you take CC Downey into the next generation,” Don said.

David Rosales, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Valley, CA, shares at the event on Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. His family attended CC Downey in 1977, where he completed a class on pastoral leadership. He noted how the church has grown under Jeff’s leadership: “This church has been built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and His Word and has had a very faithful pastor and wife who have tirelessly and selflessly poured themselves into what has become … a lighthouse and hospital for any who have needed spiritual direction and healing.”

KWVE radio General Manager Lance Emma and Assistant General Manager Mark Shaffer presented Jeff with a memento commemorating 50 years of faithful service and 36 years of partnership with KWAVE, where Jeff’s Sound Doctrine messages are broadcast.

The audience applauded as Art explained how Karyn, in 1979, brought the House of Ruth into fruition. “As an adoptive service and crisis pregnancy center, more than 1,000 birth mothers and hundreds of adoptive couples have been served through House of Ruth, a ministry of CC Downey,” Art said. Citing Joshua 4:24, “That all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the LORD … is mighty, that you may fear the LORD your God forever.” A stone plaque was installed in the front wall of the women’s ministry building as a testimony of how God used House of Ruth.”

Pastor Jeff and his wife Karyn look on as Art described the fruit of their labors, including the establishment of an adoptive service and crisis pregnancy center through the House of Ruth, two Christian schools, and the Sound Doctrine radio ministry, now available through a downloadable app.

The biggest surprise of the evening was the announcement that CC Downey Christian School, founded by Jeff in 1978, officially named its gymnasium the “Jeff Johnson Gymnasium.”

Offering a quick glimpse into Jeff’s life, a video captured moments of Jeff and Karyn’s journey together in ministry. In a nostalgic clip, Pastor Chuck Smith described Jeff as a “top drug dealer in Downey,” but “the Lord drew him in and brought him to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and transformed his life completely.”

Spirit-filled praise fills the sanctuary throughout the evening as CC Downey’s worship team leads the congregation in giving glory and honor to God for the great things He has done.

Over the 50 years, Jeff and Karyn acknowledge God’s faithfulness—from CC Downey’s humble beginnings in a roach-infested building to the current 2,500-plus seat sanctuary. They have witnessed the fruits of their diligence through: House of Ruth Adoption Ministry, Sound Doctrine radio ministry, mission outreaches, and two Christian Schools—a preschool through 12th grade and a Bible college.

Jeff and Karyn address those in attendance, encouraging them to support, love, and pray for their new pastor, as they so faithfully did for them.

The congregation stood as their beloved pastor and his wife approached the podium to give their farewell message. Karyn tearfully shared her heart, peppered with humorous stories of Jeff in his youth. She recounted the faithfulness of God as they started out in ministry, immature in their own marriage, yet He brought the people to them. “For the last few years, I’ve sat in the back row of the church just watching you guys come fill these pews. I’ve always been praying for you. But the older I get, I’m amazed: Why are they here? Why did they come?—because they want to hear the Gospel, they want to hear the Word of God.” She closed by asking the congregation to “love, support, and bless Art and Briana [Reyes] the way you have us.”

Jeff reminded them to be a thankful people, quoting Psalm 105:1-5 KJV, “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works. Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD. Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth.” He also exhorted them to talk to others about the Lord and the wondrous things He has done.

Calvary Chapel Downey pastors gather on stage as Pastor Jeff Johnson leads them in prayer over Art and Briana Reyes and their two children, blessing them as he passes on the responsibility of teaching God’s Word to His people at the California church.

In commissioning Art, Jeff recited Joshua Chapter 1 over him and the congregation. In a symbolic gesture of passing the baton, he gifted Art with a figurine that long sat on his own desk. The figurine is of Moses, arms upheld by Aaron and Hur. His voice choked with emotion, he explained, “This is about Art needing you guys to hold up his arms, and to pray.”

Calvary Chapel pastors and leaders pray over Jeff and Karyn as they step out in faith to begin a new ministry in Israel supporting Messianic-believing Jews.

Jeff and Karyn revealed a surprise of their own—God’s new direction for their lives. “The Lord came to us and shared that we need to do something in Israel, and then He began to unfold this vision,” Jeff announced. “It’s a vision of Gihon Springs. We are being called to go to Israel and bless Messianic-believing Jews and help them get stronger in the Lord.”

As the new senior pastor, Art Reyes reassures the congregation that he will “continue the ministry by the power of the Spirit and the Word of God,” citing Zechariah 4:6. “It’s not by might, it’s not by power, but it’s by my Spirit, says the Lord.”

Art shared that it was his honor to serve the people of God, committing to continue the ministry by the power of the Spirit and the Word of God, referencing Zechariah 4:6, “It’s not by might, it’s not by power, but it’s by my Spirit, says the Lord.”

Art and the CC Downey worship team sing the “Aaronic Blessing” over Jeff and Karyn and their family.

In his first official act as pastor, Art and the worship team sang the “Aaronic Blessing” over Jeff and his family. Afterward, he shared, “Realize that you are a sinner who needs a Savior, that sin separates us from God who loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for the forgiveness of sins, that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.” He then prepared the hearts of those gathered for communion, solemnly instructing them to seek forgiveness, restoration, and healing as they approached the table.

With deep reverence in his voice, Art ended the service with 1 Timothy 1:17: Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

After presenting the salvation message, Art solemnly instructs those gathered for communion to seek forgiveness, restoration, and healing as Jeff prays over the elements on the table.


Learn more about Calvary Chapel Downey at


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