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Yielding a Harvest: Rubbing Elbows with the World

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Photo by Theresa Rypstra

Although frequently quoted, Philippians 4:13 has faithfully sustained bi-vocational pastor Don Rypstra through the last 23 years of ministry at Calvary Chapel Rochester, MN. Working full time, being a husband, raising four children, and pastoring a church full time have caused Don to stalwartly grip this Scripture throughout his pastoral journey. 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Don Rypstra, pastor of CC Rochester, MN, has enjoyed being a bi-vocational pastor for the last 23 years. Don enthused, “I get to be out there rubbing elbows with the world. Because of that, I’ve had neat opportunities to share the Lord with many different people.”

After 27 years of full-time employment, Don was laid off from his job only to be rehired by the same company as a contractor. He saw this as a blessing that allowed his schedule to flex around the needs of the church. “When I was working full-time day shift and pastoring full time, studying at night and preparing for service on the weekends, I don’t know how I did it. The Lord gave me the strength and time to survive that. I don’t know if I could do that now,” declared Don.

Recently Don was let go from his part-time job but, as God often does, He supplied Don with a contract position with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as a field organizer. Don now travels two weeks a month as an area tour representative, reaching out to nearby churches where the “God Loves You Tour” will take place.

He is able to return home each weekend but is back to daytime work and studying at night in preparation for his Sunday sermons. While not as intense as the earlier years, Don acknowledges it is a challenge to study at night again as he gets older. But he also sees this as an opportunity for his church elders and others to use their gifts; one elder teaches Wednesday night Bible studies in Don’s absence.

Beyond the Church Door

As a bi-vocational pastor, he recognizes that his ability to “rub elbows with the world” in the workplace has given him numerous opportunities to share the Gospel with different people—some who would never have graced the doorstep of a church. In one instance, while working as a janitor, an employee in the building knew he was a pastor and asked his counsel on knowing the will of God. He spent the next 30 minutes sharing biblical wisdom with her. Speaking with his supervisor later, he explained what occurred and asked to have his pay ‘docked’ for that amount of time. His boss replied, “No, we aren’t going to do that. And if it comes up again, feel free to do that.” 

Don stated, “When I minister to people in church [about] being honest employees and giving your full amount of time to the company as an example of being a good steward, I strive to set that example myself.” He continued, “And I can identify with the struggles the working man and woman have in the workplace as Christians. I am doing the same thing, so I can empathize.”

Sage Advice

Balancing between the full-time job, full-time ministry, and being a full-time husband and father was the most difficult challenge Don faced during his early years of ministry. Organization and a disciplined schedule eventually gave way to success in prioritizing work and ministry—but occasionally his family life suffered. His advice to other pastors, whether bi-vocational or not is, “You really need to listen to your wife. Ultimately, next to the Lord, my marriage is my first ministry, so I have to make sure I don’t neglect that area of my life.”

The Rypstras included their children in all areas of the ministry, from playing instruments while leading worship, to setting up and breaking down church-sponsored events. “They were involved in ministry alongside me. It was a good example for them, and now they are still involved in ministry,” Don shared.

God Completes the Work He Started

Don admits he doesn’t remember saying this, but his mother told him that as a young boy he would tell her that he was going to be a minister when he grew up. Being brought up in a home where the Bible was prioritized, he knows the Lord had been preparing him for this calling since childhood. 

“It’s amazing how He gives you the strength to do whatever He has called you to do. It’s not me,” Don shared. “It’s the Lord working through me, the Holy Spirit preparing the messages through me. He is doing that; it’s all Him.”

Learn more about Calvary Chapel Rochester at

Follow our series in which we highlight bi-vocational—and even tri-vocational—pastors who minister to others through secular jobs while faithfully serving their congregations.

From Farrier to Shepherd
Pastor Steve Feden, Calvary Chapel Fluvanna, VA

Today’s Tentmaker
Pastor Richie Cancel, Calvary Life Brooklyn, NY

A Lighthouse In The Darkness
Pastor Dean Barham, Lighthouse Calvary Chapel, Manchester, NH

Serving God at Work & Church
Pastor Steve Freeman, Calvary Chapel Living Hope, West Des Moines, IA

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