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Deep South Men's Conference 2020

2020 Deep South Men’s Conference: “Dare to be a Daniel”

Story by Sean Labar
Photos by Christian Rodriguez

After a year filled with uncertainty, hardship, and isolation, Pastor John Hoppe prepared for the 2020 Deep South Men’s Conference as he did in past years, but truly didn’t know what to expect when the second weekend in October came.

“I was amazed,” Pastor John declared following the conference. “I really didn’t expect the amount of men that showed up, I thought we would have about half of what we normally have. This is probably the best weekend of 2020 for me, just seeing God’s hand upon [His] men here. These men were excited about being together again, being in the Word, being in the [Holy] Spirit, being in worship. There is strength in numbers being together.”

Young man with hand on heart

A young man worships the Lord with passion at the 2020 Deep South Men’s Conference.

On October 9-10, longtime Christians, new believers, and men from various age groups and ethnic backgrounds gathered at Calvary Chapel Lexington, SC, for a common mission. The theme of the 2020 conference was “Dare to be a Daniel,” and the message focused on boldly pursuing godliness in a world that seems to get darker every day.

In the opening teaching, U-turn for Christ founder Pastor Gerry Brown challenged all men in attendance to strive to be more like Daniel in their lives.

“Most of us have become comfortable with not giving it all, or giving less than all, or less than the best, whenever we think we can get away with it,” Pastor Gerry expressed. “We have come to the place where we are even willing to cheat if it means that we can get to our end desire. Tonight, our challenge as men, is to be like Daniel in a compromising world, that we would be set apart by having hearts of integrity for the Lord.”

Pastors Panel

Speakers and leaders at the Deep South Conference gathered on stage for a popular Q & A session.

The speakers joining Pastor Gerry over the two-day event included experienced Calvary Chapel senior pastors: Sandy Adams from Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA; Tony Clark from Calvary Chapel Newport News, VA; John Miller from Revival Christian Fellowship in Menifee, CA; and Frank Ramseur from Calvary Chapel Chattanooga, TN.

While the Book of Daniel was the focal point of the conference, there was another overarching theme that became apparent: revival.

“Every revival was always preceded by prayer, every last one of them,” Pastor Tony pointed out.

Men serving food

Men were treated to real Southern BBQ with all the fixings.

Pastor John Hoppe echoed Pastor Tony’s call for a revival at the conclusion of the 2020 conference: “I think men were really challenged throughout the conference. There was a great move of the [Holy] Spirit. This conference might just be a spark that can light a fire and bring revival across the nation again. Praise the Lord, we need one more revival before the Rapture happens.”

Pastor introduces himself

Pastors got an opportunity to describe what God is doing in their fellowships, large or small.


Pastor speaking with mic in hand

Every pastor got one minute to share, a time of encouragement for all who attended the conference.


Pastor Gerry and John Miller

Pastors Gerry Brown and John Miller enjoy their opportunity to encourage the pastors at the conference.


Pastor Sandy leads man to Christ

Pastor Sandy Adams (left) of Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA, warmly greets a man who attended the Deep South Conference.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version.

© 2020 Calvary Chapel Magazine. All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.