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MMA Connection Unites Florida Church & Its U-Turn for Christ Program

Story by Jonathan Erdman
Photos by Josh Larson

In Florida, the Butin Bik Combat Sports Gym and Calvary Chapel Crystal River are closely linked—people have come to the church because of the gym, and others to the gym because of the church. The church held its first services in this unlikely location and members are still heavily involved with the gym.

Stefan “Stef” Butin Bik, owner of a sports combat gym in Crystal River, FL, instructs children in a class. He’s also a member of Calvary Chapel Crystal River, pastored by Stephen Cummins. The fellowship first met as a Bible study in Stef’s studio, its attendees required to take off their shoes.

Physical & Spiritual Training

“People come into our gym looking for something,” described owner Stefan “Stef” (pronounced “Stayph”) Butin Bik. “It could be self-defense, exercise, or anything, but when they walk in, they can sense there is something different about this place. It’s God.”

Stef’s wife, Audreianna (Andi), shared that the teaching at the end of a mixed martial arts (MMA) class is perhaps the most important part. The parents all gather around as the kids are still in session. Stef reemphasizes what was taught in the session for the parents to hear. Students are commended, encouraged, and in some cases even reprimanded. The gym, she said, is a safe place to create scenarios where the kids’ true colors can be seen. If they are disrespectful, lazy in school or in training, or misbehave in any way, there are consequences—as in real life. Many parents approach Stef and Andi to express appreciation for helping them learn how to reach their own children.

Stef hugs Jaxon, one of Pastor Stephen’s sons. Coach Stef uses his MMA gym as a ministry, actively sharing the Gospel and ministering to kids as they attend practice. His connection with Stephen runs deep—he led Stephen to Christ as a youth.

Stef summarized the connection between physical martial arts training and faith: “You get to the point in the physical training where you realize you cannot do it on your own. You [need] Christ to strengthen you, and on your own you will break no matter how tough you are.” He makes it very clear that the higher the students go in the ranks of sports and competition, the more they must die to themselves.

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10

Stephen Cummins, pastor of CC Crystal River, offers a clear testimony of this truth, having won multiple national titles. Other students of the gym have gone on to win many accolades, including young Julia Falcone, who attends the Calvary Chapel and won a world title in 2021. Both would say that it isn’t about them—all glory goes to God.

Sean McGuinn (left) and Andy Malkie (right), a church elder, participated in a friendly fight one afternoon at the MMA gym. Because the church started in the gym, many who attend CC Crystal River enjoy competing with one another in various ways.

Mission: Crystal River

Stefan grew up in Holland where he trained in Dutch Muay Thai, a form of mixed martial arts and kickboxing. He grew up in a strong Christian home and always knew God was watching over him, yet it was mostly head knowledge. He focused on his work and the sport of kickboxing. Later, in 1992, he and his wife, Andi, and their children rededicated their lives to the Lord.

The family was living in Crystal River, attending a local church. While preparing for a mission trip, Stef sensed very clearly the Lord telling him that his mission was to be in Crystal River. In 1998, the family opened the kickboxing and martial arts gym there. Stef shared, “Guys started coming to us soft and lazy, who had no idea what it meant to be a man, and especially a man of God.” Stef and Andi made it their mission to train the gym patrons not only in the physical but also in the spiritual.

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called. 1 Timothy 6:12a

Stephen Cummins (right) enjoys watching MMA competition with Stef. Stef and his wife, Andi, make it their mission to train the gym patrons not only in the physical but also in spiritual matters.

U-Turn for Christ

U-Turn for Christ at CC Crystal River currently houses nine residents. The first resident to complete the program now serves as an intern at the church. “These men are walking miracles,” declared Director Jim Penna. “The Lord is able to restore the years the locusts have eaten.”

Jim Penna (second from left), director of CC Clear River’s U-Turn for Christ program, prays over a program graduate. “These men are walking miracles,” he declared. “The Lord is able to restore the years the locusts have eaten.”

Delivered to Serve

Jim Penna was delivered out of a life of drugs. In 1991, at 30 years old, he cried out to the Lord to save him. In the depths of his agony, he recalled the faithful prayers of his mom, who always shared the love of Jesus with him. Jim would eventually lead other men out of drug addiction through U-Turn for Christ in Colorado Springs, CO.

A few years ago, Jim and his wife were living in Palm Harbor, FL, attending CC Palm Harbor. At a home fellowship led by Stephen and Chayla Cummins, the couples became very close. When the Cummins traveled back and forth to Crystal River leading Bible studies, Jim filled in to lead the Palm Harbor home fellowship. And when the Lord led the Cummins to start CC Crystal River, Pastor Stephen asked Jim if he would pray about starting a U-Turn for Christ ministry in the church. Jim was excited about the possibility and the couple eventually relocated to Crystal River.

Bible study is an essential part of CC Clear River’s U-Turn for Christ program, which currently houses nine residents. The church is praying about opening a ministry to women caught in addiction or other traumatic situations.

From Rebel to Pastor

Cory Saul, associate pastor at CC Crystal River, was a rebel—God used U-Turn for Christ in Lexington, SC, to save his life and soul. At one point a financially successful welder, Cory found himself using and dealing large amounts of drugs. In 2015, everything in his life came crashing down, and his family couldn’t help him. His brother, Pastor Ryan Saul, best friends with Pastor Stephen Cummins, encouraged Cory to enroll in U-Turn for Christ. At first he adamantly refused. But after a phone call from his mother, Kari Saul, a missionary in Kenya, he came to terms with the one thing he couldn’t make an excuse for—he was far from where he needed to be spiritually. He agreed to give U-Turn a chance.

“For this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” Luke 15:24a

Men from U-Turn arise early in the morning for Bible study around a campfire. The church has had the ministry, bringing men out of addiction in a Christ-centered way, for more than a year.

Since then, Cory and his wife, Vanessa, have given birth to two precious girls, Abigail and Olivia. During the delivery of their second child, Pastor Cory shared that he witnessed firsthand the Lord miraculously save both Vanessa and Olivia’s lives. The Lord made His providence and love abundantly clear.

Johnny Garcia (in wheelchair) was sent from the main U-Turn for Christ campus in Perris, CA, to be the overseer in Crystal River.

Continuing Vision

When asked about his vision for U-Turn, Jim believes more good things will come. The church is praying about opening a ministry to women caught in addiction or other traumatic situations. There is room for at least 12 more men. Jim knows that the Lord will raise up more men to serve the church and sees this ministry as just one way CC Crystal River continues to fulfill its mission to Abide.

Men joyfully greet each other at a U-Turn service at CC Crystal River.

Learn more about CC Crystal River at

Read Part 1: Calvary Chapel Crystal River Has Strong Roots in a MMA Fighting Gym of this story here

Sponsor Message: Learn about a Christian Discipleship all-encompassing re-entry ministry for men and women trapped in the deceptive, never-ending cycle of addiction. U-Turn for Christ


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