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Calvary Chapel Crystal River Has Strong Roots in a MMA Fighting Gym

Story by Kathy Symborski

“I’d rather go somewhere where you learn about the Bible,” Stephen Cummins lamented to his wife as they drove the sunny Florida highway to Calvary Chapel Palm Harbor in 2014. Stephen and his wife, Chayla, their two young sons in tow, were on the hunt for a church.

Neither had grown up in church, but God had used Stephen’s childhood relationship with a local mixed martial arts (MMA) teacher in Crystal River, FL, to lead him to Christ. The Lord drew them to CC Palm Harbor, where Pastor Brett Robinson was continuing his sermon series through the Book of Romans. “That first Sunday was incredible, and I walked away with a hunger for God’s Word,” Stephen confessed. “Hearing it simply taught and clearly shared wrecked my heart.”

CC Crystal River, FL, Senior Pastor Stephen Cummins (center) and Associate Pastor Cory Saul (left) minister to a new believer after a Sunday morning service. The fellowship was started as a small home Bible study and grew out of CC Palm Harbor, FL, where Stephen and his wife were actively serving.

Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2

Years later, Stephen would plant a small Calvary Chapel in Crystal River that fulfills its mission to Abide, partly through mixed martial arts and the faith-based addiction recovery program U-Turn for Christ.

Although a relatively new church, CC Crystal River is packed with people worshiping the Lord on a Sunday morning. The church was planted at the beginning of 2020 and has grown steadily since then—now up to 165 regular attendees and at least 60 children each Sunday.

Making It Clear

The Lord used CC Palm Harbor and Pastor Brett’s faithfulness in teaching the Word to grow the faith of the young couple. “The transformation in my life was instantaneous,” Stephen explained. “We totally immersed ourselves and got plugged in right away into home fellowships.” They served in the children’s and youth ministries. After an opportunity to teach at a men’s meeting, Stephen felt a strong passion to teach God’s Word.

One morning, as Stephen was driving to work, he pulled over on a road by a cow field, dropped to his knees, and prayed for the Lord to make it clear if he was to serve in ministry—or otherwise remove the desire altogether.

Chayla Cummins (left), wife of Pastor Stephen, holds their newborn as she enjoys fellowship with other mothers.

He only had to wait a few hours for an answer. Associate Pastor Jim Nelson was transitioning to serve as a pastor in Africa and contacted Stephen that same day to see if the two could meet: Jim felt Stephen was the one whom God was raising up to take on the role of associate pastor. Stephen recalled, “I was blown away! Jim asked me to pray about it, and I told him I already did that morning!”

For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel! 1 Corinthians 9:16

Vanessa Saul (left), wife of Associate Pastor Cory, talks with another woman at the church. Pastor Stephen described the church services as more like family gatherings where people hang back afterwards to fellowship for hours.

A Burden for Home

From the beginning of their time in Palm Harbor, the Cummins were burdened for their hometown of Crystal River, an hour north. They were so encouraged by what they had found at CC Palm Harbor that they prayed someone would do something similar back home. Believing that Palm Harbor was where they were to stay, they continued to seek the Lord for someone to minister in Crystal River.

As their conversation turned once again to their hometown, Stephen suggested that until the Lord raised up someone in Crystal River, they should consider doing a monthly Bible study there with family and friends.

Stephen Cummins (right) enjoys watching MMA competition with Stefan “Stef” Butin Bik, owner of a Crystal River combat sports gym. Stef led Stephen to Christ as a pre-teen at the gym and became a valued Christian mentor. Years later, Stephen led a Bible study at the gym, which led to the founding of the Crystal River church.

Stefan “Stef” (pronounced “Stayph”) Butin Bik had always held a special place in Stephen’s heart. Stef and his wife, Audreianna (Andi), owned and operated the Butin Bik Combat Sports Gym in Crystal River. Stephen was just 11 years old when he joined Stef’s gym. During those early years, Stef led Stephen to Christ. Stef mentored him, especially after Stephen’s father, Jim, passed away in a diving accident in 2007. It was only natural, then, for Stephen to suggest to Stef the idea of a Bible study in Crystal River—they agreed that the gym was a perfect place for the study.

The first study consisted of family and friends, but there was a genuine excitement about each meeting, holding steady at 25-30 in attendance. The group, which met in the gym in the afternoon, would sit on the mats and was required to remove their shoes. Attendance grew as the word got out. “They were so excited and fired up about it,” Stephen recalled, “and they were sad that the study was only once a month.” After four months, the Lord made it clear to everyone that this was no longer just a Bible study, but a church.

Sean and Anna McGuinn lead a meeting for the many volunteers at the church. Sean is the worship leader and Anna leads the children’s ministry. Other ministries include an internship program, women’s ministry, men’s discipleship, hospice ministry, home fellowships, street evangelism, and prison ministry.

“It was a dilemma,” Stephen admitted. “The ministry in Palm Harbor was flourishing, and we had no intentions of slowing down.” Pastor Brett encouraged Stephen to continue teaching, continue serving, and to be still and seek the Lord.

As they were praying, the Lord was already moving. Stephen was concerned: If he shifted his focus to minister in Crystal River, who would continue his work at Palm Harbor? Within one week of the conversation about starting a church in Crystal River, Stephen received an email from Pastor Jim Nelson: Jim would soon transition back to Palm Harbor from Africa. Stephen could pass the associate pastor role back to Jim.

As at other Calvary Chapels, worship is an important part of the Sunday morning service at CC Crystal River.

Hungry Hearts

The Lord used COVID-19 to draw people to Crystal River. The first official service for CC Crystal River was the first Sunday of 2020. At that point, there were rumors of businesses and other public venues shutting down due to the pandemic. In March 2020, the church had to rent a building—they were quickly outgrowing the gym space and needed a place where guests would feel a little more comfortable and were not required to take off their shoes.

“We didn’t have to shut down,” Stephen stated. “I clearly felt the Lord telling me not to shut down.” As CC Crystal River remained open, more people came every week. Most other churches were closed, but people were still hungry for God’s Word, seeking answers amidst tremendous uncertainty.

People of all ages worship at CC Crystal River, which is known for its family atmosphere. 

One Big Family

Stephen exclaimed, “When people ask me how things are going, there really are no words to describe what the Lord is doing here. Words just don’t capture it. You just need to see it.” An average Sunday at CC Crystal River sees about 150-165 regular attendees and no less than 60 kids in the children’s ministry. Pastor Stephen described the church services as more like family gatherings where people hang back after the service to fellowship for hours after the service is over.

Pastor Denis and Kasi Wafula (center and left) enjoy fellowship after the service. Kasi is Pastor Cory’s sister and Denis, her husband, is senior pastor of CC Kebabe, Kenya. They are currently serving at CC Crystal River until they return to their Kenyan church, where they serve with Kasi’s missionary parents, Randy and Kari Saul.

The church has started several thriving ministries in its building, including a U-Turn for Christ program. Other ministries include an internship program, women’s ministry, men’s discipleship, hospice ministry, home fellowships, street evangelism, and prison ministry.


Learn more about CC Crystal River at

Look soon for Part 2, which describes the relationship between the church and the sports gym, and the U-Turn for Christ program.


This story first ran in print Issue 94 (Winter 2023) of Calvary Chapel Magazine.


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