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A Pro-Life Extension of God’s “Grace” at Wildwood Calvary Chapel

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Photos by Skylar Sahakian and JJ Portugal

A display, “The Human Story”—proving that a baby’s life begins at the moment of conception—is located next to a sonogram picture inside Wildwood Calvary Chapel’s new mobile medical unit, “Grace”.

“Now that I know, I can’t ever unknow,” stated Mike Milian, assisting pastor of Wildwood Calvary Chapel in Yucaipa, CA. “I knew I'd never be the same again. This will always be a burden on my heart.” A cross-country trip to New Jersey planted the seeds of a vibrant pro-life ministry in their hearts; they blossomed as the West Coast fellowship became the fifth church in the nation to purchase its own Stork bus to help women in crisis pregnancies.

Hearts Set Aflame

In March 2022, Mike and his wife Amanda attended the first Bridge for Life conference hosted by Bridge Women’s Center (BWC) and Save the Storks at Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, NJ. They traveled cross-country to learn about starting a mobile medical unit ministry in their church. “It was amazing and very eye opening. Their enthusiasm and passion for saving lives planted seeds of hope in our heart,” Amanda recounted of the event. “[The speakers shared] that it’s normal to feel uncertain and unprepared. By faith, you just do the next thing that the Lord puts in front of you. That was such helpful and encouraging advice.” Upon their arrival back in California, the Milians shared all they had learned with their Senior Pastor Chris Fraley and Executive Pastor Jason Talley.

Excited about future ministry, Wildwood CC Senior Pastor Chris Fraley and his wife, Wendi, proudly stand with Grace. They purposely considered and prayed about the name for their unit, which represents an extension of God’s grace for their church and women and children in their community.

Two months later, Chris attended the East Coast Pastor’s Conference, where CC Old Bridge Senior Pastor Lloyd Pulley shared about the pro-life ministry at his church—and brought its own mobile medical unit along. “I sat in that mobile unit and [prayed to] the Lord. If this was what He wanted, I was willing. It was then that I heard His voice of approval,” Pastor Chris shared. He returned home and prayed with his board and pastors, seeking the Lord’s guidance, and God gave each of them an overwhelming sense of His peace.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3

Pastor Chris Fraley speaks at the dedication ceremony for the WWC on August 27, 2023, almost exactly one year since the first informational meeting held at the church. He explained, “As we sought the Lord, His people responded by giving generously. … Within three months we had all of the finances in place to purchase the unit. One year later that van was in our parking lot, ready to send out on the road.”

Where God Guides, God Provides

After receiving confirmation, Pastor Chris shared the vision for this mobile unit with the church congregation at a prayer meeting on August 28, 2022. “We thought maybe 50 people would come, but to our surprise nearly 300 showed up!” Amanda Milian said. Now the director of Wildwood Women’s Center (WWC), she reflected, “We were excited to share, ‘This is where the Lord is leading our church. It’s a big step of faith, but we know God is going to provide for all of our needs.’”

Pastor Mike Milian, overseeing pastor of Wildwood’s pro-life ministry (left), and his wife Amanda (second to left), the center’s director, traveled cross-country to attend the Bridge for Life conference in 2022, where the seeds of vibrant pro-life ministry were planted in their hearts. They brought that vision to their church leadership, then to the church family—who eagerly embraced it. Pictured from left to right during the dedication service is the rest of the new team coordinating Grace’s ministry: Registered Nurses Ruth Vega and Terah Gordon, Pediatric Critical Care Nurse Joanna Brogdon, Maternity Nurse/OB Ultrasound Technician Korine Tyree, Dr. Joel Labha, and Physician Assistant Libby Labha.

Pastor Chris added, “As we sought the Lord, His people responded by giving generously. … Within three months we had all of the finances in place to purchase the unit. One year later that van was in our parking lot, ready to send out on the road.”

Guests tour Wildwood’s mobile medical unit, Grace, central to the Wildwood Women’s Center (WWC) ministry. The unit will travel to seven abortion clinics within a 35-mile radius to provide free ultrasounds and pregnancy tests for women facing unplanned pregnancies.

When Wildwood CC decided to purchase the mobile medical unit, which they would name “Grace”, they were aware of the challenges they would face—especially in California. Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced his plan to make California a sanctuary state for women seeking abortion. Today, California’s amended Constitution declares that the state is unable to interfere with or deny an individual’s choice to have an abortion. In short, there are now no restrictions on abortions.

Amanda explained, “Save the Storks (the pro-life organization overseeing construction of the mobile unit) told us that the biggest challenge we would likely face would be finding a medical director who is pro-life and willing to endorse this.” Following the initial church meeting, an emergency room physician who attends Wildwood Calvary Chapel found Pastor Chris, telling him, “I want to be a part of this ministry however I can.” They prayed about the decision and shared the job details with him, and the physician partnered with them immediately.

Executive Pastor Jason Talley leads worship alongside Worship Director Emily Rivera at the dedication service before an enthusiastic audience. Over 200 people within the church body still want to join this ministry in some capacity. “[They can] be available for these mothers in many ways, throwing baby showers, bringing dinners, and leading them in prayer and Bible study,” Director Amanda Milian noted. “We have wonderful support, [and] the Lord has provided from within our church in amazing ways.”

The Lord provided, and continues to provide, people who want to serve with WWC. The staff includes Pastor Mike Milian as overseer, Nurse Manager Korine Tyree, and Director Amanda Milian. A congregant volunteered to oversee all maintenance and the drivers. Another volunteered to oversee the security team and storage of the mobile unit. Three registered nurses and a physician assistant offered their medical expertise and trained to receive their ultrasound certifications. Over 200 people within the church body still want to join this ministry in some capacity. “[They can] be available for these mothers in many ways, throwing baby showers, bringing dinners, and leading them in prayer and Bible study,” Amanda noted. “We have wonderful support, [and] the Lord has provided from within our church in amazing ways.”

Grace’s staff talk with a visitor inside the mobile medical unit.

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

On the weekend of Grace’s expected arrival in August 2023, nearly one year later, a tropical storm made its way into California. The rare weather event, a hurricane on the West Coast, hadn't occurred in that area for nearly 100 years. A Save the Storks driver battled winds up to 60 mph as he made the drive from Colorado into California. Amanda observed, “Anything the enemy could throw at us, he was going to, [but] God was victorious all throughout; the van came through the storm with only one little scratch, just the tiniest thing. God was so faithful to protect [Grace].”

Amanda and Pastor Chris assured, “The ministry has been slowly growing and it's always a blessing to see that where God guides, God provides. He has provided in such a big way.”

Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council, gives a pro-life presentation and edifying word of encouragement at the dedication ceremony. The overturning of Roe v. Wade gave individual states the right to make abortion-regulating laws. This ministry in California is made more difficult as California has become a sanctuary state for women seeking abortions.

An Extension of Grace

Pastor Chris and his wife Wendi purposely considered and prayed on the name for their unit—Grace. Director Amanda noted, “We just saw this ministry as an extension of God’s grace, not only for our church and the people getting involved, but so much more so for the women and the families in our community.”

And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. John 1:16

Now, with her arrival and a new name, Grace is nearly ready to get on the road. “We will be serving all types of people in as many cities as God allows,” Amanda reflected. She shared the vision: “There are seven main abortion clinics within a 35-mile radius from where we are located. What a privilege to be planted in this community where we have so many different opportunities to go out and serve [families] from all backgrounds. We will provide free services, including pregnancy testing, limited OB ultrasound confirmation, options counseling, and community referrals. It’s our blessing to support these women and share the love of Christ in their time of need; and to let them know that they aren’t alone.”

During the dedication service, Pastor Chris prayed for more churches to join them in making a difference in the lives of women who need counsel and help. He asked believers to “be in prayer that doors will open for [us] to help save many lives” through their newly acquired mobile medical unit offering free ultrasounds and counseling to women in crisis pregnancies.

Before going out on the road, WWC has a few opportunities to “grace” the community close to home. One Wildwood CC congregant who owns a restaurant on a main street of town welcomed Grace to park in front whenever they want. “The mobile unit itself is its own billboard,” Amanda believes. “We want to start being available to young people in our hometown.” WWC plans to begin this outreach right away as they offer information and a simple presence on the main road in town, right across from the high school.

Guests enjoy learning about Grace from a staff member during a tour.

Currently, as WWC waits for the state of California to approve their medical license, they are partnering with a pregnancy resource center (PRC) in their community. They will be operating under the PRC’s license as an intermittent clinic. Grace will be parked outside the pregnancy resource center’s brick-and-mortar, located next to a Planned Parenthood, filling in on the days when they don’t have the staff to scan ultrasounds. People in various ministries already counsel outside of the abortion clinics and are eager to send the pregnant women to Grace for further care. Amanda declared, “We see ourselves as a resource to help those who are already in the fight with boots on the ground.”

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 1 Corinthians 15:10

A family views the “The Human Story” display after the dedication service.

Multiply the Ministry

Pastor Chris hopes that other churches will pray about starting pro-life ministries in their communities. “We are praying for 1,000 more churches to join us in this. … We can make an incredible difference in the life of so many women that need counsel and help, but also save the lives of so many children that would not see the light of day otherwise.” He asks believers to “be in prayer that doors will open for [us] to help save many lives.”

Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Proverbs 31:8

Amanda added, “Every Christian is called to get involved in this fight for life. God does the work. All we have to do is say Yes, obey, and follow the calling every step of the way.” She requested prayer: “Please pray the Lord would give us the courage to continue to be bold in this dark state.”

Wildwood CC is offering to be a resource for other churches. Call WWC Director Amanda Milian at 909-790-0557 or visit for more information.

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