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Hurricane Ian, Florida

CC St. Petersburg Brings Hope and Restoration to Englewood, Florida

Story by Kathy Symborski
Photos by Rob Moorman

“All that was on our work plate Saturday was a widow’s house in that neighborhood, but the Lord Himself had a specific purpose at a specific address that day,” said Frank Dehn, associate pastor of Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg (CCSP), FL. Frank headed up a disaster relief team of 24, in coordination with Samaritan’s Purse, that was dispatched to Englewood, FL—an area particularly hard hit by Hurricane Ian along the coast just north of Fort Myers.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

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Frank Dehn (center), associate pastor of Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg (CCSP), FL, leads the relief team in prayer before donning their work clothes. On Tuesday, Frank and his team will head back out to the community in a coordinated relief effort between CCSP and Samaritan’s Purse.

Frank and his team were the first to respond to this particular neighborhood and were inundated with pleas for help soon after their arrival. Every home was in desperate need, but God turned their attention to one particular situation: two women sleeping in their car for air conditioning with their dogs. They discovered one of the ladies had just been diagnosed with cancer—and now every belonging and their home was destroyed.

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Volunteers with the CCSP team pray with Sherry and Jackie, two ladies forced to sleep in their car for air conditioning. Sherry was recently diagnosed with cancer.

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Flooded houses are completely gutted, removing all ceiling and drywall materials and insulation, to prevent mold growth.

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Experienced in home repair, Frank works quickly removing damaged drywall and ceiling material. Frank also works with Men of Arms, CCSP’s home repair ministry for those in need.

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Unsalvageable items are left curbside for pickup once disposal services resume. Part of CCSP’s mission is to show people they are “far more important than any treasures they may have had,” Frank said.

“We stopped the work, and the whole team gathered around them, shared the Gospel, how personal Jesus is in knowing their situation, and showed them they were far more important than any treasures they may have had. Both wept, and we know the Lord did a work right then and there. The Lord of heaven and earth came to their house and ministered to them in a real, personal way. Regardless of what will happen in the future, they will know the Lord responded to their need,” Frank testified.

The group was to travel 45 minutes on to another destination after completing work on the first house, but they saw the need was too great right where they were. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, Frank directed the team to three additional homes in the neighborhood, including the ladies’, clearing debris and mud out of flooded homes, tarping roofs, and repairing what they were able.

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The roofs of many homes were severely damaged, allowing rain to flood inside. Tarps are secured over the top until long-term repairs can be made.

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Members of the team unable to climb on rooftops have opportunities on the ground: clearing out mud, debris, and destroyed belongings; collecting fallen branches; and removing downed trees.

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Volunteers carry out soaked drywall and perform minor repairs while on site.

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Nathan (center), a community member from St. Petersburg, enthusiastically joined the CCSP team to lend a helping hand.

Of the 24 people on the team, most were from CCSP or other churches. A few from the community heard what CCSP was doing and jumped in the van to help. Frank mentioned, “Ministry starts from the time you leave the church. We had an opportunity to disciple, encourage, and share the Gospel with these new team members. They were all very excited, worked hard, and got to see the Lord working through the lives of others who serve Him.”

Frank and three of his crew were busy resupplying their disaster relief trailer Sunday evening, with plans to head back to the Samaritan’s Purse Englewood hub Tuesday for more work orders. This type of work is nothing new for the fellowship of CCSP, however, as their Men of Arms ministry assists those in the community who are physically or financially unable to do home repairs.

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Team Lead Luke Harms gives Ms Hendrix, a widow, her own Bible as he shares the Gospel message with her; team members look on in support.

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Bibles, signed by each team member, are given to every household where they work. Soon after, Samaritan’s Purse follows up with a Rapid Response chaplain who ministers more personally to their spiritual needs.

Regarding the ministries and various giftings at their fellowship, Frank said, “We have a strong calling to serve our neighbor: For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake (2 Corinthians 4:5). We are willing and ready to do anything.”


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

© 2022 Calvary Chapel Magazine (CCM). All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.