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Christ Over Earthly Treasures: Leaving a Secular Job for Full-time Ministry

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Photos by Tom Price

“You need to start a church, Bobby,” Liz Hargraves told her husband, Bobby Hargraves, after a disappointing visit to a local church in their new hometown in Dutchess County, NY, in the late 1980s. The Lord had made it clear to the Hargraves that there was a real need for a Bible-teaching church in the area, and in 1994, God used them to start Calvary Chapel Hudson Valley (CCHV) in Poughkeepsie, NY.

Pastor Bobby Hargraves of Calvary Chapel Hudson Valley (CCHV), NY, enjoys being with his three granddaughters—Reese, Piper, and Lydia—after a midweek service. In 1994, God used Bobby and his wife, Liz, to start this fellowship in Poughkeepsie, NY. Bobby was only two years from retiring from his job at a prison when he left to work full-time in ministry.

Starting a Church

The Hargraves didn’t begin their walk of faith in the Calvary Chapel family of churches. Bobby was saved at a young age and served his church faithfully. He and Liz enjoyed listening to sermons from Calvary Chapel pastors, and Bobby confirmed, “I couldn’t get enough of Pastor Chuck Smith’s simple but powerful messages.”

Bobby declared, “I was crazy enough to believe God could use me to start a church.” He loved the Calvary Chapel philosophy of ministry and had just finished reading Pastor Chuck’s book Harvest when the Lord impressed that call upon him. Bobby knew that if God could use the lives of those mentioned in the book for the work of the ministry, then surely, He could use him as well. “We started in our house teaching the Word,” explained Bobby. “We saw how when you teach the Word and make it plain and simple, people come.” Over the years, the Lord has used CCHV to reach thousands through the church ministry and Pastor Bobby’s radio ministry.

Bobby (center) and one of his younger brothers, Jamie (right) greet Judy Brickner at church. Liz admitted that when they started the church, “We didn’t have training for this, but we knew we loved Jesus and had a passion for the Word of God.” Bobby added, “I was crazy enough to believe God could use me to start a church.”

“For I have given to them the words which You have given Me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came forth from You; and they have believed that You sent Me.” John 17:8

After a service, Bobby prays with David Tuttle. Over the years, the Lord has used CCHV to reach thousands through the church ministry and Pastor Bobby’s radio ministry. Because Bobby continued to work in the prison system for several years as the church was getting off the ground, he understands the struggles men are facing in the workplace. “I think that’s why there are so many men in the church to this day,” Liz said.

Brothers in Christ & Ministry

Bobby was eventually joined by his younger brother, Michael, who had been working in a successful youth ministry at a different church. Michael recalled, “It was like I audibly heard the voice of the Lord tell me to leave and go help my brother.” He admits that he was afraid at first, thinking it could be his flesh speaking. So, Michael told the Lord that if this was his calling, He would need to let his wife know as well. 

Michael Hargraves (left), Bobby’s brother and assistant pastor, grills with volunteer Benny Quiles at a cookout. Michael shared, “My satisfaction is seeing the fruit from what the Lord is doing here.” Even though the two men are brothers, Michael views Bobby as not only his older brother but as his pastor.

Michael prayed about this for two weeks. One day, he came home to find his wife cooking dinner with tears in her eyes. “You’re not going to believe this,” she told her husband. “The Lord has been telling me that we need to go help your brother.” Michael knew it was of the Lord as he replied, “You had better sit down, because I need to explain it to you.”

Michael shared, “My satisfaction is seeing the fruit from what the Lord is doing here [at CCHV].” Even though the two men are brothers, Michael views Bobby as not only his older brother but as his pastor. For Michael, being the Number Two leader in the church is better than being the Number One leader. “Being Number Two guy is the best place to be,” he claims. “There is always a need for a Number Two.”

Michael (left) prays with Maureen and Joseph Giorgi. Michael left a successful youth ministry at another church, sensing God’s calling for him to support his brother’s work. He enjoys being “Second,” contending that if you want to grow in ministry, “Down is up.”

The Lord Guides & Provides

Throughout the formation of CCHV, the Lord has led the Hargraves in many ways. Bobby continued to work in the prison system for several years as the church was getting off the ground. It got to the point, however, that Bobby was being overworked. Between his job at the prison and his role as pastor, Bobby was absent from home a lot. He and Liz realized something needed to change. “The church can always get another pastor, but my kids can’t get another father."

Liz recounted, “We were a young family with a 5-year-old, a 3-year-old, one on the way, and we were both working.” She saw all the Lord was doing through Bobby and the ministry while also admitting it wasn’t easy. Through it all, Liz kept in mind 1 Corinthians 1:27, where Paul reminds the church that God uses the foolish and the weak.

Liz Hargraves chats with ladies interested in joining the women’s ministry, which she leads. She had encouraged Bobby to start a fellowship and understood that the area needed solid Bible teaching.

“We didn’t have training for this,” admitted Liz, “but we knew we loved Jesus and had a passion for the Word of God.” She also knew there were other women who had working husbands, giving her a way to connect with and encourage them. “It’s all in our attitude, and keeping a good perspective,” she admonished. She felt a sense of relief knowing that she didn’t have to have all the answers when encouraging other women—but always knew where to point them.

Dylan Cunningham plays a Bible quiz game with youth during a midweek service. This is one of many ministries at CCHV, home to a congregation of approximately 1,000 people.

Full-Time Ministry

Bobby was only two years from retiring from the prison when he left to work full-time in ministry. “Working in the prison was good for me,” Bobby admits, sharing how the work prepared him for ministry. As Liz pointed out, there were so many men who came to the church because they knew the pastor understood what they were facing in the workplace every day. “I think that’s why there are so many men in the church to this day,” she added.

Vicki David (left) enjoys chatting with her best friend, Marcia Wiley, during a church outing. Bobby believes the Lord blessed the ministry because his teachings have been faithful to the Word of God. “If you honor the Lord and His Word, people will come.”

Even though it was hard to walk away, Bobby knew it was the right thing to do, despite giving up his benefits and pension. The church began to double in size. He was able to do so much more in ministry when he was finally able to focus on it full-time. Because of their faithfulness, God provided financially for the Hargraves. Eight years after leaving his job, Bobby received all of his retirement benefits and pension.

“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Matthew 6:26

Children’s worship leader Georgia Santo interacts joyfully with the kids. There is a hunger at CCHV for teaching from the Word, Bobby said. “We are at the place where we see what Pastor Chuck experienced on the West Coast.” And he emphasized, “If we have had success, it is because Jesus is at the center of it.”

The Lord Provides in Big Ways

The congregation has also seen how the Lord provides financially. “We said we’re never passing the offering plate, and God has always provided,” Bobby asserted. In 2006, CCHV wanted to host a local event inviting Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Church in Albuquerque, NM, as well as other Calvary Chapel speakers.

The event was going to cost over $20,000. Bobby trusted that the Lord would provide—even when his church board encouraged him to pass the hat, Bobby held his position and said No.

Matt and Rachel Nargi talk with friends during a Calvary Chapel Hudson Valley picnic. This past year, one of Rachel’s close friends at church, Juliet Sweeney, was in desperate need of a kidney transplant. Rachel was tested and proved to be a match. The couple prayed, and Rachel gave Juliet one of her kidneys. The operation came off without a hitch and both are doing well in the family atmosphere of CC Hudson Valley.

One Sunday, on the way to a meeting with the board about the big event, he stopped by a couple who had been visiting the church. The couple shared how their daughter—after seeing several psychiatrists who could not help her—had improved tremendously while attending and being a part of CCHV. The couple was so moved by what the Lord was doing that they donated a large sum of money which more than covered the cost of the event, with plenty to spare.

“We did everything wrong,” Bobby admitted, implying it was not exactly how “experts” would recommend beginning a church ministry. Yet he believes the Lord blessed the ministry because his teachings have been faithful to the Word of God. “If you honor the Lord and His Word, people will come.”

So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:7

A young boy from the Gersch family seems to have all the right moves during a worship service.

Reaping a Harvest

CC Hudson Valley has met in various buildings over the years. More than 1,000 people attend services at their current building. Pastor Bobby attributes the growth of the church to Jesus. Bobby has made it clear that the ministry has never been about him or Calvary Chapel, but always about Jesus.

There is a hunger for teaching from the Word. As Bobby puts it, “We are at the place where we see what Pastor Chuck experienced on the West Coast.” And he emphasized, “If we have had success, it is because Jesus is at the center of it.”

Left to right: Bobby’s nephew, his brothers Michael and Jamie enjoy a time after church together.

Learn more about Calvary Chapel Hudson Valley at

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