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CC Downey Conference 2020

Let Us Rise and Rebuild

“And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.” Nehemiah 2:18

The Calvary Chapel Association (CCA) “Let us Rise and Rebuild” Conference begins tomorrow, Friday, March 5, at CC Downey, CA, close to Los Angeles. Registrations opens at 7:30am with a continental breakfast at 8am. Worship starts at 9am and the first speaker will be at 9:30am followed by four speakers throughout the day. Afterglow will be led by Oden Fong in the evening. Saturday begins with a continental breakfast at 8am on Saturday and speakers and breakouts sessions will continue until communion closes out the conference after 4pm.

Last February, Calvary Chapel Downey, CA, hosted the 2020 Regional Pastors and Leadership Conference where 500 faithful servants gathered to study the work of the Holy Spirit, based on Zechariah 4:6.

Below is our coverage from last year's conference.


'By My Spirit'—Calvary Chapel Downey’s Pre-Covid Spirit-Filled Conference Spurs Hunger for More

Story by Tim Hoelle
Photos by Micah Martin

“This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

A highlight of the conference was the afterglow service led by retired Calvary Chapel Pastor Jim Hesterly. Pastors were invited to share their prayer requests. “People responded with recommitments to the Lord, many prayers were lifted up, and some were prophesied over,” said host Pastor Jeff Johnson of CC Downey. “God used it in an amazing way and showed Himself strong.” Jeff described Jim Hesterly’s ministry: “Jim has always been very sensitive and in tune with the Holy Spirit. His wisdom leading an afterglow service is well known, and his faith to call out healings and prophecies has been amazing.” He continued, “I believe one of Calvary Chapel’s strong points in our beginning was our yielding to the move of God’s Spirit, to step out and allow Him to move.”

Men talking

Retired CC Pastor Jim Hesterly (left) speaks to one of the conference attendees.

Jeff’s wife, Karyn Johnson, described the influence of Jim’s wife, June, on Calvary Chapel women. “While June is soft spoken, she has always demonstrated an incredible sensitivity to the move of the Holy Spirit,” stated Karyn. She related that women looked forward each year as June led the afterglow during the CC pastors’ wives conferences. “Being led by the Spirit, she would call out healings and words of knowledge with incredible accuracy,” Karyn remembered. At the same time, June was quick to pass the microphone to another leader if she sensed the Lord’s leading. Both Jeff and Karyn voiced their thankfulness to Jim and June for their leadership and friendship through the years.

The Holy Spirit, Jeff expounded, baptizes many, giving comforting words through prophecy and allowing them to experience His presence. “My prayer is that many will begin to experience the move of the Holy Spirit as something that is ‘normal,’ even during midweek or Sunday meetings. I’ve prayed for many to stand with others, laying hands on them to be baptized in the Holy Spirit or to be healed!”

Women talking over pews

Ladies have a chance to share with each other between teachings.

Plans for the 2021 Calvary Chapel Association conference are already in place; the theme is “Let us Rise and Rebuild,” taken from Nehemiah 2:18. And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work. The event will again be hosted by Calvary Chapel Downey; a nominal registration fee of $50 will partially offset the cost. Conference attendees will attend nine sessions over two full days. Lunch is included. In addition to Pastor Jeff Johnson, speakers will include pastors Ray Loo, Calvary Chapel Santa Fe Springs, CA; and Tuvai Faatai, Lifted Fellowship San Pedro, CA, among others.

U Turn For Christ men sitting at table

Men from the Calvary Chapel addiction restoration ministry, U-TURN FOR CHRIST, sit at one of the many ministry tables ringing the sanctuary.

According to CC Downey Assistant Pastor Jack Jimenez, the conference organizer, “Workshops will include rebuilding a children’s ministry for the church, led by Rudy Cardenas—every church needs a strong children’s ministry. The person leading that session has been involved with developing most of the programs for Calvary Chapels on the West Coast. In addition, we’ll also offer a workshop regarding our School of Ministry.” As in the past, the conference planners will reach out to approximately 50 churches from the Los Angeles area, but from other areas as well. The current plan is to present the conference in person, subject to the state’s COVID-19 rules. “Along with speakers and sessions, attendees will be able to spend time with representatives of a variety of ministries, including resources for children’s ministry, radio and broadcast services, CC Downey’s School of Ministry, and many others,” added Jack.

The 2021 conference will be held March 5-6.
See Calvary Chapel Downey’s website for details.

Man talking at podium

Pastor James Kaddis, CC Signal Hill, CA, shares from the pulpit.


People praying together

Attendees stand up for prayer.


Pastor praying with man

Pastor Randy Walls, CC Uplands, prays with folks after teaching.


Pastors praying with people

Pastors Jeff Johnson, center, and Roger Stahlhut pray with folks attending.


Group prayer

Many attendees come forward for prayer.


Crowd worship

The congregations enjoys times of worship.


Man talking at podium

Pastor Ray Loo, CC Santa Fe Springs, CA, shares.


Men leading worship

The Gutierrez Brothers will be leading the worship music as they did last year.


Men setting up communion

Pastor Jeff Johnson prepares for communion. He and his fellowship, Calvary Chapel Downey, hosted last year’s conference as well as this year’s event.


Men standing on stage

Pastor Jeff Johnson and the Gutierrez Brothers lead the congregation as they share in communion.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

© 2020 Calvary Chapel Magazine. All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.