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Hurricane Ian, Florida

Calvary Chapel Venice Assists Neighbors Devastated by Hurricane Ian

Story by Kathy Symborski
Photos by Linda Jacobs, CC Venice

About 40 minutes northwest of Punta Gorda, FL, Calvary Chapel of Venice has been putting forth relief efforts for residents in their area, which is densely populated by mobile home parks for those aged 55 and older. Many of these homes are uninsurable due to the age of the structures, and the residents, mostly in their 70s, have physical limitations and are on fixed incomes. This, combined with the insurmountable damages, has left many helpless and hopeless.

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Mobile home communities, particularly hard hit by Hurricane Ian, left many residents feeling helpless and hopeless. Calvary Chapel of Venice (CCV), FL, let its light shine as members helped their neighbors recover in the aftermath of destruction, giving glory to God.

Helping Each Other Succeed
Joining forces with Calvary Relief, a Calvary Chapel-associated disaster relief organization, help and hope is being administered through “Camp Calvary” teams sent to repair homes and share the testimony of Jesus. Camp Calvary, set up on site at CC Venice, provides housing, hot showers, and a full kitchen for volunteers. Calvary Relief also has a truck and an extensive workshop trailer capable of equipping the teams with everything needed to make the repairs. Calvary Chapels from nearby, such as Calvary Chapel Sarasota and Faith Community Christian Fellowship in Osprey, have come alongside to assist as have many from other states—even as far as Hawaii with a team of 15 arriving next week.

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Equipped with an extensive workshop trailer, Calvary Relief, a Calvary Chapel-associated disaster relief organization, in conjunction with CC Venice, has committed to helping residents repair damages to their homes. Mike Jacobs (right), assistant pastor of CCV, looks on as materials are unloaded. Next to Mike is Curt Hencye with Calvary Relief.

Mike Jacobs, assistant pastor of CC Venice, explained, “We have multiple opportunities to minister to people because we go out and make the initial contact. Then Curt Hencye [Calvary Relief] goes out to do the assessment, and then the team gets sent to do the work.” In a very organized process, all work is coordinated through Curt. Teams are then given a daily work order for specific houses and sent out with all the materials needed to complete the job, including Bibles.

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Volunteers from CCV repair the home of Nyjat and Zuhair, Mike’s neighbors who live behind him. Prior to this, Mike had never met Zuhair but through this outreach, they established a relationship, allowing Mike to share the Gospel.

God is at Work Through the Storm
Mike and his wife Linda live in one of these mobile home parks and give all the glory to God that their house was spared. The Jacobs evacuated just prior to Ian, leaving their home in God’s hands. When they returned, driving around felled trees and over sidewalks and water-covered roads, and saw their house still there—virtually untouched—Mike immediately thought, OK Lord, how do You want to use this?

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The day after Hurricane Ian landed, Mike and Linda returned to their community to assess the damage. Almost every house on their tree-strewn street incurred severe damage, some having entire roofs ripped off and living space demolished.

“My neighbor’s house took a major hit so we have done a lot of work there. In the six years we have lived there, I’ve never met her husband—he never came outside. The first time we were there, he came out on the steps and thanked us. The next week we were there, he came and sat outside talking to us.” Mike excitedly continued, “This is major, because we have never seen him and now his wife is coming to church tomorrow!”

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

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From left to right: neighbors Mike, Nyjat, Zuhair, and Linda. To Mike and Linda’s delight, even Zuhair came to church on Sunday with his wife. A photo buff, Nyjat created a photo book of thanksgiving for CCV, which featured every person who helped them in the aftermath of Ian.

Donations to this relief effort in the Venice, FL, area are welcomed and can be made through CC Venice’s website at

If you would like to volunteer or send a team, please contact:
Curt Hencye at
Details can also be found at


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All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

© 2022 Calvary Chapel Magazine (CCM). All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.