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CC Windsor's Pastor Scott & Nancy Cox Pass Away

Calvary Chapels Mourn the Deaths of Scott & Nancy Cox: Mapmaker Turned Disciple Maker

Story by Margot Bass

The close-knit Colorado family of Calvary Chapel fellowships is mourning the deaths of Scott Cox, pastor of CC Windsor, CO, and his wife Nancy. The couple died following a tragic auto accident on Monday, July 4.

Bob Chipman, a member of the church board and the men's ministry leader, shared transparently that the church body of approximately 250 is in shock, in mourning. "We had a gathering of remembrance Tuesday night for Scott and Nancy. The building was overflowing. It wasn't just filled with our church members—it was also members of our community whose lives Scott and Nancy touched."

He asked all Calvary Chapels to pray for the church and especially for Scott and Nancy’s sons, Alex and Charlie. (Their other son, Christian, died tragically a few years ago.) “We surely need that. Without prayer and God's wisdom, I don't know where we'd be at the moment." Pastors from the Rocky Mountain region of the Calvary Chapel Association will help to fill the pulpit until a new pastor is found. Humorously, Bob added, "The church doors will not be closing. Scott would probably come down and beat me up if we did that."

From Mapmaker to Disciple Maker
According to the church website, Pastor Scott grew up in a small town in western Colorado, living a fairly typical American boy’s lifestyle. He graduated from the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley with a degree in geography and landed a job in northern California as a cartographer (mapmaker) in 1991. While in California, he met Nancy, a Christian. Nancy immediately invited Scott to Bible study and church at Calvary Chapel Modesto. Scott began reading the Bible and praying, but he wasn’t yet saved.

Over the course of the next five months, all of Scott’s objections to Jesus were answered. One evening, alone in his car, Scott surrendered his life to God, asking for forgiveness for all the horrible things he’d ever done. And the weight of all the sin he’d been carrying for years was lifted.

Scott and Nancy married and in 1993 moved to Colorado Springs. They attended Rocky Mountain Calvary and began volunteering in various ministries, including teaching children. In 1998, Scott started teaching Bible studies for workmates and later led a home Bible study group through the Gospel of Matthew. Along the way, he found that promotions and raises were no longer motivating him—God was redirecting his life toward ministry.

In 2005, Rocky Mountain Calvary hired Scott as part of the pastoral staff. But the burden to begin a new work for God’s kingdom was still strong. In the summer of 2006, the Coxes sold their home and moved to Windsor to start CC Windsor. They knew only one family in town.

They started a Thursday night Bible study at their home, going through the book of Acts. God gave Scott a job with the City of Greeley as a mapmaker. In October 2006, CC Windsor was officially born, with Sunday services held at the Windsor High School cafeteria. Since then, God has blessed the teaching of His Word by changing lives, growing His church, and providing a new location for the church.

CC Windsor's website lists Scott’s favorite Bible verse:
The LORD, the LORD, the gracious and compassionate God; slow to anger, abounding in mercy and faithfulness, showing love to thousands of generations, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Exodus 34:6-7

Leaving a Legacy
Bob Chipman described the legacy Scott and Nancy left behind. “Together, I would say they were the epitome of a God-fearing couple. Everything they did showed their faith and their love for others. It was always foremost in their minds how they could serve other people, and they could do that very well.”

He continued, “Scott was an incredible pastor and teacher. There wasn't anything that he wouldn't do for anybody inside or outside the congregation. He not only led us, but he also orchestrated a monthly prayer meeting for local pastors, where they would just get together and pray for God's Church. He used to teach at one of the nursing homes in the community on a rotating basis.”

Pastor Ed Taylor of Calvary Church in Aurora, CO, recalled of Scott, “He was a very faithful man whom God used in incredible ways up in the northern part of Colorado and throughout the state. He was a man of integrity, commitment, and reliability.” Ed stated that he was especially encouraged by the citywide pastors’ prayer meeting Scott led. “He was just one of those reliable, faithful, and trustworthy men. I really enjoyed his friendship.”

Eric Cartier, pastor of Rocky Mountain Calvary, shared his memories of Scott and Nancy. Eric was their sending pastor when he started CC Windsor; Scott had served on his pastoral staff. “We’re all really shocked and surprised how quickly the Lord took them home in this accident.”

He noted that both left great legacies. “They both just loved the Lord. I’ve known them over 20 years. I think of their faithfulness, their endurance, their kindness—they were some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. They were very gentle, giving, and hospitable. Scott was a great Bible teacher, super-friendly, and just loved on everyone. And Nancy was a schoolteacher in Windsor, leaving a big hole there with all the students that she has invested in.”

A Final Prayer
On July 3, his last Sunday before his death, Scott praised God and prayed joyfully before greeting his congregation. A portion follows:

“Lord, without You, we would be nothing. Without You, we're lost. Many of us have tried for an awful long time to get along without You, to live this life without acknowledging You, without obeying You. Lord, there's nothing but shame back there, nothing but regret over the things of the past. Yet … we press on, because You have given us a sure hope, a confidence in You. You have saved us out of that mirey pit. You have saved us out of the crud of this world, out of the crud of my own making, God. You have lifted us up out of that, You have set our feet in a firm place, on a rock that will never be moved.

“Jesus, You are our foundation, … the One that gives us confidence. We have no confidence in our flesh, … in ourselves. We have no right to come before You, Father, but we have every right through Your Son Jesus and what He did on the cross. … Jesus, You are good. You have done this for us. And we rejoice in that this morning! Thank You. Thank You for saving our souls. Thank You for giving us an opportunity, Lord, to know You for all of eternity. Make these lives that we live mean something.”

“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’” Matthew 25:23


Keep up with this story and learn more about Scott and Nancy’s church at



All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

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