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Calvary Chapel—CUBA

Calvary Chapel Pastor Urges Prayer for Cubans and Island Churches

Story by Ron Hindt, senior pastor of Calvary Houston, TX
Photos courtesy of Calvary Houston

The recent Cuba crisis is very real and alarming. Unrest has rocked the island nation this month as Cuba’s citizens have protested for freedom and better living conditions—and the government has responded by cracking down violently on the dissent.

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Hindt family photo

Pastor Ron Hindt of Calvary Houston, TX, with his wife Yani and children Samantha and Trey. Yani was born in Cuba and escaped the communist regime 25 years ago. Pastor Ron and Calvary Houston have been actively involved in ministry in Cuba over many years.

My wife Yani was born in Cuba and escaped the communist regime over 25 years ago. Since then, we have been going to Cuba for many years. God has done so much in the past decade. Open evangelism has been allowed, thousands have been saved, and we now work with 28 Calvary Chapels in the central part of Cuba.

At this time, their greatest desire and need is our prayers! We have been in contact with the churches several times a day. The internet has been cut off, but phone service still works. Armed soldiers are everywhere. Martial law has been enacted. Communist informants are in every town and village reporting those who speak out against the regime, and people are being taken to camps. Some have died and others have simply disappeared.

Prayer meeting in Cuba

Believers at Calvary Houston pray in a special service for the island nation of Cuba—the political unrest, government crackdown on protests, and for the churches.

When the early Church was faced with crisis, they prayed. We read in Acts 12 that Herod killed the apostle James and then arrested Peter, intending to kill him after the Passover. However, we read in Acts 12:5, Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. Please join us in prayer for the churches in Cuba and for the Cuban people as they face great persecution. May the Church shine during this time, and may Jesus receive all the glory!

Cuban Calvary Chapel pastors

There are 28 Calvary Chapel pastors in central Cuba, according to Ron Hindt, senior pastor of Calvary Houston. Pictured are 21 of them.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

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