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Calvary Chapel Blythe, CA

Calvary Chapel Blythe, CA: Town Fire Sparks Unity Among Churches

Story by Trinity Grau
Photos/Videos courtesy of Mick Catron & CC Blythe, CA

As Pastor Mick Catron surveyed the destruction of a fire that nearly ravaged Calvary Chapel Blythe’s building, he was approached by one of the local firefighters with a strong word about the events that had taken place over the last 24 hours.

“Mick, you know that God saved your building, don’t you?”

Mick responded jokingly, “Is that the official position of the Blythe Fire Department?” Despite the humorous tone, Mick knew that what the firefighter said was true. God was working through the circumstance, a blessing that has continued as CC Blythe, CA, received the help of another local congregation’s surprising gift of compassion.

Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. 1 Peter 5:9

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A drone captures the May 23 Blythe, CA, Spring Street fire in startling detail, showing how the blaze consumed two major businesses next to CC Blythe. Although the church was spared, it incurred significant water and smoke damage inside, making it temporarily unusable.

A Horrific Fire
“We had on May 23rd what is considered by the city of Blythe to be the most horrific disaster in their 104-year history,” explained Pastor Mick. On that tragic evening, Spring Street (which makes up the heart of Blythe’s downtown area) caught fire. The Sears store, immediately next door, caught fire and spread swiftly to the interconnected buildings along the road. According to the church website, “The fire kept advancing toward our church and actually appeared as though it had crossed to our building on several occasions.”

Pastor Mick was out of town at the time, but the assistant pastor, Calvary’s deacons, and several congregants gathered in concern to watch the fire. CC Blythe Deacon James Aguirre said they had left the church Monday night after a Bible study, and no more than an hour later they started seeing Facebook posts reporting the church was on fire.

“I was worried that maybe we had forgotten to turn something off or that there was something we should have done,” James admitted. He stood and watched the fire for a few hours, in earnest prayer. He recounted that one of the first thoughts on his mind was OK, Lord, what are you trying to tell us?


This 30-second video from Pastor Mick Catron shows the extent of the damage caused by the Spring Street fire.


Four eyewitnesses reported that even as the flames began to approach the roof of their facility, a strong breeze picked up, blowing to the north, appearing to keep the fire from advancing south to the church building. One of the most amazing events that James witnessed was the way the fire raged through the street, bursting storefront windows from the temperature; they could feel the heat from across the street.

God’s Providence
Jacob Osife, a CC Blythe deacon, thought that the church windows would inevitably blow, but the lights were still on in the building and the windows remained intact. The combined efforts of the Blythe Fire Department and other supporting agencies, and the strong prevailing wind, prevented the fire from advancing to the church building. Although the church had been spared, it incurred significant water and smoke damage inside, making it temporarily unusable—leaving Mick and his congregation wondering how they would continue.

However, for Pastor Mick, it would prove to be a sign of God’s providence and blessing upon the church body. He had previously been a missionary before helping start CC Indio, CA, serving as assistant pastor from 1990-1994. In late 1994, CC Blythe was officially founded as an outreach of CC Indio. In the small, isolated town of Blythe, the church has grown to be one of the larger congregations. God has continued to use CC Blythe—even through the tragedy.

A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9 

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After the fire damage, members of CC Blythe wondered where they would meet until their building was repaired. Blythe’s First Southern Baptist Church reached out to offer its facility. “It’s just absolutely incredible how the church came together with us. They’ve been so gracious … [offering] to let us have Sunday service as well as our weekly ministries [there],” exclaimed Pastor Mick Catron.

Demonstrating Brotherly Love
As the elders gathered to discuss how they would continue serving their congregants, the deacon of Blythe’s First Southern Baptist Church, a small struggling congregation which has been without a pastor for the last two years, was moved to reach out and offer aid.

“It’s just absolutely incredible how the church came together with us. They’ve been so gracious. The Baptist Church offered to let us have Sunday service as well as our weekly ministries, including Family Life Night, Ladies study, and our Sunday evening ministry,” Mick said. “The only change Calvary has made is starting Sunday mornings a little earlier. I’ve even been invited to preach at the Baptist service on a couple occasions when they needed pulpit fill.” To his surprise, he not only saw the groups working together to make the best use of the facility but even started to hear again and again how members of the Baptist church were enthused about seeing new life flow into their space. 

“It’s great to see the two congregations enjoying some fellowship together as we go out and they come in. It’s starting to feel like extended family. They’re excited, we’re excited. We’re seeing life happen, and we’re finding that us being there is making their church happy just as much as we are,” Mick added.


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They have done their best to involve and invite members of First Southern Baptist to be a part of their gatherings as well. “We’ve invited some of their men to our men’s study, and we tell them that they’re always welcome to partake in donuts and coffee if they come early for church. We’ll also be doing our Christmas services together as well.” 

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The CC Blythe family worships at the Baptist church on a recent Sunday morning. The relationship has worked out well; they’ve united through Bible studies and even community events. Mick shared, “It’s great to see the two congregations enjoying some fellowship together as we go out and they come in. It’s starting to feel like extended family. They’re excited, we’re excited.”

Abiding Together in Unity
Mick laughingly noted that the two church bodies have cooperated well, with very few hurdles along the way. “They don’t have the sound equipment we need, but they were gracious enough to let us bring in our things and try to work out how to use the space. It’s been a learning curve, but we’ve all been blessed.” 

The two churches have cooperated in making the best of their Sundays, with CC Blythe holding their services first and First Southern Baptist following shortly after. They have also collaborated on hosting events for their local community. On the Fourth of July, they jointly hosted an event offering bouncers, food, and games. “It was a chance for the guys to all help out; the Baptist guys got a kick out of grilling—and we all know the Baptists know how to do food the best,” shared Pastor Mick. “We plan to do the same in autumn if we can. It was a great way to impact the immediate community.”

The ladies have also had the opportunity to connect by having a joint women’s night and study. Jan Catron, Pastor Mick’s wife, said that in joining in study together, the women have been strengthened to share how they are learning through this time. Ironically, the topic of the study was having strength in the midst of life’s struggles. One of the women from the Baptist church’s pastoral search committee confided that the struggle to find a shepherd had been discouraging, but the presence of CC Blythe walking alongside them has brought life and a fresh hope to their situation. 

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 

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About 30 helpers came to a work party at CC Blythe in July. “We cleared ALL the rooms necessary, turning our sanctuary into an organized storage facility, to prepare the way for upcoming wall and floor demo, and fire-related renovations. It was a blast working side by side,” Pastor Mick reported on Facebook.

Through the unfortunate circumstances the church found themselves in, the Lord has been faithful, and the joy that permeates the church is evident. Now looking back, Deacon James Aguirre believes that God was trying to inspire them to live out a message of unity among other pastors from the town. “It’s been such a huge blessing to be at the Southern Baptist Church—it reminds me of how God works through all circumstances. One of the things that I find inspiring is how even nonbelievers are mentioning God and attributing to Him the mercy shown to the CC Blythe building.”

The Joy of Flexibility
Pastor Mick reflected, “It’s just been good to come together, to help and to do something together. It makes people excited for the future. Whenever God brings inconvenience our way, He provides in other ways. You have to be willing to be flexible and go in other directions. God has provided a place for us, and we’re having wonderful fellowship.” He cited the late Pastor Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement, who often said, “Blessed are the flexible; they will not be broken.” 

Renovations to CC Blythe’s damaged building are ongoing—extensive work to damaged floors and walls, as well as the repair of structural issues at the former shared wall with Sears. Pastor Mick noted they are expecting to be able to move back into their building early next year. But in the meantime, as Mick declared, “We’ll bloom where we’ve been planted and seek to be a blessing here however long it takes. We know it’s all for His glory and for our good, so when the road is bumpy, we sometimes need to just tighten the seat belt of faith and enjoy the ride.” 

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Learn more about Calvary Chapel Blythe at

Watch this message from Pastor Mick, delivered the day after the fire. At the time, he didn’t know where they would hold services. In it he encourages his flock that the church is not the building but the people.



(To learn more about Calvary Chapel University, visit their website or read our past coverage on the school)

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All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

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