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A Pastor’s Legacy of Faithful Christian Service

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Photos courtesy of Calvary Church, CO

Assistant Pastor Avant Ramsey of Calvary Church in Aurora, CO, passed away unexpectedly after emergency surgery on June 11, 2023. He was 69 years old. During the special service to celebrate Avant’s life on June 30, his wife Barbara shared that she was privileged to have spent her life with him. Avant was born in Chicago to solidly Christian parents. His father died at an early age, leaving his mother to raise five children. He had watched the Chicago riots from his ninth-floor window; his faithful Christian mother would not let him leave the apartment to watch up close. Barbara said she met Avant while attending Rocky Mountain College in Billings, MT.

Avant Ramsey (left), assistant pastor of Calvary Church in Aurora, CO, speaks with Roy Stigall, another assistant pastor. Avant passed away unexpectedly on June 11 at age 69. He is remembered for his care for the people around him and his heart for prayer.

Avant (right) helps baptize a young man at Calvary Church. A former UPS employee, he first attended the fellowship in 2006 and joined the staff in 2017.

His children couldn’t remember a time when Avant was angry, except once at a soccer game when a referee was allowing another player to jump on his son’s back and be “flapping around” and injure his son. Barbara remembered, “He was saying, ‘Ref, make the call, make the call,’ and the referee wouldn’t make the call. So, the third time this happened, Avant got mad, and he said, ‘Come on!’ and he roared it so loud that he dislocated his jaw.” The memorial attendees laughed. “True story. We had a friend there who was a physical therapist, and she massaged his [jaw] back together. It didn’t stop him from discussing super-sternly with the ref, but he didn’t yell anymore. He made a decision to be a peaceful man and to have a peaceful home, and that he was going to demonstrate the love of Christ through his service to other people.”

Assistant Pastor Keegan Withers (left) prays with Avant. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Barbara, two sons, and grandchildren.

And he felt that love and it was a channel for him to serve other people. So, a lot of you do know that Avant was a true servant, and he loved people.” The attendees clapped.

“I’ll just share one more story. Avant got a temporary job at UPS over the Christmas season. You guys know what that means. The rule then was that if you worked 30 days, you moved from temporary to permanent.” He and Barbara were marking off the days until he could be permanent. “On the 29th day, after he put in overtime, he went back to the center.” And he was thanked and told that they were finished with him.

But the following day, Avant put on his UPS uniform. Barbara thought he had lost his mind, but Avant was so stable-minded. He went to UPS and got on a truck. “His supervisor said, ‘Ramsey, what are you doing here?’, and Avant replied, ‘Working.’ ” They let him work. “He came home that night and had his 30 days, and he spent 32 more years at UPS.” The audience laughed and clapped as Barbara smiled. “I tell you that story because he didn’t get angry or get self-righteous about things.”  She shared that Avant would have been the same man that evening whether or not he had that job. He did the right thing every day.

Avant, donned in a Washington Homestead Grays uniform, speaks to Calvary Church youth. A very tall and peaceable man, Avant was quoted as saying, “Don’t be strong, be human.” Assistant Pastor Everett Padilla lamented, “How much we’re mourning right now just expresses how much we love our brother.”

Pastor Avant and Barbara attended Calvary Church in Aurora since 2006, and in 2017 he joined the staff. He spent every moment he could with his family and prayed over his sons and grandchildren, just as his mother had for her children. When offered a full-time pastoral position, he declined it because he wanted to spend more time with his grandkids. Barbara reflected that he and she “grew up together” and made wonderful memories, had a joyful journey in raising their two boys, that he had goofy humor, and “was cool.” He spent hours in prayer, and if he promised to pray for you, he did.

Barbara thanked everyone for the love they gave Avant and the life they shared with him—because he loved all of them.

Avant and his wife Barbara enjoy a humorous moment.

A friend of Avant’s since college, Charles James, revealed that Avant had kept him calm during sporting events and got him to read his Bible. Avant always treated Charles and his wife Mary’s kids as his own. Mary stated that Avant was always a gentle, God-loving man. Real, never fake. He was honest and would remember what you had to say. Avant’s “faith in God was who he was, a deeply religious man of God.” There was always love and laughter when Avant was around. Mary said that Avant made each person feel as if they were his secret favorite.

Senior Pastor Ed Taylor and Assistant Pastor Everett Padilla both echoed that same thought. A very tall and peaceable man, Avant was quoted as saying, “Don’t be strong, be human.” Everett lamented, “How much we’re mourning right now just expresses how much we love our brother.”

A smiling Avant, as he will be remembered by his family and church. “He made a decision to be a peaceful man and to have a peaceful home, and that he was going to demonstrate the love of Christ through his service to other people,” Barbara remembered.

His son, Avant Douglas, stated that his dad was a prayer warrior and presented thoughts from the family. Niece Shanna and great-niece Shakina wrote that Avant “was funny and silly, yet strong and God-fearing.” Avant’s sister Joyce had appreciated, as did many others, his Wednesday prayer sessions. Avant is survived not only by his wife of 50 years, Barbara, but also his sons, Avant Douglas (Val) and Michael (Caitlin); his grandchildren, Lommi and Zahn; his sister Joyce and brother Derrick; his niece Shanna (Shannon); his great-niece Shakina (Patrick); and great-great-nephew Zylan. He is also survived by many nieces and nephews.

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 19:19

Pastor Ed Taylor taught a series of Bible studies to help his church family through such a tremendous loss. They are available through the links below or on their church website. You may also view the memorial service itself there as well. Pastor Ed prays these studies will encourage anyone dealing with grief.

Avant teaches at Calvary Church, his Bible at the ready. 

Please keep Avant’s family and church congregation in prayer.

Facing Death: 2 Kings 20:1-3

What to do when I’m Overwhelmed: Psalm 61:1-2

When Good Men Die (Pastor Avant’s Memorial Service)

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