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A Bride for the Son

A Bride for the Son

Originally published in Issue 73 of Calvary Chapel Magazine

“But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time next year.” Genesis 17:21

Many times, the stories of the Old Testament represent New Testament truths. Abraham is a representation of God the Father in his willingness to sacrifice his son on Mount Moriah. And the story of Isaac provides us with several intriguing character types in the persons of Isaac, Eliezer, and Rebekah.

Isaac: A Picture of Christ

During the three-day journey to Mount Moriah, Abraham likely considered his son as dead, since he planned to sacrifice him on the mountain. Abraham had Isaac bear the wood; a picture of Christ who bore His own wooden cross. Abraham is prophesying that God is going to provide Himself as a Lamb for the burnt offering; a prophecy of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, who was offered as a sacrifice for man’s sins. Isaac was probably twenty-five years old and could have overpowered his dad, but he was obedient unto the call of God upon his father’s life. Submitting, even as Jesus could have escaped the cross.

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So after the Lord intervened and spared Isaac’s life, it seemed to Abraham as though he had received his son back from the grave. That event foreshadowed the Savior’s death and His rising from the dead on the third day. The tremendous foreshadowing of Calvary on Mount Moriah means that in the very spot where Abraham built his altar, the cross of Christ was placed as God gave His only begotten Son—because He loved the world.

Eliezer: A Portrait of the Holy Spirit

Many Bible commentators believe that Eliezer, the heir mentioned in Genesis 15:2, is also the unnamed servant in Genesis 24. As a type of the Holy Spirit, Eliezer’s name is significant. Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the “Comforter” (John 14:16 KJV). In the Greek this is parakletos, which literally means “one who comes alongside to help.” In Hebrew, the name Eliezer means “God my helper.”

I believe the servant not being identified by name in Chapter 24 is a deliberate omission by the Holy Spirit. For Jesus said concerning the Holy Spirit, “He will testify of Me” (John 15:26b). The witness and work of the Holy Spirit in the world is not to magnify Himself, but to magnify Jesus Christ.

Once Eliezer met Rebekah’s family, he asks for her to become Isaac’s wife. As he seeks the bride for the son, he testifies of the glory of his master, the glory of his master’s estate, and of all that his master possesses—and he speaks of a son to whom the father has given everything.

You don’t know what living is all about until you live in Christ.

The witness of the Holy Spirit testifies to the same things. He points to the glory and wealth of the kingdom of God; and to God’s Son, whom the Father has appointed heir of all things. The Spirit woos you to be the bride of Christ, that you might be joint heir with Him of all of the wealth and glories of the eternal kingdom of God. All who have received Jesus as Lord and Savior are a chosen generation, elected before the foundation of the world to bring glory and praise to God as the bride of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Rebekah: A Depiction of the Church

Genesis describes Rebekah as being very beautiful. Psalm 45, interpreted as a prophecy concerning the bride of Christ (the Church), says that the King desires the Church’s beauty. Even if we don’t feel worthy, how wonderful to know that the Lord chose us and sees us as His beautiful bride.

Just as Eliezer gave Rebekah precious things, the Holy Spirit gives us “precious things”—His marvelous gifts, including Himself. He becomes the down payment, the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession (Ephesians 1:14a). The gifts of the Spirit are a mere foretaste of the glory that awaits us in the heavenly kingdom.

With only the servant’s descriptions of the son to guide her, Rebekah had already fallen in love with Isaac—sight unseen. And it is through the descriptions in the Bible prompted by the Holy Spirit that we learn to love Jesus, whom having not seen you love (1 Peter 1:8a).

Don’t Delay

The story of Isaac provides one final type for consideration. When Abraham’s servant found Rebekah and asked her family for permission to return home immediately, they said, “Let the young woman stay with us a few days, at least ten; after that she may go” (Genesis 24:55).

These folks are a type of the world that tries to delay your making a commitment to Christ. “Sure, that sounds great,” they say. “But why don’t you wait awhile? There’s no hurry.” You may think, “When I die, I don’t want to die as a heathen. I want to die the death of the righteous—but later. I want to live a little first.”

Oh, what a misstatement! Those without Christ are spiritually dead in trespasses and sins. What they’re really saying is, “I want to stay dead a little longer.”

You don’t know what living is all about until you live in Christ. Paul said, For to me, to live is Christ (Philippians 1:21a). John said, He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life (1 John 5:12).

How did Abraham’s servant respond to the request for a delay? And he said to them, “Do not hinder me, since the Lord has prospered my way” (Genesis 24:56a).

Don’t delay in answering the call of God’s Spirit. Don’t let anyone hinder you. Will you commit your life to Jesus Christ? Will you begin the journey toward Him? That journey will one day lead you into His very presence in the glory of His kingdom.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version.

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