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40 Years—Calvary Chapel Chino Valley (Top Stories of 2021)

Calvary Chapel Chino Valley Celebrates 40 Years of Ministry

To celebrate all that our Lord Jesus has done in and through believers in the Calvary Chapel movement, we are republishing the top 40 stories of the year. Through January 7th, 2022, please enjoy Calvary Chapel Magazine’s most popular and well-read online stories from 2021.

Today we are also featuring The Church's Freedom Fight Continues and Calvary Chapel Mom Fighting Masks

Story by Karina Rosales
Photos by Tom Price

Article originally published on 7/30/2021.

On July 26, 1981, a young man named David Rosales brought his wife and three small children to a home filled with friends and family. He had been asked to begin teaching a Bible study to this group of people, which included about 30 adults and 10 children. Unbeknownst to everyone, this was the first Sunday morning service of what would one day become Calvary Chapel Chino Valley (CCCV), CA.

As the years passed, this small group of people grew through word of mouth and personal invitation. They occupied living rooms, rented an existing church, school auditoriums, office spaces, and in 1992 finally purchased a property in the city of Chino, CA. This run-down property—complete with an abandoned church, big red barn, stable, and several homes—slowly gave way to renovations and new buildings that would eventually hold thousands of churchgoers each week.

Man and woman in crowd

Marie looks to her husband, Pastor David Rosales, as they, their church, and the church family celebrate 40 years of ministry together.

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

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Four decades have passed since Pastor David opened his Bible that first Sunday morning, and the celebration that took place on Sunday, July 25, 2021, to commemorate this milestone, was a night filled with joyful tears, laughter, and thankfulness. The church pews overflowed with people who have called CCCV their home church throughout the years. Some visited from neighboring states, such as Nevada and Arizona, and others flew in from further parts of the country like Washington, Wisconsin, and New Jersey. For many, the event felt like a family reunion as smiles were exchanged, warm embraces held, and group photos were taken with old friends.

People standing listening

David and Marie (far right) enjoy the festivities with family; left to right, son Joseph and his wife, Karina, and daughter Anna Rivera, sitting next to Marie.

Worship leaders, singers, and musicians from throughout the years returned to play songs that were popular in each decade. Without skipping a beat, many people in the church found themselves clapping and singing along to songs they had not heard performed live in 10, 20, or even 30 years. There was a sentiment of both nostalgia and freshness as much of the music was played in new and creative ways, including mashups of older hymns alongside contemporary songs.

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David and Marie’s daughter Carin Schaller (left) and the Rosales' grandchildren enjoy the worship.

During one portion of the evening, the emcee shared how David Rosales’ pastor, Chuck Smith, was instrumental in growing and developing David as a Christian, a leader, and a pastor. Pastor Chuck passed away in 2013, leaving behind a ministry that resulted in Calvary Chapel churches being planted all over the world. A video recording from CCCV’s 25th anniversary service then began to play, which showed Pastor David reacting in both shock and joy as Chuck Smith surprised him from behind the stage.

People sitting talking on stage

David is joined onstage for a hilarious and heartwarming time of remembrance with Randy Walls of Calvary Chapel Upland, CA, and Dan Renshaw of Calvary Chapel Cle Elum, WA. Randy and Dan were the assistants at the beginning of Calvary Chapel Ontario which became Calvary Chapel Chino Valley.

Tears filled the sanctuary as everyone heard the familiar voice of the founder of Calvary Chapel. Pastor Chuck shared a sweet memory he had with David from the first time they visited the church property and began to dream and pray about what it could become. He then recited a portion of Scripture from Ephesians 3:20-21a: Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus.

Man singing with guitar

Musicians from different times through the 40 years came back to celebrate. Here, Byron Moline plays the guitar.

For those who have listened to Pastor David’s Bible studies throughout the years, it is no secret that he enjoys reflecting on his family to illustrate his teachings in a tangible way. He will often refer to his wife, Marie, or his four [now grown] children, Carin, David Aaron, Joseph, and Anna as a way to apply real-life situations to what is being taught in the Bible. For this event, David’s children took the opportunity to offer a different point of view of their family life.

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Daughter Anna Rivera (second from left) watches and appreciates the joy the event has brought her parents.

They gathered together to film a touching interview, during which they “turned the tables” and shared some of their experiences growing up as pastor’s kids. Each sibling had unique, yet profound, perspectives of their father’s ministry. Carin reflected, “When I walk out onto this church, I see our home. I see the places where we have stood together as a family and prayed. I see a man who has listened to our little feet run up and down the halls, and now he listens to our babies do the same.”

Man playing violin

Slides were projected showing the musicians performing back in the early days. Bob Mitchell plays the violin.

David Aaron thoughtfully related, “My dad practices what he preaches; he is the same person both on and off the pulpit. That man is my hero.”

Joseph followed, “He’s one of the only pastors I know who, even after 40 years, still studies and pours himself into his notes for each and every Bible study he gives.”

Anna concluded, “We have been able to see somebody be faithful for 40 years. We saw somebody faithfully love his wife, love his children, and love his church. I think that’s the strongest legacy you can leave.”

Women singing

Worship teams from different eras joined forces as the evening progressed. Pictured (left to right) are Melanie Morasse and Stephanie Gomez.

Pastor David was asked how the church has come to last for 40 years and continue making an impact in the community. He replied:

“I believe it is because we have never veered away from teaching God’s Word. One of the problems that many churches have today is the fact that they have fallen away from teaching the Bible and walking in God’s Spirit. Instead, many have gotten caught up with focusing on [social] issues. What saves people is not my ability to address the circumstances and situations in our culture. What saves people is preaching the Gospel, addressing those issues from a biblical perspective, and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us.”

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Julia Gastelum is part of the current team that shared worship that evening.

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

David continued, “I have remained faithful to teaching God’s Word the [same] way my pastor, Chuck Smith, modeled for us. That’s how we have reached the 40-year milestone, and that is what will keep the church going into the future.”

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

Man singing with guitar

The current worship leader, Jered Caballero, sings praises unto the Lord.


Man and woman in crowd

Both Marie and David enjoy their time with laughter.


People worshiping

Pastor Mike Rodriguez (left) of CC Corona, CA, worships with his wife Terri, and friends Pastor John and Robin Milhouse of CC Moreno Valley, CA.


Man under 40 years banner

David shares his thankfulness to the Lord, his wife and family, and his church family who made the miracle of Calvary Chapel Chino Valley possible, with the giant “40” looming behind him.


People worshiping

Pastors Dan Renshaw and Randy Walls enjoy worshipping with their wives.


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Sons David (left) and Joseph present their father with a special remembrance photograph.


Woman singing

The Spanish worship leader, Vanessa Hernandez, adds a Latin twist to the evening.


Man singing with guitar

Pastor and worship leader Holland Davis of CC San Clemente plays “Let it Rise,” which he wrote.


People standing listening

Left to right, son Joseph Rosales, his wife Karina Rosales, and Anna Rivera, stand with those who have been attending CC Chino Valley for the longest time.


Men laughing

Longtime friends pastors Holland Davis and John Milhouse enjoy a laugh with David after the close of the ceremonies.


Men talking

David received many hugs and congratulations from well-wishers beforehand from the congregation.


Man and woman in crowd

David and Marie expressed their joy for the evening as well as their thanks to the Lord for allowing David to shepherd the flock at Calvary Chapel Chino Valley through all 40 years.


Rosales family photo

David and Marie Rosales pose for a photo with their family. Photo taken by Billy Stuckman


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

© 2020 Calvary Chapel Magazine. All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.