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2021 Southeast CC Pastors’ Conference

Knowing The Time: 2021 Southeast Calvary Chapel Pastors’ Conference

Story and photos by Tom Price

Pastor Malcolm Wild of Calvary Chapel Merritt Island and his Florida church are hosting the annual Southeast Calvary Chapel Pastors’ Conference this Monday through Wednesday. For some, last year’s February meeting was the last vestige of fellowship before the country was locked down due to the pandemic that swept around the world. Malcolm wrote, “Now as we look to 2021, one thing is crystal clear: We are closer than ever to the coming of the Lord. I believe time is short.” The conference theme was aptly titled “Knowing the Time … Do This.”

Malcolm was grieved that they had to limit the number of attendees to 500 this year to allow for spacing due to the pandemic. Longtime Assistant Pastor Howard Davies commented that they have never witnessed such a desire from the Calvary Chapel family to attend the conference. “People are hungry for fellowship, worship, and to hear God’s Word taught,” Howard added. “We were heartbroken to have to limit people registering for the conference, but we knew we needed to do it.”

People talking and laughing

Yuriyanna Puffer, from Calvary Chapel Orlando, FL, shows her husband Jeremy (right) and his friends a photo she took of them as the Southeast Calvary Chapel Conference was about to start. The host church, Calvary Chapel Merritt Island, FL, sadly had to turn away many people as they tried to limit the participants because of COVID-19. Yuriyanna was carrying her 3-month-old baby.

Pastor Ken Graves of Calvary Chapel Bangor in central Maine ended the opening day with a hilarious introduction as he explained how the Lord created Eve by putting Adam to sleep and forming her out of his ribs. “Adam awoke to realize that something had changed. God took away any vestige of Adam’s feminine side and feelings,” Ken noted, to the roar of the congregation. “And now today, more than ever, men need to ‘man up’ and [be] the men God created us to be!”

Ken’s topic was “What Do You Do When America Falls?” The answer: Trust God completely. Ken also went on to explain how the persecution that churches are currently facing will prayerfully lead to a great revival. “The early church grew dramatically during the height of persecution in the Book of Acts. Christianity is currently growing at a phenomenal rate in China despite the communist party’s attempt to stop it,” Ken added.

Pastor Skip Heitzig talking at pulpit

Pastor Skip Heitzig, from Calvary Albuquerque, NM, shares from Roman 13 that now is the time for believers to awake out of sleep and do ministry in the last days.

Pastor Malcolm Wild handled the afternoon teaching, “Blooming Where You Have Been Planted.” God can do great and mighty things if you are a willing vessel. Malcolm spoke about Persian Queen Esther and how the Lord had put her in a position where she had to risk her life in order to come to the rescue of the Jews. Esther realized that the Lord put her in this position for a time such as this. Daniel became a light in decadent Babylonia through several dark administrations. “Are we a light in the darkness? The darkness may not get lighter, but we are called to shine the love of Jesus Christ, the ultimate Light,” Malcolm challenged the pastors.

Women talking by stage

Many friends were excited to see one another after months of separation and nearly a year of COVID-19 restrictions.

Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Church in Albuquerque, NM, began the first session, “Time to Awake Out of Sleep.” Skip shared that while the Church has been anticipating Jesus’ return for 2000 years, current events are bringing Bible prophecy to fruition now. Speaking from Ezekiel 38 and 39, Skip noted that the countries predicted to come together to attack Israel have become a coalition: Russia, Iran, Libya, and Turkey. As the Bible prophesied, Israel would discover precious commodities. Huge natural gas and oil reserves have been found, which could compete with Russia’s economic dependency on selling those commodities. “Wake up, wise up, suit up, and shape up,” Skip encouraged the congregation in these last days. We were put in the position of ministry in these last days before Christ’s return.

Pastor Kent Nottingham leads off devotions on Tuesday, followed by pastors Danny Hodges, Eric Souza, Razz Vasquez, Jim Gallagher, and Skip Heitzig again.

Man and woman standing

Pastor Malcolm and Carol Wild, the conference hosts, worship as the band plays. Malcolm spoke on blooming where the Lord has planted you. The conference theme was "Knowing the Time ... Do This." Malcolm commented on how many people were so eager to be back together again, worshiping the Lord after nearly a year of COVID shutdowns.


Crowd worship

A couple enjoys worship at the Southeast Calvary Chapel Conference this week.


Pastor Ken Graves talking at pulpit

Pastor Ken Graves of Calvary Chapel Bangor in central Maine spoke from Psalm 37 with the topic of trusting God completely. The title was "What Do You Do When America Falls?” He emphasized that the church will grow exponentially as persecution has begun.


All verses above are quoted from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

© 2020 Calvary Chapel Magazine. All rights reserved. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.® Used by permission.